is this heat stress?

The very tips of my leaves are curling slightly, is this normal? The leaves are a healthy green, no yellowing. Some leaves are sort of wavy. Is this due to heat or overwatering. I don't think it's overseeing, but just covering all the bases. Any info is appreciated thanks!:hug:


Active Member
Some pictures would be helpful. Otherwise if you are giving them too much nutrients that could be it or you are overwatering them. I need more info to give you my opinion and some pics as well. Otherwise im going to have to go with lack of N


Well-Known Member
Yep, pics would be great... However, crazy shaped, "twisting" leaves and crispy, curled edges are sometimes a good indicator of heat stress... And the curling... Idk... Without pics itz a tough one, but I'm leaning towards the heat stress... Usually, if its a real N def, the leaves would be yellow and mabye curled a bit, not twisted, and if it were an N burn, it MIGHT resemble what he described... So, again, without pics, Idk... I'd like to see it tho...
Whatz yer setup? Lights? Distance from canopy? Fans? Exhaust? CO2?
My set up is two cool white 2700k bulbs and I open the box (1x1x2.5) lat number is height. Speaker box I hollowed out. I'm using 1/4 strength 15-30-15 the soil is pretty decent on nutes so im leaning towards heat stress because of the healthy dark green color.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone asked the all important question???? What are your temps? If you are overwatering your plant will look puffy and clawed. How often are you watering??? stay high
Has anyone asked the all important question???? What are your temps? If you are overwatering your plant will look puffy and clawed. How often are you watering??? stay high
Average temp of 80 degrees F watering with 1/4 nutrition solution when soil is dry 1 inch deep. My plants went clawed, I know how bad it can get. Just the tips are bending down and my lower leaves have a "wave" to them or wrinkle if you will. Leaves are healthy dark green and roots are growing tremendous ly over the last three days So no stress from roots for sure.


Well-Known Member
temps are ok not ideal but ok not enough to stress them out... You might be overwatering.
How big are your babies and what size pot? You should let the pot dry out to where it feels like air then water. the idea is to let the roots stretch a little. they can consume water from a short distance. I think upto a 1/4 of an inch but i'm not 100% on that statistic.
I assume you are only using nutes every other water or so? If so you might want to go water water nutes... I'm sure you have heard when it comes to nutes less is more. stay high


Well-Known Member
TY speakergrower... My next question WAS going to be whatz yer temps... Sometimes we don't get a chance to arrive at our point on here... 80's fine, if u have it ventilated well enough... Without proper circulation, it could cause some heat stress issues... That's close to what what I run on avg(mine is around 76-78 on avg), and I never have any stress with them... But, I have 1200W of HID in the closet too... And, I have an ac supply line ducted into the thing, with mad fan action, just enough to supply new air, and remove old air, constantly and efficiently...
TY speakergrower... My next question WAS going to be whatz yer temps... Sometimes we don't get a chance to arrive at our point on here... 80's fine, if u have it ventilated well enough... Without proper circulation, it could cause some heat stress issues... That's close to what what I run on avg(mine is around 76-78 on avg), and I never have any stress with them... But, I have 1200W of HID in the closet too... And, I have an ac supply line ducted into the thing, with mad fan action, just enough to supply new air, and remove old air, constantly and efficiently...
Some plants it seems react differently to heat stress, some of mine curl and some droop really bad. Hard to tell if I have a deficiency I doubt it because of the great color.


Well-Known Member
If they r drooping, u may be watering them too much... Try cutting back a bit with the waterings... They should be "praising the lights", as mine are currently doing... And u r correct... Plants r like people, we come in all shapes and sizes and colors and smells and dispositions, and so it is with cannabis... U just haveta find the "sweet spot" and deduce whatz best to do with each grow, until u have worked out all the bugs, literally and metaphorically...