How do you burn your weed???

hey a blunt aint weed and tobacco, atleast not here. Its a Nice FAt Joint rolled with Cigar papers. Flavoured ones are the best.
Thinkin of a spliff. Although the odd time I put a bit of tobacco at the bottom of my bong rip. Shit gets me fucked up lol Like smoke 5 smokes at once
I go with the bong about 90% of the time. Fill in the remaining time with vaporizing and joints. I have an Arizer Extreme vaporizer, only about $160 and it works great. The stuff remaining from the vaporizer is brown, dry, and pretty much garbage. I hear some people keep it and use it for baking though.
I go with the bong about 90% of the time. Fill in the remaining time with vaporizing and joints. I have an Arizer Extreme vaporizer, only about $160 and it works great. The stuff remaining from the vaporizer is brown, dry, and pretty much garbage. I hear some people keep it and use it for baking though.

i have an arizer as well, and i don't really care for the stone i get from vap'ing, much prefer a nice bong rip or smoking out of glass..

hey op, you should check out a nice glass pipe instead of those old skool metal ones that you're using now.. i used to use metal pipes back in the day, but use only glass now and they taste 100x's better then metal imo...
Lots of great advise and a lot of poor attempts at humor. TWF seca are you as stoned as I am cause that don't make no sense or does it.....

It was in reference to the old monster movies where the village folk get together and work out their aggression by burning some poor monster created in a madman's lab. You know, like this:

It seems somewhat counterproductive to have to explain esoteric movie references.

Oh, wait - I remember where I am now, for a second there I thought I was still on
incredibowl still tryin to figure out what that is.

i got one look it up for a quick pic but i can take one and put it up. it only has a screen filter so dont know how effective it is. they say it is used for medical marijuana but i see them in the headshops by my house. wierd since everything in a headshop is for tobacco? but i consider a blunt a cigar or cigarillo that is split and gutted then filled with nice marijuana and then rolled back up. i dont like the flavored ones. i like garcia vega's they are nice and burn slow. and its a real leaf around it.
My first smoke was a joint.
I then smoked brass pipes
Then I used a vacuum cleaner exhaust to a bowl to a seal paper bag helmet.
I have 2 vaporiser's, a "Vapor Brothers" and a "Magic Flight Launch Box"

I prefer to smoke joints and use a grinder. I smoke a couple of joints when I get home, then another couple in the spas, them maybe another one, and then one at night if I wake up.

My Vapor Brothers is a great vape, guaranteed for like (and they are local). I like the Magic Flight Launch Box, as it is very portable and runs on batteries, so I can smoke in the car and no one will know.

My best smoking device was of course the Vacuum Power Blaster, fun at a party. We would throw a 1/2 ounce of Mexican at a time. If only we had some modern weed back then.

I think I will go up and smoke a joint of White Widow.

Be Right Back :joint:
OhMY!! Well I grew it and then I cured it and now I'm stoned so I thought I would talk a little rag time. Just lucky enough that I can waste a little bit of time, weed and money so I figured wtf.:D

Geez North and seca I got the movie reference but just missed the connection and it's freakin igor not egor and it's frankenstien NOT frankinstein so go fork yourselfs. JK. Spent many a nights watching Karloff and the gangs creepy movies. Saturday night was for acid , weed, Simon's sanctorum and some lady/Mistress of the darkness. WTF was her name....:?

racerboy I did have a nice glass pipe for a few years but after 50 drops it broke. That might be a good way to go. I don't know how your supposed to clean a glass pipe but I just boiled the shit out of it in a bean can. Sure worked.:D
What is a hemp wick hippiechick and dog you really getting up in the middle of the night to smoke a bone? wow dude you could be a pot addict so I don't even want to know about the vacuum power blaster. Sounds dangerous! Back in the day we did have a squeeze plastic bottle for shotguns but the bone ALWAYS canoed big time! :cry:

Well I sure wish I knew someone with a vaporizer. I would like to give it a shot before I spend the benjamins.. I did think a blunt was a stuffed cigar not weed wrapped in a cigar wrapper so maybe it's a regional thing. Thanks dudes and dudettes.

Seca/North. IT"S ALIVE!!! IT"S ALIVE!!! Rock on:hump: (PS. I'm not wearing any underwear.)
i love my grinder. i feel it burns faster but alot smoother. and for a nice bong rip smooth burning is a must.hemp wick is also a must.

i agree and disagree.. i agree a grinder is the way to go ! i know way too many people who don't use grinders and time after time i tell them they are wasting weed.. but they don't care apparently..

i disagree on using a hemp wick - i think they are garbage ! but thats just me :joint:
OhMY!! Well I grew it and then I cured it and now I'm stoned so I thought I would talk a little rag time. Just lucky enough that I can waste a little bit of time, weed and money so I figured wtf.:D

Geez North and seca I got the movie reference but just missed the connection and it's freakin igor not egor and it's frankenstien NOT frankinstein so go fork yourselfs. JK. Spent many a nights watching Karloff and the gangs creepy movies. Saturday night was for acid , weed, Simon's sanctorum and some lady/Mistress of the darkness. WTF was her name....:?

racerboy I did have a nice glass pipe for a few years but after 50 drops it broke. That might be a good way to go. I don't know how your supposed to clean a glass pipe but I just boiled the shit out of it in a bean can. Sure worked.:D
What is a hemp wick hippiechick and dog you really getting up in the middle of the night to smoke a bone? wow dude you could be a pot addict so I don't even want to know about the vacuum power blaster. Sounds dangerous! Back in the day we did have a squeeze plastic bottle for shotguns but the bone ALWAYS canoed big time! :cry:

Well I sure wish I knew someone with a vaporizer. I would like to give it a shot before I spend the benjamins.. I did think a blunt was a stuffed cigar not weed wrapped in a cigar wrapper so maybe it's a regional thing. Thanks dudes and dudettes.

Seca/North. IT"S ALIVE!!! IT"S ALIVE!!! Rock on:hump: (PS. I'm not wearing any underwear.)

lol, you've no idea of how many bowls i've broken from when i smoke in the car driving.. i would sit the bowl on my lap and cover it over with my coat or shirt or w/e in case i were to get pulled over..
than i'd get out and go to walk and just hear a big smash as my bowl hit the concrete.. one time i was walking around this mall like place for a good half and hour or longer when i heard that familiar smashing sound, and looked down to see my bowl in about 49 pieces or more.. i had put the bowl in my zipper fly and had forgotten about it, lol..
this is why i don't like to spend more than say $30 or so on a glass piece.

as far as cleaning it, i simply fill a glass or something up with a solvent, usually iso. alcohol and just let the piece soak for an hour or so, than shake it while holding the carb and hit hole to keep in the alcohol, than rinse with some warm water..
Geez North and seca I got the movie reference but just missed the connection and it's freakin igor not egor and it's frankenstien NOT frankinstein so go fork yourselfs. JK. Spent many a nights watching Karloff and the gangs creepy movies. Saturday night was for acid , weed, Simon's sanctorum and some lady/Mistress of the darkness. WTF was her name....:?
Seca/North. IT"S ALIVE!!! IT"S ALIVE!!! Rock on:hump: (PS. I'm not wearing any underwear.)

Her name was Elvira (that alabaster breasted beauty) - - And the name is Fronkensteen. :hump:

Oh & BTW to clean a glass piece, ziplock baggie w/ iso alcohol & rocksalt (or kosher) + shake, shake, shake !
That leaves them clean as a whistle without the worry of thermal fracturing.

BTWW, I'm wearing my wifes thong. - - - backwards. :shock:
to the op, if you're thinking about buying a vape, i highly suggest finding a friend who owns one and trying theirs first as a vape can be a pretty big investment, and i know a lot of people who have dropped down good money only to find that they don't like the high that they get from vape-ing, myself included..
if i would have tried a vape before i bought mine, i never would have bought one and simply would have gotten another roor or something nice along those lines instead..
to the op, if you're thinking about buying a vape, i highly suggest finding a friend who owns one and trying theirs first as a vape can be a pretty big investment, and i know a lot of people who have dropped down good money only to find that they don't like the high that they get from vape-ing, myself included..
if i would have tried a vape before i bought mine, i never would have bought one and simply would have gotten another roor or something nice along those lines instead..
i didnt like vape highs as much when i vaped at 325 degrees F, then tried it at 365 and got a much headier high. some people like 340-350 but its hard to tell the difference if you smoke many different types of weed