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Well-Known Member
i like how you said "very few of them are friends with benefits" have you notice you said that? thats great! we like girls like you haha we get to chill with you and mess around, something fun for us.. the other guys are just idiots u hang with if they dont get anything from you.. I mean what do u need us guys for? don't u have ur girlfriends to chill with? dont tell me u hate how girls act lol there is no logic in that.
I'm the only girl in my family, 3 brothers. Most of my cousins are guys. These guys I hang out with, most of them I've known since elementry school (these are the ones who AREN'T friends with benefits). Like they've been friends with my brothers all our lives.

I have my girlfriends, and I love going shopping, or going dancing, or just hanging out and talking....but sometimes it gets boring. Most of the girls I know don't smoke. And I really like to smoke. And I really like to smoke with other people. I need to pass it to the left. And the girls never go offroading, or out to the desert to shoot guns (some of them do...), or want to play racing video games with me when I'm high.

I dunno, I like hanging out with boys, probably because I'm really close with my brothers. But I like hanging out with the girls too. It all depends on what I'm in the mood to do.


Well-Known Member
I have to say this cuz Ive been holding it in so long but every time I see a post from you I want to bleep your bleep and make you bleep til you pass out...

I'm the only girl in my family, 3 brothers. Most of my cousins are guys. These guys I hang out with, most of them I've known since elementry school (these are the ones who AREN'T friends with benefits). Like they've been friends with my brothers all our lives.

I have my girlfriends, and I love going shopping, or going dancing, or just hanging out and talking....but sometimes it gets boring. Most of the girls I know don't smoke. And I really like to smoke. And I really like to smoke with other people. I need to pass it to the left. And the girls never go offroading, or out to the desert to shoot guns (some of them do...), or want to play racing video games with me when I'm high.

I dunno, I like hanging out with boys, probably because I'm really close with my brothers. But I like hanging out with the girls too. It all depends on what I'm in the mood to do.


Active Member
I'm the only girl in my family, 3 brothers. Most of my cousins are guys. These guys I hang out with, most of them I've known since elementry school (these are the ones who AREN'T friends with benefits). Like they've been friends with my brothers all our lives.

I have my girlfriends, and I love going shopping, or going dancing, or just hanging out and talking....but sometimes it gets boring. Most of the girls I know don't smoke. And I really like to smoke. And I really like to smoke with other people. I need to pass it to the left. And the girls never go offroading, or out to the desert to shoot guns (some of them do...), or want to play racing video games with me when I'm high.

I dunno, I like hanging out with boys, probably because I'm really close with my brothers. But I like hanging out with the girls too. It all depends on what I'm in the mood to do.
thats cool as long as you don't slow your guy friends down haha we hate that. I guess I can see how guys can enjoy a girls presence when chillin with their boys.. or maybe i never found a girl who was a cool friend, i tried.. i don't laugh at any jokes they make, i dont like how they wine and complain, etc i smoked up with so many girls and it was fun, but I always end up getting a BJ or something lol


Well-Known Member
Seriously you prolly dont make friends as girls because you have such low regard for them. karma will catch you one day when that girl has herps in her mouth and says for sure Ill suck your cock

thats cool as long as you don't slow your guy friends down haha we hate that. I guess I can see how guys can enjoy a girls presence when chillin with their boys.. or maybe i never found a girl who was a cool friend, i tried.. i don't laugh at any jokes they make, i dont like how they wine and complain, etc i smoked up with so many girls and it was fun, but I always end up getting a BJ or something lol


Well-Known Member
Seriously you prolly dont make friends as girls because you have such low regard for them. karma will catch you one day when that girl has herps in her mouth and says for sure Ill suck your cock
lmfao i second that

to kalred....As a man I have to say you're most likely lost in your own fantasy, if all women you chill with end up giving up "benefits". I have plenty of Male friends, but sometimes it's nice to be around someone without sausage. Seriously it seems to brighten the mood a lil bit, we joke more when girls are around, we smoke herb with them, and talk bout life, Many of my friends are females who I grew up with, some i regard as my sisters, and i would never dream of fuckin with them. I doubt any woman is satisfied with "just dick". Cuz I'm certainly not satisfied with "Just Pussy", there always needs to be more, it sound more like you got hurt, took it to the ass couldn't move on and in turn started hating women cuz you got fucked over once, chillax, re-assess the situation, and try using the brain in the top head, maybe you'll find happiness, if not then herps may be the next step towards quitting girls....lol no disrespect just my opinion


Active Member
Seriously you prolly dont make friends as girls because you have such low regard for them. karma will catch you one day when that girl has herps in her mouth and says for sure Ill suck your cock
your wrong, I don't have low regards for girls, I love girls, they just don't do anything for me other than satisfy me sexually haha what do you do with your guy friends? i enjoy football, boxing, etc would you be able to keep up? I doubt that i can punch a guy in the face and he'll be okay, i punch you in the face i'll knock you out..

Besides, it's just life, girls are meant for certain things and guys are meant for certain things. Most women i know enjoy cooking, cleaning, buying groceries, etc so I let them do that while I do other things.

And about the herps, i doubt that I mess with good girls only, i turned down every girl that ever made a move on me, i like to pick the girls i do stuff with and my choice are good girls that has only messed with 1 guy ever, trust me, they are lots of girls like that out there ages 21-25. I'm not saying that these girls are innocent, they just NEVER find anyone because nice guys go after them and they aren't attracted to the nice ones.. so when a guy like me comes in the picture they are fast to give it up.

Speaking of this lol 10 minutes ago my friend called me and said that he was making out with the girl of his dreams and he coulda f**ked her but didn't cause he wanted to take things slow lmao when i kiss a girl EVERYTHING ELSE comes off hahahahaha i was nice to him cause hes my friend hah but i'll feel bad for him if some asshole end up f**kin her haha and he never got the chance .. what a chump


Active Member
lmfao i second that

to kalred....As a man I have to say you're most likely lost in your own fantasy, if all women you chill with end up giving up "benefits". I have plenty of Male friends, but sometimes it's nice to be around someone without sausage. Seriously it seems to brighten the mood a lil bit, we joke more when girls are around, we smoke herb with them, and talk bout life, Many of my friends are females who I grew up with, some i regard as my sisters, and i would never dream of fuckin with them. I doubt any woman is satisfied with "just dick". Cuz I'm certainly not satisfied with "Just Pussy", there always needs to be more, it sound more like you got hurt, took it to the ass couldn't move on and in turn started hating women cuz you got fucked over once, chillax, re-assess the situation, and try using the brain in the top head, maybe you'll find happiness, if not then herps may be the next step towards quitting girls....lol no disrespect just my opinion
hey now i have been hurt but never f**ked over. Being hurt tho didn't had any affect on me it was whatever i'll move on and get over it and that was my first love. I guess i'm prety calm with breakups cuz i know alot of guys who are troubled by it ha

I do know why i am this way tho, its because i was like you haha I had alot fo girl friends, even girls i consider sisters, it just wasn't me tho, I was never happy, i'm glad you can be satify that way. But for me I never could these girls who were like my sisters and very close, i didn't care for what they did for me, i didn't care to hear all of them talk about who they hooked up with, or the guy they used at the bar to get them drinks, i didn't CARE hah so it was time to move on and i did, now the girls I hookup with are telling guys like you "their friend" that they've had GREAT SEX earlier, with this bad boy Kal!" haha


Well-Known Member
see i don't care bout who they hook up with/used/did whatever with, so it never comes up with us, if it does i change the subject i don't act like i care cuz i dont. I stay real with women, i don't need to put them down to be real, i just say what i'm about, if thats not for them they deal and move on, if i dont like what they're about i dont try to change them- simple.

I deal with breakups like anything else i relax think bout it for a second then move on, i won't cry cuz she left, i move on, a lot of men are whipped bad, it sucks, but i never spoil a girl, cuz i can't afford it, I will do something special once in awhile but not often enough to get used to it and rely on my always giving and giving and giving....i do things without expecting praise or gifts in return if i get something back thats great, but i feel the best when i can make a woman smile after a long day at work, or dealing with bullshit, that's enough of a reward, i don't buy women drinks at bars, i don't flash cash when i'm out cuz i don't want those girls, in the end men trap themselves by making shitty decisions, and women do the same, nobody is better than anyone else based on gender, life just sucks sometimes.

EDIT: just read that last bit and laughed....dunno what movie you're getting these lines from, but i have yet to hear a female friend telling me they had great sex, usually they dont talk about it unless its terrible....food for thought, i wonder how many laugh about the bad boys...lol


Well-Known Member
I have to say this cuz Ive been holding it in so long but every time I see a post from you I want to bleep your bleep and make you bleep til you pass out...
Wow....I've never made someone bleep until they pass out....Even when I give it all I've got for the entire 7 minutes:)


There's treachery afoot
basically women are all evil bitches in the mind and they don't even notice, all women care about is themselves, we as men already know that we will do everything for our wives, girlfriends but will never be appreciated trust me hah. ever notice how women love to spend hours in stores shopping while you wait outside in the car? do you think they care that your waiting bored for hours? nope they are busy shopping.

No matter how intelligent a woman is, they are all the same whether they dropped out from highschool or graduated college. They all love to talk, shop, look pretty, etc except that one can get a higher result on a IQ test than the other.

A man should always be a player his whole life with the girl hes with, make sure you have women in check or they will walk all over you, make sure u exaggerate ur stories when you talk to them, women love excitement, white lies work perfect on every girl.

Remember also that women are not logical at all and they are so easy to pickup and lay, when i say that you have to trust me on it, the majority of girls i meet in society are horrible at conversations or even if they are not, they get nervous and vulnerable when talking to strangers, you can use that as power to manipulate their mind into getting them in bed.
Wow, are you disillusioned! As an educated (two graduate degrees) woman who does not like to shop, hates to talk when there is nothing to say and could give a damn about pretty, I am saddened that you believe your broad generalizations concerning female nature are factual. What a horrible existance you must have if you feel we are all the same and you think you have to keep your "woman" in check....wow, you must have been stomped on pretty good or be young and inexperienced enough to not see the world as it is. Not all women are easy to pick up darlin. If try to pick me up, you had better be a financial and intellectual equal to me. My logic, oh wait...a woman who is logical....but...but....how could it be?????? My logic is that as a strong willed professional independant women, I will be damned if I spend my life with anyone who sponges off of my success and can't maintain a conversation past last weeks Nascar results. Men cannot manipulate me, they do not make me nervous and I never feel vulnerable in the presence of one...unless of coarse he is pointing a gun at my head...lol So if all we care about is ourselves, why do you think I just bough a truck for a male friend who was having some financial problems? I appreciate him as a friend, we do not sleep together, we smoke and have fantastic conversations and he is married. His wife trusts him...as she should. Maybe the type of girl you attract has nothing to do with them and everything to do with you. Why are you only attracting girls and not women? You are obviously young and have alot to learn.


Well-Known Member
maybe the bad boys are the ones who are better at gaining food & shelter than the pushovers and thats why chicks will gravitate, a bad boy can defend them and thier baby and feed them at all costs through thier bad boy ways



There's treachery afoot
maybe the bad boys are the ones who are better at gaining food & shelter than the pushovers and thats why chicks will gravitate, a bad boy can defend them and thier baby and feed them at all costs through thier bad boy ways

Never met a bad boy doctor and the ones I know do an exceptional job at providing for their family. Some women do gravitate towards the bad boys whether it be because these are the guys our parents warned us about and disobedience is always a rush, or because the woman is insecure and feels she need that type of man to give her a false sense of security. Personally I would take the financially secure hard working pushover over the bad boy.
No ill will intended, just don't think that type of personality would fit into my world. To each their own, we all have a scenario to fit into. I saw a guy walking down the street yesterday with a gait that implyed he was a tough guy. I laughed at how silly he looked trying to be a hard ass while he was walking down the street in the rain with his chest all puffed out. It really must be tough being a guy. All those expectations to live up to, I really do not envy you fellas, not one bit.


Active Member
Wow, are you disillusioned! As an educated (two graduate degrees) woman who does not like to shop, hates to talk when there is nothing to say and could give a damn about pretty, I am saddened that you believe your broad generalizations concerning female nature are factual. What a horrible existance you must have if you feel we are all the same and you think you have to keep your "woman" in check....wow, you must have been stomped on pretty good or be young and inexperienced enough to not see the world as it is. Not all women are easy to pick up darlin. If try to pick me up, you had better be a financial and intellectual equal to me. My logic, oh wait...a woman who is logical....but...but....how could it be?????? My logic is that as a strong willed professional independant women, I will be damned if I spend my life with anyone who sponges off of my success and can't maintain a conversation past last weeks Nascar results. Men cannot manipulate me, they do not make me nervous and I never feel vulnerable in the presence of one...unless of coarse he is pointing a gun at my head...lol So if all we care about is ourselves, why do you think I just bough a truck for a male friend who was having some financial problems? I appreciate him as a friend, we do not sleep together, we smoke and have fantastic conversations and he is married. His wife trusts him...as she should. Maybe the type of girl you attract has nothing to do with them and everything to do with you. Why are you only attracting girls and not women? You are obviously young and have alot to learn.
see you are a typical woman, no offense everything you wrote above was predictable in most mens eyes. i'm pretty sure I could pick you up, the more intelligent a girl is the easier they are especially if you are rolling with your girlfriends because of the fact that women of your statue likes to make decisions on her own, she doesn't need her friends to protect her, if she wants to go home with a guy she will.
You said that I better be finaancial and intellectual, well guess what? You never know what players do for a living, i could simple exaggerate my career to you and impress you, it's called game and women do not have any idea. What makes you more typical for saying this? Simple, you were probably raised like most women out there who date high value men.. This is because parents teach little girls that they should marry a lawyer or doctor while as men, our parents teach up to respect women and be nice.

SO here we have bitches like you and alot of other women out there walking around in society ignoring a mojority of men who are intrested in them just because they are searching elsewhere for that lawyer or doctor or any other successfully man. Does love matter to you? I highly doubt that, you are part of that % in America who would possibly get a divorce over financial problems in a family, not stand by your husband in time of need.
Remember, success and money is just an illusion, there is more to life, you should value any human being more than money, etc

PS: you made it look as if I am stereotyping women, let me correct you "most women" not "all"


There's treachery afoot
You could not be more inaacurate junior. First off, there is absolutely NO way in hell you could ever "pick me up". I don't "roll" with anyone so the crap about girlfriends and making my own decisions is just bullshit. First of all, I do not frequent meat markets where people like you are just looking for a hook up. Yes, unfortunately some women will beleive that your occupation is whatever you say it is but honestly do you think you could walk into a bar and convince anyone who is sober that you are a lawyer, doctor, etc? I sincerely doubt that. So far as how I was raised....you don't even come close. I was raised to be independant and to love who I choose. Parents want the best for their daughters. They know if they marry some deadbeat who pumps gas at Amoco that their daughter could possibly live a life of hardship and no parent wants their child to suffer. The reason I want a financial and intellectual equal or close to equal is that I have had a good life and wish to continue and have worked hard for my socioeconomic status. I am not about to live with anyone who sponges off of my success. It is much easier to have a drama free relationship if you are not constantly arguing over money. Big strain to alot of relationships and has caused alot of divorces. Someone who is on par intellectually simply provides a better sounding board. Imagine a brain surgeon and a guy who mows lawns for a living getting married. Yes they may love each other but you can't say that there will not come a time when the brain surgeon finds that her spouse does not fit in. There will be argumants when he spends too much money as he makes $40 a lawn and she makes $40,000 a month. I have friends who earn $7.00 an hour and friends who make $300 an hour. I typically do not have them all over at the same time. They do not have the same interests, do not talk about the same thing and are an odd mix altogether. On the same note, women who marry for money are trash. Now if they were financially contributing to the relationship and do not expect everything to be handed to them, that is ok. If they think they can sit home and watch soaps all day while their husband is out earning a living and spend all of his hard earned cash...wrong again. If she takes care of the house, raises the children and takes care of her husband and does not expect to go to the mall every day and blow money on $1500 handbags, she is contributing in her own way. No matter what, to have a successful relationship, each party needs to contribute whether it be financially, emotionally, whatever. They should stick with each other through thick and thin, WORK on their relationship and don't just expect it to work out because they love each other. Relationships are a job all on their own. They take love, nuturing, understanding, honesty, trust and a whole lot more. I think there is a distinct difference in woman who want to marry the doc for the free ride and those who make as much or more than the doctor who simply want a partner on the same level. Not intentionally slamming the bottem dwellers, simply stating that I am not interested in a life of financial hardship. I have friends that are waitresses, doctors, painters, artists, baristas, contractors, dentists, lawyers, data entry clerks and even one who puts bumpers on Ford trucks. I love them all and find it a gift to have been blessed with so many friends from so many backgrounds. But none of them expect anything from me but friendship. I would gladly give any of them financial help at any time and I am honored to have that ability. Just don't want to spend my life working to support someone. Why should I? I like to travel, drive expensive cars, take twice a year trips to Europe and live in a nice house in a safe neighborhood. It is my choice and I work for every bit, noboby has handed me anything in this life.
For the record, I am not a bitch I am just a woman who knows exactly what she wants. Yes, insecure men like to label us all bitches, they are challenged by our independance, so if it helped you to label me, you're welcome. Glad I could be of service. We are very different and I appreciate that in this world, we can be.

see you are a typical woman, no offense everything you wrote above was predictable in most mens eyes. i'm pretty sure I could pick you up, the more intelligent a girl is the easier they are especially if you are rolling with your girlfriends because of the fact that women of your statue likes to make decisions on her own, she doesn't need her friends to protect her, if she wants to go home with a guy she will.
You said that I better be finaancial and intellectual, well guess what? You never know what players do for a living, i could simple exaggerate my career to you and impress you, it's called game and women do not have any idea. What makes you more typical for saying this? Simple, you were probably raised like most women out there who date high value men.. This is because parents teach little girls that they should marry a lawyer or doctor while as men, our parents teach up to respect women and be nice.

SO here we have bitches like you and alot of other women out there walking around in society ignoring a mojority of men who are intrested in them just because they are searching elsewhere for that lawyer or doctor or any other successfully man. Does love matter to you? I highly doubt that, you are part of that % in America who would possibly get a divorce over financial problems in a family, not stand by your husband in time of need.
Remember, success and money is just an illusion, there is more to life, you should value any human being more than money, etc

PS: you made it look as if I am stereotyping women, let me correct you "most women" not "all"


Active Member
You could not be more inaacurate junior. First off, there is absolutely NO way in hell you could ever "pick me up". I don't "roll" with anyone so the crap about girlfriends and making my own decisions is just bullshit. First of all, I do not frequent meat markets where people like you are just looking for a hook up. Yes, unfortunately some women will beleive that your occupation is whatever you say it is but honestly do you think you could walk into a bar and convince anyone who is sober that you are a lawyer, doctor, etc? I sincerely doubt that. So far as how I was raised....you don't even come close. I was raised to be independant and to love who I choose. Parents want the best for their daughters. They know if they marry some deadbeat who pumps gas at Amoco that their daughter could possibly live a life of hardship and no parent wants their child to suffer. The reason I want a financial and intellectual equal or close to equal is that I have had a good life and wish to continue and have worked hard for my socioeconomic status. I am not about to live with anyone who sponges off of my success. It is much easier to have a drama free relationship if you are not constantly arguing over money. Big strain to alot of relationships and has caused alot of divorces. Someone who is on par intellectually simply provides a better sounding board. Imagine a brain surgeon and a guy who mows lawns for a living getting married. Yes they may love each other but you can't say that there will not come a time when the brain surgeon finds that her spouse does not fit in. There will be argumants when he spends too much money as he makes $40 a lawn and she makes $40,000 a month. I have friends who earn $7.00 an hour and friends who make $300 an hour. I typically do not have them all over at the same time. They do not have the same interests, do not talk about the same thing and are an odd mix altogether. On the same note, women who marry for money are trash. Now if they were financially contributing to the relationship and do not expect everything to be handed to them, that is ok. If they think they can sit home and watch soaps all day while their husband is out earning a living and spend all of his hard earned cash...wrong again. If she takes care of the house, raises the children and takes care of her husband and does not expect to go to the mall every day and blow money on $1500 handbags, she is contributing in her own way. No matter what, to have a successful relationship, each party needs to contribute whether it be financially, emotionally, whatever. They should stick with each other through thick and thin, WORK on their relationship and don't just expect it to work out because they love each other. Relationships are a job all on their own. They take love, nuturing, understanding, honesty, trust and a whole lot more. I think there is a distinct difference in woman who want to marry the doc for the free ride and those who make as much or more than the doctor who simply want a partner on the same level. Not intentionally slamming the bottem dwellers, simply stating that I am not interested in a life of financial hardship. I have friends that are waitresses, doctors, painters, artists, baristas, contractors, dentists, lawyers, data entry clerks and even one who puts bumpers on Ford trucks. I love them all and find it a gift to have been blessed with so many friends from so many backgrounds. But none of them expect anything from me but friendship. I would gladly give any of them financial help at any time and I am honored to have that ability. Just don't want to spend my life working to support someone. Why should I? I like to travel, drive expensive cars, take twice a year trips to Europe and live in a nice house in a safe neighborhood. It is my choice and I work for every bit, noboby has handed me anything in this life.
For the record, I am not a bitch I am just a woman who knows exactly what she wants. Yes, insecure men like to label us all bitches, they are challenged by our independance, so if it helped you to label me, you're welcome. Glad I could be of service. We are very different and I appreciate that in this world, we can be.
Congratulations on being a typical woman again. As a man I can analyze from what you said above and say that you do lack alot of logical thinking in the brain, no offense but it's a fact, men are supposedly smarter at certain things and women are smarter at certain things. Now I may seem like I am screwed up with my beliefs but everything you mentioned above may seem smart to most females or maybe nice guys here, but seriously, you are blinded by your "good" that you do for your friends and the way you live.. in reality, you are what alot of men would consider 'evil mental bitch"

meaning, u seem to think you are better than everyone else, every good thing you do for someone seems to be because you can benefit from it, u would turn your back on love, if your husband isn't making it that is.. anyways, next time you reply, please separate your writing in paragraphs because i'm so high it was so difficult to reply to it or even read it straight.

Also, i know its none of my business, but how many high valued men have you been with? I mean hooked up with overall, i'm curious, or if you can't answer that for me, what do you look like?

wait, or maybe you shouldn't answer that because alot of women lie when that question is asked.. but then again alot of women do complain about "why is it okay for a man to sleep around and not a woman" so i guess if you believe that a women has equal rights I guess it won't be a problem to share right?


Well-Known Member
I have to say this cuz Ive been holding it in so long but every time I see a post from you I want to bleep your bleep and make you bleep til you pass out...

Pink, you can bleep me any bleepin where any bleepin time...

thats cool as long as you don't slow your guy friends down haha we hate that. I guess I can see how guys can enjoy a girls presence when chillin with their boys.. or maybe i never found a girl who was a cool friend, i tried.. i don't laugh at any jokes they make, i dont like how they wine and complain, etc i smoked up with so many girls and it was fun, but I always end up getting a BJ or something lol
I guess not all guys feel the same, because my guy friends like to have me around. We have fun together. When we play football, you better believe I get tackled. I'll admit, no one boxes with me, because if any of them hit me my brothers would fucking kill them.

I'm sorry you've never met a girl worth hanging out with, but you shouldn't just assume NO girl is worthy of friendship because of that...

lmfao i second that

to kalred....As a man I have to say you're most likely lost in your own fantasy, if all women you chill with end up giving up "benefits". I have plenty of Male friends, but sometimes it's nice to be around someone without sausage. Seriously it seems to brighten the mood a lil bit, we joke more when girls are around, we smoke herb with them, and talk bout life, Many of my friends are females who I grew up with, some i regard as my sisters, and i would never dream of fuckin with them. I doubt any woman is satisfied with "just dick". Cuz I'm certainly not satisfied with "Just Pussy", there always needs to be more, it sound more like you got hurt, took it to the ass couldn't move on and in turn started hating women cuz you got fucked over once, chillax, re-assess the situation, and try using the brain in the top head, maybe you'll find happiness, if not then herps may be the next step towards quitting girls....lol no disrespect just my opinion
:hug: Yay for boys who like girls!

Over my dead body.:spew:
Flower, don't waste your time. I mean, you're making good points, and I know that what he's saying just sound so fucking OUT there that you want to argue...but it's not like we're going to be able to change his mind. He has the opionion he has of women because of the women he knows. He obviously doesn't know many women like us, who are good for more than just fulfilling his sexual needs.

Honestly, I can't believe any girl could hear his thoughts on women and not be turned off. And I'm not trying to attack you kalred, I just mean that if I met a guy who thought so little of me, I wouldn't know him long.
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