George Zimmerman

Zimmerman should have just called the cops, and let them handle it, but by killing that boy, he was immeadiately wrong. But thats assuming his self defense story is true.
Which it seems kinda fake, so then all we are left with is a murder of an un-armed boy

you can watch the surveillance video of zimmerman entering the police station. no cuts, nose does not appear to be broken or even bleeding, no grass stains on his shirt.

something is rotten in denmark.
Everyone is armed. Fists and feet can be deadly. Especially when they are on top of you beating you.

yet somehow zimmerman didn't have a bruise, a cut, a scratch, or a laceration on him in the surveillance video at the police station.

he took such a beating that it didn't leave a single mark on him.

this is damning. absolutely damning.
I think at this point Zimmerman should be begging to be put on trial. Because he's being judged one way or another. At least in a court room the people in charge of his fate will have all the facts and evidence and full knowledge of Florida's laws.

If he's found not guilty by a jury, will the public forgive him?

The problem with being a vigilante is when you're right you're a hero but when you wrong, you just harassed an innocent civilian and may now have to pay the price. This is why I always mind my own business. I don't think I've ever called the cops or broken up a fight in my life.
You make it sound like they do have evidence. Why aren't they doing anything then?

forensic and ballistic analysis are not instantaneous, and they are actually investigating it right now. so it's not the case that they are not doing anything, as you claim.
I think at this point Zimmerman should be begging to be put on trial.

if i were him, i'd be looking at airfare to countries that don't extradite while i was still a free man, because he probably won't be for long.

for a man claims to have just had his skull smashed into the concrete repeatedly, he sure is lacking stuff like bruises, or cuts, or even a scratch.
Well punches to the face and a banged up head aren't always visible in photos. Also many times after being punched it doesn't bruise until the next day. But if it's as clear cut as you guys say, with the evidence and all, I think Zimmerman will have his day in court. Unless there is a racist conspiracy going on down there in the dirty south.
forensic and ballistic analysis are not instantaneous, and they are actually investigating it right now. so it's not the case that they are not doing anything, as you claim.
I was saying IF they had evidence, cause you were saying they did, then why don't they arrest him. And of course they're investigating, I never said they weren't. When I said "You make it sound like they do have evidence. Why aren't they doing anything then? " I meant why aren't they doing anything with the "evidence".
Well punches to the face and a banged up head aren't always visible in photos. Also many times after being punched it doesn't bruise until the next day. But if it's as clear cut as you guys say, with the evidence and all, I think Zimmerman will have his day in court. Unless there is a racist conspiracy going on down there in the dirty south.

he claimed to have a laceration on the back of his head. not a scratch though.
so, does anyone else find it odd that trayvon was tagged as a john doe for 3 days, yet the police reported filed just hours later has trayvon's full name and date of birth on it?

how is that even possible?

this thing fucking stinks to high heaven.
they just released surveillance tapes of zimmerman at the police station, they show no injury at all to the guy, no grass stains on his back as were claimed.

there is zero physical evidence that he was assaulted and now there is some evidence showing that he does not appear to have any wounds on him at all.

Id like to see where you read this. Please post link.Here in Tampa they showed Zimmerman on Tv with his face bruised an scratches all over his back, Now you have a video that shows different. Something is so wrong here.
is the guy who shot trayvon martin. but no one saw anything. what if george was honestly acting in self defense? and now everyone is hating him. no one will know the real story since theres no witnesses. after reading all the trouble the kid has been in weeks before the shooting i could understand why trayvon would start to throw punches at zimmerman exspecially if their following you. trayvon probably felt threatened by zimmerman. i know i would if a big dude like him was walking up to be being assurtive when i was 17. trayvon could be the one who acted in self defense. maybe he felt threatened by zimmerman.
.....he chose to be a hes a murderer...fuk him and all whome are like him!!!
The national news is running this story, you think it may just be to keep the ratings up??
Hearsay is all it is, no blood what if he was cleaned up?
I hear his girlfriend wasn't even on the phone with him.
Whats happening to the USA when a 17 yearold can't put a beat down on
some body without getting shot?
If you don't like the laws put down your pipes long enough to go vote this year.
The national news is running this story; you think it may just be to keep the ratings up??
Hearsay is all it is, no blood what if he was cleaned up?
I hear his girlfriend wasn't even on the phone with him.
Whats happening to the USA when a 17 yearold can't put a beat down on
some body without getting shot?
If you don't like the laws put down your pipes long enough to go vote this year.

Oh hush now ... they'd NEVER do that. cn