So you dont have shit to back up your opinion? And you have the balls to call me a hypocrite? While being a hypocrite? Fucking priceless....
I don't? So you of course have some evidence of that? You don't/ H Y P O C R I TE.
See you seem to think you can do something about me calling you a H Y P O C R I T can't and your impotent frustration and gerrymandering thrashing are relatively speaking HILARIOUS.
At any juncture which you're asked for HARD data/evidence you go sailing off into your punk ad hominem abd accusatory iinuendo , which is of course to be expected from a waste of oxygen and protoplasma such as yourself. And that's proven the case with pretty much anything you open your smug , snotnosed selfsuperior yap about.
Get used to it there WhiteBread , I ain't going away , and neither or other folks like me. And there are more of us than there are of clowns whose " daddy paid 120,000$ a quarter in taxes "......golly that's real germane to a given subject , real effective arguement winner.
Now run along a lick daddies boots some more and tell yourself how much better you are than the rest of the world. You couldn't survive in the real world without daddies dingleberries to felch.