how my baby doing

Oh all right, good plan as long as those are daylight cfls
there daylight I think they're yellowish not white. Threw out the box So just guessing. I just hope the strain will do alright in the short northern daylight I'm dealing with. Could you give me some pointers on how to know if my girl is ready to go out. I know about hardening them off. This is my second outdoor grow then starting a scrog during the season.


Active Member
there daylight I think they're yellowish not white. Threw out the box So just guessing. I just hope the strain will do alright in the short northern daylight I'm dealing with. Could you give me some pointers on how to know if my girl is ready to go out. I know about hardening them off. This is my second outdoor grow then starting a scrog during the season.
The daylight cfls give off a blue light so you probably got a couple softwhites. well i have never transfered a plant outside so i am not really sure but i would put the plant outside when it seems like the light you have on it inside just isnt cutting it anymore, but the days would need to be at least over 14 hours of straight sun so it can veg for a while longer.
The daylight cfls give off a blue light so you probably got a couple softwhites. well i have never transfered a plant outside so i am not really sure but i would put the plant outside when it seems like the light you have on it inside just isnt cutting it anymore, but the days would need to be at least over 14 hours of straight sun so it can veg for a while longer.
How can you tell my lights arnt cutting it anymore

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
look at the bulb beside where it gives the wattage, you should see either 2700k, these are for flower or 6500k this is for veg....

both these numbers are the spectrum of light the bulb gives off


Well-Known Member
They look really good. And as for outside I would put mine out everyday for a few hours. More hours everyday til they look comfy outside. I'm gonna do that as soon as the weather gets better
look at the bulb beside where it gives the wattage, you should see either 2700k, these are for flower or 6500k this is for veg....

both these numbers are the spectrum of light the bulb gives off
There 2700k So yep coolwhite, they arnt terrible are they? My plant seems to be doing fine with what it's got. I'm going to put some of the bigger five coiled bulbs( as opposed to the three curled ones I have now) I'm not sure how much more Watts it has though

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hey its not the perfect choice but it can be done, will be slower for sure and yeild won`t be great as its low watt but, it can be done...

if i was you i`d get to a local shop, pref an electrical supply and get some 36w 6500k bulbs, normally marked daylight but check the pack for the 6500k it will be marked by the wattage normally., should be cheap enough, your plant wil lthank you....
hey its not the perfect choice but it can be done, will be slower for sure and yeild won`t be great as its low watt but, it can be done...

if i was you i`d get to a local shop, pref an electrical supply and get some 36w 6500k bulbs, normally marked daylight but check the pack for the 6500k it will be marked by the wattage normally., should be cheap enough, your plant wil lthank you....
So buy two of those then switch to the two softwhites I have for flower? Do you think the yeild would be worth it, it's just for personal use and keep in mind I LOVE growing the whole experience is just awesome.