Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

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The heaviest yielders have been LUI, Skunk #1 & White Skunk. Best smoke was WW but that's based on its really nice flavour; it doesn't produce a smack-you-on-the-sofa stone. ST4 has a very pleasant smoking flavour, yields like mad, has a more indica-type heavy high and is more mould resistant than anything I've grown. Sk1 was a massive producer but susceptible to bud mould. Kinda defeats the purpose.
Incidentally, if you're going to grow more than one strain in a SoG, pick strains that wind up similar in overall height. Height differences cause complexities, particularly in SoG ops where the plants are not movable within the op (i.e. NFT, bed of pellets, etc, not in individual pots of media).
hey al.

any noticeable difference in the PM with your sulfur burner going?

ohh and you should have been a pot teacher btw.

lol how did you get into EE?
i took two years of it in trade school, after high school i never pursued it any further though. great stuff though.
what was your main studies/work, since EE is a very broad field- if you dont mind answering, im not trying to get too personal.
hey al.

any noticeable difference in the PM with your sulfur burner going?

Too soon to tell, it's only been in there for a week or so.

ohh and you should have been a pot teacher btw.

Isn't that what I am? :)

lol how did you get into EE?

Was a licensed ham radio operator at age 8 onward, the rest is history. ;)

what was your main studies/work,

RF power circuitry and antenna design.

Al i was wondering if these pots are too small b/c finding 175mm pots in the states is not easy.
1 Gallon Black Trade Pot: Growers Solution

Yep, they say those are 6.5" x 6.5". 175mm is about 6.9".


Heathkit HW-101 forever! :)
Ham radio CW (morse) abbreviations.

What Al said is roughly

"Best regards old man, and 'good distance' -- haha!--See you later--from Australia."

Working a VK2 [Australia] station from the West Coast on a Heathkit would quite a QSO (conversation, contact) indeed.

I might respond:


Hello old man, and it is very good distance [indeed]; how is Oz? Be well, thanks for the contact. 'Best Regards' -- [please send postcard via American Radio Relay League.]

That might not be quite right, I never actually worked CW stations--never had a transceiver for the lower bands and until a few years ago I wasn't even licensed for 'em.
Amateur radio operators had jargon LONG before the first byte was bitten. ;)

When conversing in Morse code (aka CW or 'continuous wave'), where each letter can have up to 6 presses of the telegraph key, words naturally are abbreviated by the radio operators.

Of course, Mac translated my Morse code abbreviations spot on. :) The abbreviations Mac & I used are no different from the abbreviated slang now used for a very similar reason in SMS or TXT messaging, where each letter/number may require as many as 7 keypresses.

The radio I pictured was a Heathkit HW-101 radio transceiver. All vacuum tube, covers 3.5MHz-28MHz with CW or SSB (voice). Sold in kit form for the most part (though you could buy assembled radios at a high cost), very popular throughout the 1970s. Lots of ham ops used the venerable old Hot Water 101 to talk to the world long before you could easily post an email message for someone overseas. It was most teenaged hams' dream radio back in the day.

I still have one. :)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, back to the dope growing thing. ;)
Can't resist the ham crap for just one more minute. :D

Working a VK2 [Australia] station from the West Coast on a Heathkit would quite a QSO (conversation, contact) indeed.

Well, VK/ZL wasn't rare DX from 8/9 land on 20, 40 & 75m with my HW101. It's about 100W PEP in those bands, about 80W up on 15 & 10m, so with a good antenna, if you could hear it, you could work it. Lots of /6 land hams kept skeds with VK with a mere 100W. When sunspot cycle opened the band on 10m, I worked VK with 12W (converted SSB CB radio) and a 1/4 wave whip on a car. Skilled hams know when the bands are open. :)

Back in the 70s, if you wanted a 1500W PEP amplifier, for the most part, you had to build it yourself. It was usually possible to carry on a 4x8 - 5x9 ragchew with 100W from /6 with VK back then. These days, every lid with a credit card has a solid state kW in the boot of their car- and you can't hear a thing for all the slobs tuning up into their antenna instead of properly into a dummy load...

/ham crap off :D
hey big al dude on a scale of 1-10 how hard is it to set up that sog every 2 week harvest system

Dead simple setup and very easy to operate/maintain- if you do it the way I have, with pots of absorbent media in a flood sys.

If you introduce complexities like drip, DWC, aero etc. it can be lots and lots more difficult.

Picking the right space to build your grow will make or break the ease of setup and operation. Choose a securable space which has a durable floor, easy access to power, water and hopefully has some distance between it and potential snoops. Apartments are very tough places to set up an op. They have to be totally silent, totally scentless and are usually very hard to ventilate with those limits. If in an apt, a grow tent in a spare room or a freestanding wardrobe are better bets than a closet because they are easier to ventilate.
Dead simple setup and very easy to operate/maintain- if you do it the way I have, with pots of absorbent media in a flood sys.

If you introduce complexities like drip, DWC, aero etc. it can be lots and lots more difficult.

Picking the right space to build your grow will make or break the ease of setup and operation. Choose a securable space which has a durable floor, easy access to power, water and hopefully has some distance between it and potential snoops. Apartments are very tough places to set up an op. They have to be totally silent, totally scentless and are usually very hard to ventilate with those limits. If in an apt, a grow tent in a spare room or a freestanding wardrobe are better bets than a closet because they are easier to ventilate.
yea im good on that one though dude i live in a 3 floor house so im good there but i juss though i would ask ya about that sog every 2 week harvest or whatever cuz ive came across like 10 different threads of people talking about it and lots of different people talking about it so i was juss a lil curious to check it out
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