George Zimmerman

If everyone is so convinced Zimmerman is guilty why does Zimmerman have a broken nose ,cuts all over the back of his head an back. Witnesses have already made it clear it was Zimmerman yelling . Not Martin. An no Martin did not live in this neighbor hood. He lived in Miami. He was kicked out of school for 14 days for beating the hell out of his bus driver. The neighborhood he died in was where his dads girl friend lived .Sanford Fla.
When I was a teenager my town had something called "react" they were volunteers from the community and they drove around and reported suspicious activity to the police. Me and my friends were often followed by these do-gooders, and it always pissed us off pretty bad. Sure we were all bad kids, and were in fact up to no good, but these guys were not cops and had no right to follow us around and spy on us. One time one of them got out and started following us and eventually chasing us through back yards. We all decided if he caught up to us, we were going to kick the crap out of him. He never caught up to us and we didn't beat his ass, but it was that close.

Looking back on the situation, sure the guy was wrong for chasing us, he must have thought we did something wrong, still don't know, but we would also have been in the wrong by making the confrontation physical and punching him. I live a town that doesn't allow handguns, but if we'd attacked him, you never know what will happen from there.

Also, If Zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a police officer I'm surprised he is able to have a conceal carry permit. Can you own a firearm in Florida if you have a felony?
regardless of whether or not martin attacked first, or even punched zimmerman, a grown man shot a boy in a dispute, and is walking free. That is not right no matter what color skin one has. A murder has been committed and now we let the rule of law take over, where it fails we must compell it, but social justice is not the way
regardless of whether or not martin attacked first, or even punched zimmerman, a grown man shot a boy in a dispute, and is walking free.

He may not have been trying to kill him either, but just save his own life any way he could. It sounds like fighting with his fists wasn't working out to well for him, so he used a gun to get away from the fight he never intended to be in (if he was attacked).

Also guns get a bad rap, just like pit bulls its all about the owners. I've seen tons of guns who have never hurt anyone and are great with kids.
Guns are not the issue, its the death of a young boy. You're trying to cover it with a guise of self defense, but regardless of what Zimmerman claims, a boy is still dead, and he cant reasonably prove it was self defense. Btw, how is it self defense if you shoot someone whose back is turned to you? Hmm?
So tell me what would you do if some 6'?" tall person is kicking your ass and YOU had a gun???
What about his Momma applying for 2 patents on his name?
I see some of these folks taking advantage of this and some trying to stir up shit between the whites and blacks.
Personally I think thems should be flogged in public!!
I hope George gets his day in court before the black panthers kill him.
It looks like he will be taught a lesson.
When white folks kill black folks its a hate crime .
When blacks kill white folks its society's fault
When blacks kill blacks its society's fault
The death of a young boy is tragic, but if it was a direct result of him starting a fight with a stranger then it could have easily been avoided by him not starting a fight. Putting someone who accidentally killed someone in jail isn't going to make the streets safer for anyone except people who go around starting fights.

And just because someones back is turned to you doesn't mean they aren't a threat. You know why, because they may turn around and be facing you at any second and by then you may have missed your chance to shoot them.
Is there even a case? Didn't the police let him go?

for now. the lead detective wanted to press for manslaughter charges, and it looks like that may still happen.

the case is that there is no case, despite what appears to be something very rotten in denmark.
If everyone is so convinced Zimmerman is guilty why does Zimmerman have a broken nose ,cuts all over the back of his head an back.

they just released surveillance tapes of zimmerman at the police station, they show no injury at all to the guy, no grass stains on his back as were claimed.

there is zero physical evidence that he was assaulted and now there is some evidence showing that he does not appear to have any wounds on him at all.
for now. the lead detective wanted to press for manslaughter charges, and it looks like that may still happen.

the case is that there is no case, despite what appears to be something very rotten in denmark.

I think it would be acceptable for the Martin family and the media to demand a trial, and I think he should be arrested and face a jury, But it seems many people are looking for a mob lynching here and if that happens, it will be very bad for America and race relations. And I think it is somewhat likely that Zimmerman will be murdered. That's whats so scary about the whole situation and how quickly people start taking sides.
What about his Momma applying for 2 patents on his name?

she did so at the advice of her lawyer so that others would not try to profit off of her dead son.

I see some of these folks taking advantage of this and some trying to stir up shit between the whites and blacks.
Personally I think thems should be flogged in public!!

it took you all of one sentence to to make a hypocrite of yourself.
I hope George gets his day in court before the black panthers kill him.
It looks like he will be taught a lesson.
When white folks kill black folks its a hate crime .
When blacks kill white folks its society's fault
When blacks kill blacks its society's fault

and cue the race baiters!
I think it would be acceptable for the Martin family and the media to demand a trial, and I think he should be arrested and face a jury, But it seems many people are looking for a mob lynching here and if that happens, it will be very bad for America and race relations. And I think it is somewhat likely that Zimmerman will be murdered. That's whats so scary about the whole situation and how quickly people start taking sides.

i agree.

the zimmerman style vigilantism that has now turned against zimmerman is a bad thing. an eye for an eye leaves us all blind.
Zimmerman should have just called the cops, and let them handle it, but by killing that boy, he was immeadiately wrong. But thats assuming his self defense story is true.
Which it seems kinda fake, so then all we are left with is a murder of an un-armed boy