The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
Ehh, i got a thread in the CFL section of this forum, but its not 12/12fs..

I will be making a thread though soon for my 12/12 from seed party cups.. I've always had good results using 16 ounce cups and 12/12 from seed.. Most people that see these plants are amazed at how small they are.. LOL


Well-Known Member
I m going to start to use the little coco pellets you can get,they start off like 4 cm circles bout 1 cm deep,and expand to about 8c by 8cm I think,look good for starting things off as less transplant shock when re-potting if you use soil like I do.
I've used those before and they aren't bad...but be sure to soak them sufficiently. They take a lot longer to properly expand than the peat pellets. Personally, I found the coco pellets to be a little "tough". Didn't seem to me like there was enough "space" in there for the roots to freely grow. They were very tightly compacted, even when fully saturated, and I don't know... I just wasn't happy with them. I ended up pulling my little seedlings out of them and putting them directly into my coco mix once they were above the soil.

I also found the coco pellets to be considerably more expensive that the peat pellets... I use the peat pellets and simply stick the whole pot, with seedling intact, into my coco mixture once I'm ready to transplant. Zero shock.


Well-Known Member
DEL I've got no money right now but I'm dying to do some 12-12fs!!! I saw back at the beginning of this thread you grew some with CFLs..that's something I could do right now!! How many CFLs did you use and what watts? Anyone else doing 12-12fs with CFLs? 600w of CFLs wouldn't jack up the light bill like a 600w HPS, right?
You can certainly grow end to end with CFL. I've done so with beautiful results. And like Del said, 600w is 600w. You're paying for the leccy either way, no matter what the 600w is powering...HID, CFL, hair dryer, toaster over, etc.

Now, if done right, 600w ACTUAL of CFL, equals about 3000watts equivalent...but that is equivalent to an incandescent bulb...NOT an MH/HPS, at least not in light penetration.

600w of CFL - 6 23w bulbs equalling 100w equivalent each, is very economical and you can flower a plant or two using these.


Well-Known Member
Big; nice plants you have, I use a 400w hps also.
Grape; Love to see your 16 oz cups full of cute little weeds.
Bluejeans; Is coco that much better than soil? Does it give similar taste to soil? I'm old so need my earthy taste...grow
Thanks dude,and its just how I grow them,evens out the plant auxin's meaning a more even plant canopy ;),so it all gets light, I don't get why people use them silly autoflowers,when I can yield the same if not better and have nicer buds,also costs me less electricity wise :D
Well, I, for one, am using silly autoflowers because I don't know what the F I'm doing and figure there is less to screw up! However, I'm trying 12/12 also and will likely just use 12/12 if I can grow anything successfully.

Off topic, but why do people opt for the non-digital Volcano? Is there an advantage to it or a disadvantage to the digital? When I actually have something to put in it I'm going to buy one or the other.


Well-Known Member
On those auto, I read you should run them at 18/6, because they start flowering when they reach a certain age. Also people say you don't get weight off autos. Stick to your plan and your learn so


Well-Known Member
I accidentally left on the overhead light in my closet during my plant's dark time last night. I wonder how much that will screw her up...

Here she is in all of her non-budding glory this morning...



Well-Known Member
what size pot can i use to do this from start to finish? anyone know?
Del uses three pots sizes to control the plant size. I use a small pot, 1gal, then put it in 3gal or 4gal to finish. It all depends on how big you want your weeds. If you put a sativa dom. in a 3gal pot it could shoot up to 4ft, then you LST or super


Well-Known Member
Del uses three pots sizes to control the plant size. I use a small pot, 1gal, then put it in 3gal or 4gal to finish. It all depends on how big you want your weeds. If you put a sativa dom. in a 3gal pot it could shoot up to 4ft, then you LST or super

how big does your get in a 3 gallon?


Well-Known Member