George Zimmerman

Zimmerman is Latino.........why are blacks angry with "whites?"
that's my only question. this isn't about race, this is about two people looking for trouble......and finding it. why are black leaders whipping up anger towards whites? go yell at the Latinos.
yes i dont see how they call him a cracker if anything when you first look at him you think mexican. he does not look white at all.
It sucks someone pointlessly lost their life, but if the kid started the physical assault against Zimmerman - he fucked up.

zimmerman pursued martin, he was the aggressor, and now he is trying to claim self defense under the "stand your ground" law.

following someone around, first in you car, then on foot for several hundred yards, is not "standing your ground" by any measure.

zimmerman fucked up, but unlike martin, he will actually have his day in court to have his unconvincing and constantly changing story heard.
i live in philly so i just assume everybody i come into contact with has a gun 80% of the time im right.but they should put that motherfucker under the jail
zimmerman pursued martin, he was the aggressor, and now he is trying to claim self defense under the "stand your ground" law.

following someone around, first in you car, then on foot for several hundred yards, is not "standing your ground" by any measure.

zimmerman fucked up, but unlike martin, he will actually have his day in court to have his unconvincing and constantly changing story heard.

Honestly the Zimmerman's story doesn't make any sense after that 911 call. At any point the guy should not have pulled the trigger, he was obviously 'subdued.'
Honestly the Zimmerman's story doesn't make any sense after that 911 call....

i agree, and so does the guy who had the most exclusive interview with zimmerman that anyone will ever have.

the guy whose job it is to sniff out bullshit stories thinks zimmerman's story "does not add up" and was left "unconvinced".

and since then, zimmerman's tall tale has changed a few times.

and it's not like zimmerman doesn't have a history of shit like this. he had to take anger management classes after getting arrested for assaulting a police officer after being warned to stay away several times, and his girlfriend had to get a restraining order on him after he hit her (of course, he claimed she hit him first, sound familiar?).

that history, combined with the contents of the 911 call (these assholes always get away, fucking coons) has me assuming the worst about zimmerman even before i hear his constantly evolving and changing version of events.
Following someone is not illegal. If Trayvon felt threatened he should have called the police. It is never ok to throw a punch at someone or even put your hands on them. Whoever made the first physical contact is in the wrong. I don't know if we'll ever know who made the first physical contact, but whoever first crossed this line, had consequences coming.

A closed fist is a better weapon than an open hand slap, and a gun is a better weapon than a fist. A weapon is a weapon, and like it or not when you ball up your hand, and start hitting someone with it, you are using a weapon on someone, giving them the right to use a weapon of there choice for defense. They might kick you, they may punch you, or if they are a little crazy shoot or stab you. This is why you have to be careful when getting into fights with strangers.
Following someone is not illegal. If Trayvon felt threatened he should have called the police. It is never ok to throw a punch at someone or even put your hands on them. Whoever made the first physical contact is in the wrong.

not exactly.

the florida justifiable use of force law does not work that way.

although following someone is not illegal, it is not "standing your ground".

once you start following someone like zimmerman did, especially after being told it was not necessary, that makes him the aggressor under florida law.

776.041 Use of force by aggressor.—The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who:(1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself

notice how the law does not say "initially provoked the justifiable use of force against himself or herself"?

so, by actively pursuing someone else, you are no longer covered under florida's justifiable use of force law (aka "stand your ground" law), unless....

(a) Such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he or she is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he or she has exhausted every reasonable means to escape such danger other than the use of force which is likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the assailant; or
(b) In good faith, the person withdraws from physical contact with the assailant and indicates clearly to the assailant that he or she desires to withdraw and terminate the use of force, but the assailant continues or resumes the use of force.

we can already rule out (b) because we have the 911 tapes, and no where do we he hear zimmerman "indicate clearly that he desires to withdraw", all we heard were screams for help followed by a gunshot.

the part in question is (a). now, since we have no witnesses that saw what happened immediately before the gunshot, it is tough to say. but we do have a witness who saw what happened maybe 1-3 seconds after the gunshot, and she says that zimmerman was on top of martin, straddling him. i would hesitate to say that someone who is on top of his victim mere seconds after shooting him had "exhausted every reasonable means of escape", not to mention there is zero physical evidence of zimmerman's injuries.

zimmerman has a history of anger and violence. he had to take anger management classes after he was arrested for assaulting a police officer. his ex put a restraining order on him after he assaulted her (once again, he claims she hit him first). the 911 tapes clearly indicate his aggressive nature that night (these assholes always get away, fucking coons).

and the interrogator whose job it is to sniff out bullshit stories said his was "unconvincing" and "did not add up".

this is going to be one hell of a show when it goes to trial, might even be better than the OJ case.
I don't really care how the law reads. I'm just talking about right and wrong. You can't go around putting your hands on others and expect no consequences. There are pretty much two ways I see this going down, both equally likely.

The first scenario I could see is Zimmerman saying stuff to Trayvon as he followed him, and Trayvon ignoring him or being a smart ass(which he has every right to do.) And Zimmerman feeling disrespected and on a power trip, then trying to restrain Trayvon until the police arrived(Which he has no right to do.) And then getting his ass kicked in a fair fight and pulling a gun when he realized Trayvon was going to get the better of him. If this is how it happened then Zimmerman should serve his time in jail or face the street justice that may be headed his way. Because if this is what happened, Zimmerman started a fight(by making physical contact), got his ass kicked, and then pulled a gun and killed an innocent man.

The second scenario I could imagine is Zimmerman was following Trayvon and at some point started telling him to stop, or questioning him in a way that Trayvon felt offended by. After telling Zimmerman several times to leave him alone snapped and started beating up Zimmerman(making first physical contact and in my opinion starting the fight), only to have a gun pulled on him. If this is how it went down then I think Zimmermans actions were ok. Once someone engages him in a fight, he has the right to try his hardest to win the fight and defend his life. Even if it means using a gun.

Basically no one knows what happened for sure. There is a good chance Zimmerman was the aggressor, but it also possible that he was attacked and defended himself.
just look into his eyes... he's a cold muthafucka!


Black kids play basketball like Canadian kids play hockey. They start playing it early, and they care about it a lot, generally more than suburban or rural white kids do. That's why they're so good at it. It's hard to find white kids with the same basketball background.