How do you burn your weed???

I am also old school/prefilter jo but we had a great selection of papers even back in the 70's. kush70 is right that there are about four billion(slight exaggeration) but the papers we used in the olden days are still with us. At the store today poking @ Rizla's, Jobs, Bamboo and of course Zigzags. My favorite paper of the day was like a roll of paper towels. You could roll a foot long joint with six hands and three people. Burned like shit and wasted weed but it was fun. There is only one kind of burn test kush and favorite paper question is no different than chevy/ford. Never be resolved. Tally Ho/ Juicy Jays?? better figure that out too. I think filters are cool but I just can't be bothered for the benefit. Lazy more than anything. :D

Head stores were legal 20 or 30 years ago here jo like you say but illegal now unless you say the paraphernalia is for "herbs" or "tobacco. Say the word weed and they throw you out. I am going to check and see if that place is still there. It would be worth the half hour drive to touch a $50.00 pipe before I bought it. "pinner" Ha Ha. I thought that was a regional thing related to the days when we sold joints for a buck a piece and the WERE pinners!! a big old EZ wider with a little bit of weed. Ha Ha.

I bought a book of Rizla + today and a book of Bugler. The Rizla's are a nice thin paper worthy of my rolling skills and the Buglers are like newspaper. The Buglers are tough though Ha Ha.I also fondled but did not buy a bunch of glass wear. I would have an easier time picking out clothes but a new pipe will out last any clothes I have God willing.
I wouldn't worry about a warrant for a bong delivery. They could also set up a sting at the head store and just take pictures of us going in and out. Shit a wave of paranoia just washed over me. I hope they weren't watching me today. :cry:

I am surprised that the stone is "different" using a Vaporizer. It does not make sense but I certainly don't doubt it. I sure wish I knew someone who had a vap I could use but all my old stoner buddies are just that. Fuck half of them couldn't figure out how to turn them on. I want to try one and will stuff the shit out of it with fine bud but that just don't do me no good. WTF! dank your right.. Big money on novelty shit.
Oh Yeah... I DID buy a $20.00 grinder. I'm just not sure what I think yet. It seems to clog with sticky moist weed and the capacity of this one sorta sucks. I did turn over dry commercial weed into dust during my test. Is it going to give me some decent kief? we will see. Right now it seems like I'm OK with breaking bud by hand but I may end up liking the grinder. I have to break a half OZ up to night. I want it to be ready to roll before I freezer bag it. I'm going to Jamaica on Thursday and it's going with me. I don't worry much cause NO ONE takes weed to Jamaica. HA HA. Most of their shit sucks anyway and cost to much.

I've never liked bongs and I pipe it only when I absolutely have to.
I used to prefer blades but it's way too harsh for me now.
I like smoking joints, most of the time with some tasty puff drops.
I like to mix the flavors up -- Orange & Vanilla tastes just like a creamsicle.
I like smoking a pipe but that shit smells like hell...don't wanna get caught with that plus I feel like a crack head smoking it in public. I tried the vaporizer and it works great but again, I'd only be able to use that while in hiding. Joints are good for me as I quit smoking cigarettes and kept smoking cigaweed. Bongs are great as smoking joints will cause respiratory illness over time due to inhaling the heated smoke...cooling the smoke is much better for the lungs. I think edibles are the way to go as it is much cleaner than all other methods. Whatever way u choose to smoke it...IMO it is still much healthier than cigarettes but the government will never admit to it.
OK Jaimie.. Just a couple of WTF questions. Like WTF is a "blade" and WTF are "Tasty Puff Drops"?. How about "Tally Ho"s and "Juicy Jay's"?

I bought a LITTLE grinder and I don't think I like it. At least not yet anyway. I did check out a Pal-O-Mines grinder and it worked alot better at grinding my moist green weed. The little fella got all clogged up but his did seem to grind it to a nice bone rolling texture. Even chewed up a little stem enough so that it did not spear threw the side of my wrapper. The COOL part about da buddies three part grinder was that it did seem do gather up the kief quite nicely. :leaf: Ha Ha.. checked out the glass again. They are NOT giving that stuff away! Figures that the one I like the best was a $100.00. I know it would last for years but that's a pile of cake for a little pipe.

Getting ready to go to the airport. Having weed in my luggage along with some prescription meds not prescribed to me is getting me bunched up! It always does provide a tension filled morning Ha Ha WTF ARG!! Better take a Xanax. Wish me luck!:D
I am psyched. I made it to new orleans with a big bag of fine bud for my vacation. I had rolled 20 fat ones for the trip is well but I was a wimp and left them at home. 15 grams had better last me a week at sea! Yippee kai yay mother f*****