trayvan martin

So you dont have shit to back up your opinion? And you have the balls to call me a hypocrite? While being a hypocrite? Fucking priceless....

I don't? So you of course have some evidence of that? You don't/ H Y P O C R I TE.

See you seem to think you can do something about me calling you a H Y P O C R I T can't and your impotent frustration and gerrymandering thrashing are relatively speaking HILARIOUS.

At any juncture which you're asked for HARD data/evidence you go sailing off into your punk ad hominem abd accusatory iinuendo , which is of course to be expected from a waste of oxygen and protoplasma such as yourself. And that's proven the case with pretty much anything you open your smug , snotnosed selfsuperior yap about.

Get used to it there WhiteBread , I ain't going away , and neither or other folks like me. And there are more of us than there are of clowns whose " daddy paid 120,000$ a quarter in taxes "......golly that's real germane to a given subject , real effective arguement winner.

Now run along a lick daddies boots some more and tell yourself how much better you are than the rest of the world. You couldn't survive in the real world without daddies dingleberries to felch.
Yes buck because im a racist.Show me one post I made to prove it.No drama already pointed out in great detail your racist tendancies.

you have race baited this thread over and over and over again, despite my simple request to keep race out.

focus on the facts and the justifiability of the murder, for the love of Dog just leave race out already. even the original race baiters have moved on for the most part, NLXSK excluded.

why is this all about race with you?
Ok riddle me this.

If zimmerman were an off-duty cop and killed trayvon would it change this whole shit storm?
Doubt it.Zimmerman would be known as a rogue cop instead of a vigilante neighborhood watchman everything thing else would remain the same.
WTF makes Zimmerman a vigilante...??? What was Trayvan doing that was breaking the law ??? do you even know WTF a vigilante is Canadian? Go play hockey or something. Leave the politics and laws to the Americans and the which neither of the two are you. Freakin foreigner all in the biz causing BS. Nothing to do in Canada "Eh"
Blal blah blah and another sidestep...allemande left there boy. You just put your hero lower than Mall Security when you said " a step up" from the purported training program that you stated he underwent was less than same. And we both know you don't either with a gun , when you do we have a Travan Martin.

Ya burned your own arguement *again*.

According to zimmerman he wasn't on patrol that night but rather on a personal errand.He has a CCW permit so why shouldn't he carry his gun?

Lots of people in this thread have claimed to carry there gun everywhere with them.
I don't? So you of course have some evidence of that? You don't/ H Y P O C R I TE.

See you seem to think you can do something about me calling you a H Y P O C R I T can't and your impotent frustration and gerrymandering thrashing are relatively speaking HILARIOUS.

At any juncture which you're asked for HARD data/evidence you go sailing off into your punk ad hominem abd accusatory iinuendo , which is of course to be expected from a waste of oxygen and protoplasma such as yourself. And that's proven the case with pretty much anything you open your smug , snotnosed selfsuperior yap about.

Get used to it there WhiteBread , I ain't going away , and neither or other folks like me. And there are more of us than there are of clowns whose " daddy paid 120,000$ a quarter in taxes "......golly that's real germane to a given subject , real effective arguement winner.

Now run along a lick daddies boots some more and tell yourself how much better you are than the rest of the world. You couldn't survive in the real world without daddies dingleberries to felch.

I think you are confusing NoDrama with NLXSK1.

Just a thought.
Ok riddle me this.

If zimmerman were an off-duty cop and killed trayvon would it change this whole shit storm?
Doubt it.Zimmerman would be known as a rogue cop instead of a vigilante neighborhood watchman everything thing else would remain the same.

Look boy , you claimed Zimmerman was " trained" in a " 17 hour class" you then put said training below the level of a Mall Rent-A-Pig , ya aren't getting around it. You freely admitted to your boy having less training than a rent a pig.

So take your words above that you try to put in my mouth in an effort to deflect from the fact that you just fucked up your own postulation and shove them right where the sun doesn't shine , you seem to manage to dream up another new off the cuff nothing to do with the question scenario out of the fevered recesses of your single cell socalled thinking organ at will.
According to zimmerman...

and that right there is where the statement becomes meaningless.

the dude's story has changed so often it is a joke.

even his black friend, who is making the rounds and trying to say that calling someone a fucking coon is a term of endearment, contradicts himself so often that i am left speechless.

in any case, i am comforted in knowing that zimmerman can't possibly be racist. ya know, because he has a black "friend".

According to zimmerman he wasn't on patrol that night but rather on a personal errand.He has a CCW permit so why shouldn't he carry his gun?

Lots of people in this thread have claimed to carry there gun everywhere with them.

Not me ..Not needed...CCW does not mean you can act like you are a police officer.. It is now quite obvious that Zimmerman was no where near ready to be deemed CCW qualified
i object.

cliffey is most certainly a man with an exceedingly small penis.

i know of no other way to explain his ongoing resentment and race baiting towards those with statistically larger penises than he could ever dream of having.

More steroetypes.Nice buck.You a real "class" act.
According to zimmerman he wasn't on patrol that night but rather on a personal errand.He has a CCW permit so why shouldn't he carry his gun?

Lots of people in this thread have claimed to carry there gun everywhere with them.

Then if he ****wasn't on patrol**** what was he doing following and confronting Martin? And quit trying to make an issue of *carry* , it's a red herring. Lots of folks carry without running down a 17 year old kid and shooting him so what's you frigging point.
More steroetypes.Nice buck.You a real "class" act.

Coming from the pissant hypocrite that has stereotyped everybody under the sun within this thread. Class? The last three letters are as close as YOU will ever get to " class"......

By the way , you were bitching about Affect and Effect , learn how to freaking spell S T E R E O there pendejo.

Sup Beardo :leaf:

No confusion , in point of fact as far as socalled methods of arguement they're pretty much *all* interchangeable , the names change , the rhetoric..not so much.

Ah, I see.