George Zimmerman

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
is the guy who shot trayvon martin. but no one saw anything. what if george was honestly acting in self defense? and now everyone is hating him. no one will know the real story since theres no witnesses. after reading all the trouble the kid has been in weeks before the shooting i could understand why trayvon would start to throw punches at zimmerman exspecially if their following you. trayvon probably felt threatened by zimmerman. i know i would if a big dude like him was walking up to be being assurtive when i was 17. trayvon could be the one who acted in self defense. maybe he felt threatened by zimmerman.
There's witnesses here trust me. Some of them say they saw travyon attacking george before he was shot. Also he was suspended from school at the time. Originaly they said it was for being late to class but it turned to to be that he had a bag of grass in his bookbag lol
yeah i saw that some traces of marijuana haha yeah i read that george was all bloody and shit when the cops showed up. i only read about one witness who was a young boy who saw that george was bloody after he herd the shot fired. it was dumb odf him to follow trayvon ^^ even after the dispatcher said not to. what do you guys think is going to happen?
if i was george no matter if i felt guily or inoccent i would hate my life now. everyone knows who you are what you look like. people want him dead. hes gotta hide somewhere what a wonderful way to spend a couple month.
Whatever happens, happens. George shouldn't have been following him or he would have never been in this mess. I remember at one point during the call he said something like "Fucking Coons" under his breath.
Well the law is called "Stand Your Grand" not "Chase the teenager with a loaded gun"
^^^LIKE LIKE LIKE^^^ - even after the dispatcher told him to stop following him. Also Trayvon was on the phone telling his mom "some guy is following me...", George Zimmerman is a coward and deserves all the street justice coming his way. Trayvons past school violations doesn't constitute him being stalked and gunned down especially when all he had was skittles and Iced tea. yeah that's a criminal. The facts are George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon. If you stalked me and tried to stop me I would bash your head in the concrete too, especially at age 17 in the dark alone with a 240lb man following you. A hoodie is not reasonable cause for suspicion, despite any media biased or govt terrorism pamphlets.
LIKE LIKE LIKE - even after the dispatcher told him to stop following him. Also Trayvon was on the phone telling his mom "some guy is following me...", George Zimmerman is a coward and deserves all the street justice coming his way. Trayvons past school violations doesn't constitute him being stalked and gunned down especially when all he had was skittles and Iced tea. yeah that's a criminal. The facts are George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon. If you stalked me and tried to stop me I would bash your head in the concrete too, especially at age 17 in the dark alone with a 240lb man following you

Like. I posted this story earlier after hearing George's phone call. I was actually read to defend George at first because I knew everyone would be against him 'for shooting a black kid' as I hate the racism card being pulled, but I heard the calls and thought 'No, this guy IS actually a prick.'
I've tried my best not to follow this. The news turned it into a major race thing. There are witnesses who have come forward and said there was an altercation, I don't know who *started* the physical altercation though. I'd rather this play out in a court room rather than the media. All these people talking about justice are perpetuating the exact opposite in my opinion by hanging the guy with help from the media.
The guy might not 'hate' black people but we all acknowledge racial stereotypes. Let's face it, they exist for a reason. What he did was wrong regardless of the boy's race.

I almost had to laugh when he was was like 'There's a black kid...' ('OMFG NIGGA HOOD RAT, I'M SCARED')

That's what I was saying, I knew people would play it up to be a mainly race thing. He didn't shoot the boy because he hates black people, he shot him because he was paranoid and ignorant.

To only focus on the black thing is like wanting to lynch someone for saying black people like fried chicken.

We all know it's true for the majority.
You know what I was doing when I was 17??? Masturbating and reading comics, it's really easy to be a teenager... Just go to school, come home eat/ jerk off/ play video games that's it.. When you're 18 you should be looking for a job like everyone else... I have no idea what this whole Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman case is about but leave me out of this one folks... The media ain't gonna have me by the strings and puppet fuck me, Sallie Mae is already doing that to me, lol...
oh no! a teenager got killed, this an an outrage!

fuck em' both.
dead people and criminals get way too much attention.
So they want me to wear a hoodie to Sunday school now??? I don't like hoodies, I like my casual slack pants/dress shirt and a tie, can I just stick with that???
haha yes please. some people cannot/ should not wear a hoodie. like all the news people they just look ridiculous. i found EWOK!
The dispatcher never told Zimmerman to stop following him. He said" You don't have to do that", that isn't an order and even if it were, the dispatcher has zero authority to issue commands and the caller has zero liability to follow them.

Example: If the dispatcher ordered you to hide in a closet and a killer came and found you and killed you, could you sue the dispatcher? Nope, the dispatcher cannot lawfully order you to do a goddamned thing, they aren't police officers either, they are just ordinary people.

Its a tragedy that things escalated like they did, while none of us will ever know the whole truth, it is best to let the courts decide as that is the way civilized society acts. Don't jump on the bandwagon demanding blood, or you are no better than they.
Funny, Obama is black/white mix, President of the U.S., and black people claim him as black.
Zimmerman is white/latino mix, kills a kid, and black people refer to him as a cracker.

Trayvon was no innocent kid. Zimmerman was wrong for pursuing him, but hearing the backlash against white people is only making me more angry. I was not raised racist, I loved everyone.
But just like the people in Florida, maybe I'll make a T-shirt that uses a racial slur towards blacks. I am growing more angry everyday at blacks in America. Call that racist, so be it, but everything is coming to a head for this nation.

Where were these folks with all the black on black murders in Chicago the past few months, or ANY CITY, IN ANY STATE? Where were they? Where is the outrage from Obama for the black on white beatings IN THE NAME OF "HATE WHITEY" in Pittsburgh, Wisconsin State Fair, Philly, and other areas.

Where was our President in those cases?

And they need to quit showing the same picture of Trayvon as a kid. The young man was 6 foot 3 and sucker punched the guy. If my head was getting bashed on concrete, I'd have taken the necessary actions to put a stop to it. Don't get it twisted, Zimmerman was wrong for pursuing, but he eventually had to act.