Need help with growing techniques and ideas please!!!!


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Staff member
Soil huh ok then...
yes imma need help for sure.....
what do you think of a SOG cabinet being there, would that work?
I began with NFT (nutrient film technology) because I can kill anything in soil or soilless. Check my sig you can see my first real grow there. You can begin with Hydro in some ways its easier because it responds quicker. Whereas with soil you have to be more patient and that's usually harder on a first time grow.

First find someplace else. Do not put your grow in the doorway that is just asking for police to bust you. Empty a closet etc.... not close to the door. If that is the only space you have for a grow don't grow.

I don't know where you are but if you are heading into summer with hydro heat will rapidly become an issue. You have to keep that water under 75 (the best temp is around 68 in the oxygen curve). Soil & soilless give you a bit of a break. Oh and if you do choose to go hydro do not over veg your plants. My journal is an object lesson in that.

I highly recommend this book: You can buy the Kindle edition it's only $9.99 and read it on your computer with the Kindle App.

Also everyone on this site is pretty friendly and you will get a ton of input. Good luck and welcome! I am sure there is some way you can grow but not by the only entrance/egress of your home.


Active Member
so why do all large commercial cannabis growers use soil, ( simple and easy)
i can repot and hp water a plant, leave it for 2 weeks easy ( 4 weeks just water, no nutes,the soil works as a buffer if mistakes are made , and no need for ec pen).
nft, yes the yeild is bigger but you can mess it up, so the smoke is bad, and if you have a power cut, what 6 hour, all plants are dead nft system is one of the hardest hydro systems to do, you should have said bubble system, 2 plants easy and high yield, but not as easy as soil


Active Member
read everything on these links from the begining.....My #1 tip is to weed out any misinformation when researching.
You do not need allot of money to grow good medicine.
Google with the right question phrased is your #1 friend.
you are right in what you say
but sometime its hard to find the right questions
to get the answer he's looking for
I believe he want's a very simple grow with some good weed at the end


Active Member
Wouldn't a soiless mix like Sunshine and perlite be better? I know it's not as forgiving but it's easier to learn what plants need.


Active Member
Wouldn't a soiless mix like Sunshine and perlite be better? I know it's not as forgiving but it's easier to learn what plants need.
yes it would give him an ideal of what plants need, not a bad ideal
but i think soil would give him more chance of leaning about ph level, light distance from plants, when to water them, ect
on a second grow yes soilless/coco, even a bubbler could be worth a go.
on a first grow he will mess up and over water them
with soil it make it easy to spot his mistakes and help fix them