George Zimmerman

I think everyone needs to watch American History X. NO SIDE is painted as totally innocent or evil, but shows everybody's utter stupidity.
Funny, Obama is black/white mix, President of the U.S., and black people claim him as black.
Zimmerman is white/latino mix, kills a kid, and black people refer to him as a cracker.

Trayvon was no innocent kid. Zimmerman was wrong for pursuing him, but hearing the backlash against white people is only making me more angry. I was not raised racist, I loved everyone.
But just like the people in Florida, maybe I'll make a T-shirt that uses a racial slur towards blacks. I am growing more angry everyday at blacks in America. Call that racist, so be it, but everything is coming to a head for this nation.

Where were these folks with all the black on black murders in Chicago the past few months, or ANY CITY, IN ANY STATE? Where were they? Where is the outrage from Obama for the black on white beatings IN THE NAME OF "HATE WHITEY" in Pittsburgh, Wisconsin State Fair, Philly, and other areas.

Where was our President in those cases?

And they need to quit showing the same picture of Trayvon as a kid. The young man was 6 foot 3 and sucker punched the guy. If my head was getting bashed on concrete, I'd have taken the necessary actions to put a stop to it. Don't get it twisted, Zimmerman was wrong for pursuing, but he eventually had to act.
the part of all this that really surprises me is the extent of the outrage across the nation. people actually seem more pissed about this incident than when an actual cop shoots an unarmed guy. like that young unarmed black kid a couple months back who got shot through his windshield by a police officer who manufactured a threat and "stopped it" (happened in new york). people were pissed, but not like this.

i do find the "white hispanic" references amusing, though. if he would have robbed a store, the news would most definitely have referred to him as simply hispanic. but since he shot a black kid it's suddenly important to point out that he's a "white hispanic". the media makes me want to puke.
Agreed. I think it may be that because he was NOT a police officer, he could have just gone about his business (he was instructed to) but took it upon himself to whip out a gun and kill the kid.
First I want to say one thing. I dont see color I see people. Next I have 2 wonderful friends who live in Sanford Fla. The people in Sanford are not the ones raising hell. The people raising hell have been bussed in too there town from all over the country. The black panthers have pretty much taken over the town. They have posted a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman. This has gone way out of control. I agree with some of you. This should have never happened .
But this kid was suspended from school in Miami not Sanford for beating the hell ont of a bus driver an all kinds of shit. How ever kids do get in trouble. Big deal. But I truly hate some one lost their life. No one had to die. Just a sad thing.
I hear his Mom applied for patents no his name, tell me shes not wanting to make money off this.

She's preventing other people (per her lawyer's advice) from making money off of this.

There is a thread about this very subject in the politics/news section that has been raging for days. Do we really need to bring it into toke and talk?
Whatever happens, happens. George shouldn't have been following him or he would have never been in this mess. I remember at one point during the call he said something like "Fucking Coons" under his breath.
He had every right to follow watch any body he felt like in his neighborhood. I've followed many a people, always with a gun.

The question here really should not be about GZ actions, but the actions of the police and how they handled the situition and why NO ONE WAS BROUGHT IN FOR QUESTIONING, was this such a clear cut case that no one was given a ride? Is there a coverup? Were they just sloppy.

Here is my JOKE OF THE DAY:

Breaking news, George Zimmerman has been charged with shooting coons out of season.

I bet if George had not shot him the the kid would be in jail now.
yeah i saw that some traces of marijuana haha yeah i read that george was all bloody and shit when the cops showed up. i only read about one witness who was a young boy who saw that george was bloody after he herd the shot fired. it was dumb odf him to follow trayvon ^^ even after the dispatcher said not to. what do you guys think is going to happen?
if i was george no matter if i felt guily or inoccent i would hate my life now. everyone knows who you are what you look like. people want him dead. hes gotta hide somewhere what a wonderful way to spend a couple month.
There is a witness that saw Trayvon on top of George beating the shit out of him, George looked at the witness and cried for help. The witness went in the house and dialed 911, when he looked out tray was on the ground dead.

I think George gets no billed and they burn the mother fucker down.
ew dude that's probably the creepiest thing i've ever heard on here..

to know that some weirdo could be following me around with a gun, watching me... that's just not alright, at all.
Then don't come in my neighborhood. Does it creep you out that I am driving next to you with a .357 and a 9mm and 150 rnds of ammo? Does it creep you out that I can hit a 5" plate @ 500 yrds with an AR15? Does it creep you out that I am well traind and an expert marksmen? Does it creep you out that I fly with Firearms all over the country.

Get thye fuck out you judgemently wanker.
nobody is right on this one. kid was a real shit. guy should not have followed him.
Bullshit! He had every right to follow him and the little fuck had every right to just keep walking and mind his own fucking business, this was Georges neighborhood, a gated community BTW and as a homeowner had everyright to "POLICE" his property.
Breaking News: The lead investigator the night of Trayvon's murder in an affidavit said manslaughter charges should be brought against Zimmerman because his recounting of events did not add up and was unconvincing to the investigator.
Innocent people die every day from gunshot wounds. They also die from car accidents heart attacks, and cancer. Why is this national news? Why haven't we banned McDicks and the BK Lounge yet? Seems like another attack on the 2nd Amendment to me

If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon. Hahahaa yeah right. Milk it as long as you can Mr. President