George Zimmerman

Then don't come in my neighborhood. Does it creep you out that I am driving next to you with a .357 and a 9mm and 150 rnds of ammo? Does it creep you out that I can hit a 5" plate @ 500 yrds with an AR15? Does it creep you out that I am well traind and an expert marksmen? Does it creep you out that I fly with Firearms all over the country.

Get thye fuck out you judgemently wanker.

And if he doesn't what will you do about it? And want me to go into where you're *bullshitting * folks here as regards firearms? Shall we start with your claims as to your AR? 500 yards 'eh..........if it's scoped WOOOPPPP TE DOOOOO , if it's open sighted then B U L L S H I start wityh all the bullshit caterwauling about what ya did as a boot. B U L L S H I T.

We'll put something in perspective for you , though you could find it out from other threads. I'm an avid Varminter , and also an F-Class and other BenchComp competitor.............capische? Start yapping at *me* and attempting to bullshit folks about firearms further within this thread and I will *make a point* to embarass you.

And YOU and individuals LIKE you are the sort that give the anti 2nd crowd crowd a significant portion of their ammunition. And I seriously doubt that you " fly with firearms all over the country " , that's just more dickwaving on your part in an attempt to impress folks and prop up your " credential"s........

And do I really NEED to go into what's wrong as regards that " 150 rounds of ammo"? Tell me are ya carrying it? Yeah you know where this is going......

Keep in mind that one of those classes I shoot is "light gun"............I know *exactly* what it takes to make hits at extended distance with 5.56/'re a bullshit artist pounding his chest , nothing more nothing less.

that's not even a photo of trayvon, moron.
I heard the 911 tape and travon was screaming for help about 6 or 7 times before I heard the gunshot go off . Not to mention he was found face down. So either he was shot execution style or was trying to run away from zimmerman. He should get locked up imo. So should that cop who shot Oscar grant while he was unarmed and in handcuffs .

Stick to the facts , they'll convict Z'Man , the kid was shot in the chest NOT " execution style".

And the cop who shot Grant , turn that piece a shit loose in the yard at Mule Creek , Tehachapi or Corcoran. It will take care of itself , or there's the "units" at Soledad and Wasco they could just toss him in , he'd last about 5 minutes.

Don't get me started on that one , " mistook a sidearm for a Taser" , I'd like about ten seconds with his hand and a ballpeen hammer.
If everyone is so convinced Zimmerman is guilty why does Zimmerman have a broken nose ,cuts all over the back of his head an back. Witnesses have already made it clear it was Zimmerman yelling . Not Martin. An no Martin did not live in this neighbor hood. He lived in Miami. He was kicked out of school for 14 days for beating the hell out of his bus driver. The neighborhood he died in was where his dads girl friend lived .Sanford Fla.

You haven't seen the PD tapes have you? If you have actuall evidence of the above injuries then provide then for examination. Z'Man didn't have a mark on him.
So tell me what would you do if some 6'?" tall person is kicking your ass and YOU had a gun???
What about his Momma applying for 2 patents on his name?
I see some of these folks taking advantage of this and some trying to stir up shit between the whites and blacks.
Personally I think thems should be flogged in public!!

You're right on the division aspect............BUT look up the word P A T E N're making yourself look rather foolish with it.
And if he doesn't what will you do about it? And want me to go into where you're *bullshitting * folks here as regards firearms? Shall we start with your claims as to your AR? 500 yards 'eh..........if it's scoped WOOOPPPP TE DOOOOO , if it's open sighted then B U L L S H I start wityh all the bullshit caterwauling about what ya did as a boot. B U L L S H I T.

We'll put something in perspective for you , though you could find it out from other threads. I'm an avid Varminter , and also an F-Class and other BenchComp competitor.............capische? Start yapping at *me* and attempting to bullshit folks about firearms further within this thread and I will *make a point* to embarass you.

And YOU and individuals LIKE you are the sort that give the anti 2nd crowd crowd a significant portion of their ammunition. And I seriously doubt that you " fly with firearms all over the country " , that's just more dickwaving on your part in an attempt to impress folks and prop up your " credential"s........

And do I really NEED to go into what's wrong as regards that " 150 rounds of ammo"? Tell me are ya carrying it? Yeah you know where this is going......

Keep in mind that one of those classes I shoot is "light gun"............I know *exactly* what it takes to make hits at extended distance with 5.56/'re a bullshit artist pounding his chest , nothing more nothing less.

Flaming 6 threads at once. That takes talent.
You make it sound like they do have evidence. Why aren't they doing anything then?

Because............ A. It's Sanford Fla.............B. The victim was a minority.............C. The shooter is white or viewed as white..... D. the Shooter's father is a ****SITTING JUDGE****...............

Y'all that know the Orlando area have already done the math on this one , the rest of y'all start adding it up.
does anyone else think that zimmerman is a cross between cop wannabe jim leahey and dumb caveman sam losco?





Flaming 6 threads at once. That takes talent.

Saying nothing whatsoever worthwhile in dozens of threads and then following someone around because you couldn't hold up your end of an arguement..........

Seems that you're the one with the " talent"............. Now do you FINALLY want to get right down to West and the others? Nahhhh you just wanted to drop names , you don't actually want to discuss the issues of race relations on a logical and rational level.

Instead you just wish to PROMOTE your divisive propaganda and further the social divide.
You make it sound like they do have evidence. Why aren't they doing anything then?

The stupid "Stand your ground" law. That's why. Enacted in 2005 to keep people from looting during hurricanes. This isn't your normal self defense law...


he looks like a fat version of the vinny guy from jersey shore lol

Because............ A. It's Sanford Fla.............B. The victim was a minority.............C. The shooter is white or viewed as white..... D. the Shooter's father is a ****SITTING JUDGE****...............

Y'all that know the Orlando area have already done the math on this one , the rest of y'all start adding it up.

Retired judge.
Found it!

How the heck can you tell he doesn't have any damage? the video is so blurry.

Is anyone seeing a different video. Or can someone please prove to me he does not have any lacerations or bruises. These claims sounds ridiculous after watching this video. You guys are just as guilty as the media for putting out biased info with the minimal evidence that was acquired through biased sources to begin with.
full vid for anyone that hasnt seen it

edit- seems I was late with the post, oh well multiple angles on this one if you want to see them all

Thank you. That's the reason, Zimmerman's father is a fucking judge, man. That's why everything was swept under the rug. All the other points just make for a good media circus, and it's working. Supposedly theres a Grand Jury investigation under way to begin April 10th. And the FBI is researching it, they outrank the local's judges and investigators. Lot of shit being thrown around from this.
Whenever someone in either the Police dept or in the Judicial System is in legal trouble, they almost 99% of the time get away. Look at Van der Sloot and the Natalie Holloway case, his father was a Dutch Judge, and nothing happened to him. Drew Peterson and all of his dead wives and no progress yet. They failed to take evidence when his 3rd wife (Savio) died in the tub mysteriously. Same thing in Sanford, no evidence was collected and probably no real Crime Scene Investigation was done. This is a cover-up that will probably still end up with George Zimmerman getting off. Florida always fucks up cases. Take Casey Anthony or the election for example. Sorry to rant.
where the fuck is this kids autopsy report?
i want to know if he had any defensive wounds/marks before he was shot.
You're right on the division aspect............BUT look up the word P A T E N're making yourself look rather foolish with it.

A patent (
/ˈpætənt/ or /ˈpeɪtənt/) is a form of intellectual property. It consists of a set of exclusive rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for the public disclosure of an invention.
The procedure for granting patents, the requirements placed on the patentee, and the extent of the exclusive rights vary widely between countries according to national laws and international agreements. Typically, however, a patent application must include one or more claims defining the invention which must meet the relevant patentability requirements such as novelty and non-obviousness. The exclusive right granted to a patentee in most countries is the right to prevent others from making, using, selling, or distributing the patented invention without permission.[SUP][1][/SUP]
Under the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, patents should be available in WTO member states for any invention, in all fields of technology,[SUP][2][/SUP] and the term of protection available should be a minimum of twenty years.[SUP][3][/SUP] In many countries, certain subject areas are excluded from patents, such as business methods and computer programs.

OK looked it up


go bite me.