Active Member
How do you make that ?
Start boiling the water for the brown rice and preheat the oven on bake to about 390 Fahrenheit and start the sweet potato. They go for about 45 minutes or more. You will smell the sweet potato when it gets close. Follow the directions on the rice bag(cover, turn down heat, and let simmer)
After about 30 minutes start getting the salmon ready by mixing in a bowl maple syrup and brown sugar until its all one.
Put the salmon in the dish and gently cover the salmon fillet with the maple mix. I usually cook it skin side down first and then flip but I regret it every time. Not sure if it sticks when you do it the other way around.
When there is about 15 minutes left on the rice start boiling water for the peas and stick the salmon in the oven for about 10 minutes and flip allowing to cook for another 5-10 minutes. (I don't really go by time, I just use my sense of sight, smell, and sound. Might want to check with someone on the exact time if you have never cooked salmon before)
Not formatted the best but I'm in a rush, and hungry lol Hope you guys enjoy!