It's A Fuct World

ya once day is just not gonna cut this kinda room . id say running 6/12 dat/night cycle (best yeild 40%less power usage too not drop in yields at all )but thats not this topic ,,2 3in cycles= 3 2min cycles same daily volume more often feedings yes top up h202 daily use 25% decay n up from there no,the plant is being decayed this is the bubbles h202 comined with organic matter decays and 02 is realeased ,but is nothing osmosic bout this reaction(i use soft center stem ex because its just that wetn soft i find itd easyier to tell if u used this method again this was only example just add h202 at ur rate based on ur findings but up to 2-3ml if uped slowly is awesome growth cominbine 6/12 the only problem ull have is finding jars to cure it all thanks i try ps keep em coming
I had heard about these shortened day cycles before but always dismissed it and thought it wouldn't work. So your saying I should only run lights for 6 hours then off for 6? Making the plant think that a full day has passed when really only 12 hours has. Ahh right I got you on the decay reaction. So if it fizzes then I don't need to top up but if there's no reaction get the h2o2 out. Thanks painkiller dude ur info is being absorbed :D
18 hours total day cycle 6 hours lights on ,12 hours lights off u need a 1200watt tungstun1875 watt(for safety) capable digital timer there days the lights on 2times u need this or dont even try
18 hours total day cycle 6 hours lights on ,12 hours lights off u need a 1200watt tungstun1875 watt(for safety) capable digital timer there days the lights on 2times u need this or dont even try
I will not be doing this. I don't like the fact that my plants would be robbed of light for 6 hours. I also dislike the fact that my available work time in the op without having to use silly greenlights and whatnot would be limited and at different times every day. Do you do this? It seems rather risky to me. You obv know better but I'd rather just stick with what works for me. Thanks though.
ya once day is just not gonna cut this kinda room . id say running 6/12 dat/night cycle (best yeild 40%less power usage too not drop in yields at all )but thats not this topic

You can do this in your op if you like but I strongly recommend against monkeying around with photoperiods.
You can do a lot of things to make cannabis plants bend to your will in artificial conditions- SoG lets you grow unnaturally short plants, for example- but messing with the photoperiod is asking for problems, notably hermaphrodism.
Hi Al, I know its mostly strain dependent, but I was wondering if you might have any ideas on how to keep my plants at a finished height of 2ft. I thought maybe by keeping air temps cooler ,but no big swings in temps between lights on and off, or maybe reducing N in the nute mix until they finish stretching. I dont want to just start with smaller clones as I worry that would reduce yield. My start height for clones now is 8''. But would like to start with even larger ones.
O.K. for real last question(for now)lol. I have no heat issues at all with my a/c 1000w light, so is 1ft. from canopy to close?
On a separate issue, I was the guy with the duckfoot, I looked all over for info on growing indoors with the stuff and came up empty,just wondering if you might have come across anything?
Thanks again for your help Al. As always thanks in advance and looking forward to your response.
18 hours total day cycle 6 hours lights on ,12 hours lights off u need a 1200watt tungstun1875 watt(for safety) capable digital timer there days the lights on 2times u need this or dont even try

A word of caution for gowers,light cycles like the unorthodox lighting schedule above should not be used but by growers with heavy experience,or by growers that have a 2nd grow area outside the main grow.

Some well known growers have had good success using unorthodox schedules but to the average new grower the dangers far outweigh any benifits or enhancements to yeilds.

As al allready pointed out hermaphroditism is a real consequence with onorthodox schedules,even for a highly experienced grower the odd's of having the plants turn hermie are seriously increased,for an inexperienced grower its allmost assured to end in disaster.
well said guys ,as i never recommened anyone grow this way i was just pointing out how i obtain 2.0gpw

but that said ive been this 18 years now and ur right its not my only room

i used this method from day one as way i learned was advanced from older chap who was prized orcid grower

n believe the sun will never hit the ground for 12 hours on any point on earth at 75% growth rates capable (i guess in his eyes 12 hours was just wrong as plants rarely hit these kinds hours direct sunlight anywhere unless artifial (clouds,sunrise,sunset ,shade due to moving sun etc )

leading him through years of watching and making the world grow came on too 6/12

HERMIES yes in the begin crop sativa's dont like this cycle at all 25% 75% ive had great sucess with no seeds yet (MY BAD but as i was just trying anwser a question IF and forgot theres people that will try to duplcate these conditions when they dont have the skill set to manage all aspects that need be factored in to make this cycle growing advantagous
well said guys ,as i never recommened anyone grow this way i was just pointing out how i obtain 2.0gpw but that said ive been this 18 years now and ur right its not my only room i used this method from day one as way i learned was advanced from older chap who was prized orcid grower n believe the sun will never hit the ground for 12 hours on any point on earth at 75% growth rates capable (i guess in his eyes 12 hours was just wrong as plants rarely hit these kinds hours direct sunlight anywhere unless artifial (clouds,sunrise,sunset ,shade due to moving sun etc )leading him through years of watching and making the world grow came on too 6/12 HERMIES yes in the begin crop sativa's dont like this cycle at all 25% 75% ive had great sucess with no seeds yet (MY BAD but as i was just trying anwser a question IF and forgot theres people that will try to duplcate these conditions when they dont have the skill set to manage all aspects that need be factored in to make this cycle growing advantagous KNOW YOUR SKILLSET AND PLAY WITHIN IT FOR BEST RESULTS
Yeah dude thanks for that. Personally I am in no way shape or form ready to experiment in such way. But its good to know that if I ever did then the resources and knowledge are here to learn from. Honestly I will never tire of reading Al's threads. It seems knowledge attracts knowledge. Easily the best threads on the net! Keep up the good work guys!
"I'd be inclined to keep the floorspace the same & put the 1000s a bit lower. You'll get denser buds that weigh more- and the adoration of all who smoke them."Originally posted by AL B FUCT. Haha like what I did there? I'm on my tablet and it don't let me multi quote and it was eitha do it myself or quote that whole reply.I never mentioned I have 8 3x6 tables from a friend that got busted and quit (actually a lot of my stuff came from this friend). So it would be possible to do pretty much as you have in terms of wpsf with each 1000 over a 3x6 area. That is correct isn't it? A pair of your tables is about 3x6?. In the op now my plant count is 192. If I switched the 2 4x6s to 4 3x6s I would have a plant count of 284 do you think my yield would be better even growing almost 100 extra plants. When using the 4x6s and 2 600s over each table I have been achieving about around 20g per plant however I had a freak plant yield 30 g on my first run :s which was nice. "Nope, I've always used the commercially made Adjust-A-Wings. You can make your own, not that hard, just some sheets of polished aluminum. The AAWs have a dimpled finish which spreads light very well, though. Worth the money." You know who said it haha. If I were to go the none DIY route would you suggest putting panda film on these? It probs sounds stupid but I looked at a tutorial for making one and they put panda film on the reflecting side of the wing. Is this just for home made ones ? I'd never heard of it and don't think you do this but I might aswell ask while your answering. Thanks for the info al there's nothing quite better than learning from the best!
I don't know what the problem is with my tablet but that botched attempt at a diy multi quote went terribly wrong. There was meant to be spaces between each comment and reply. And in their absence that post became rather hard on the eyes. I've tried to split it up (again) fingers crossed this one might work !
I have a friend (growing about 5 years now) and he starts 24/0 and works his way slowly throughout the grow to 4/20. think every 1.5 weeks he shortens the day a bit. he gets pretty damn good results but as stated above work with your skillset (he has his masters in Horticulture)
I'd be scared shitless to experiment like that lol. Takes a gut full of courage for me to use a 10% bleach mix to clean my room lol. I'm allways mixin it up then takin a puff..... Then paranoia...... Did i put bleach in or not??? How much went in. Second geussing myself and mixing a fresh one haha. I swear one of these days I'm gonna install cctv, just to keep track of myself!
Hello Al,

May question is on the 14th day of the cycle you are cutting clones from the mamas, moving the newly rooted clones to the flowering room, and harvesting to make room for the new clones. Also you would have the last harvest drying for 2 week which is about right to process.. So that's 3 if not 4 things needed to be done on that 14th day:shock:.. Can you give some insight on how you deal with this process. I am sure you have this dialed..

Thanks Al,
just my 2 cents but u grow ur own moms n ur clonrs will b e strong i dont lik releying on clubs/friends to many give out clones from unhealthu stock ie PM, this simple mistake i was in a time crunch i did same thing as u and trust the grower of clones as my last grow i had to use sulfur tried all remides this worked best due to no rh spikes(folair spray cures)this sulfur saves my buds but cost me 50 pounds of hash making sweet leaf and pounds of product i had it but i cant smoke it tastes like hydralic fuild smells nasty so if any has better cure for PM ive tried rh 30 ,25'temps i cant go any higher in
light intesity,milk
sprays baking soda sprays im tring UV light with great sucess with killing PM as i run sealed rooms with uv lighing on all intakes to make sure no molds,fungi,viruses can get to my babies and i helped to breach my defences STUPID MISTAKE but i hear round these parts pk ,danby are PM spyies waiting to get ur babies under thier control this reson alone its worth urt ime to grow mom stock if u cant ie no room make deal with buddy he helps u u help him works for all iam waiting for my snow slyder PM resistent now only 3 weeks old/joker collection old school afgani crossed northern #1 heavy larthgenic/narcotic stone avge sog 20-25 grams per pole highest 33 grams sog method

How did that comma get in there?
I have a friend (growing about 5 years now) and he starts 24/0 and works his way slowly throughout the grow to 4/20. think every 1.5 weeks he shortens the day a bit. he gets pretty damn good results but as stated above work with your skillset (he has his masters in Horticulture)

This method will result in tall plants, which will not perform well under artificial lighting. Any buds more than about 600mm from the lamp will be fluffy, leafy & will be a pain to manicure for little yield. Also, this tapered lighting schedule cannot be used in a continuous harvest SoG plan such as mine.

In SoG, where clones are immediately put into 12/12 light, plants will grow in a tapering vegetative habit for the 1st 3-4 weeks, when they will shift into full flowering habit. Vegetative growth under 12/12 will halt when the plants are about 400-500mm tall roundabout the end of week 4- and the end result is stalks of tight, dense buds that are easy to manicure.

I really don't understand why people insist upon complicating things.

Hello Al,

May question is on the 14th day of the cycle you are cutting clones from the mamas, moving the newly rooted clones to the flowering room, and harvesting to make room for the new clones. Also you would have the last harvest drying for 2 week which is about right to process.. So that's 3 if not 4 things needed to be done on that 14th day:shock:.. Can you give some insight on how you deal with this process. I am sure you have this dialed..

Thanks Al,

You're quite right- I'm busier than a one-legged asskicker every 2 weeks. However, the drying only takes 3 days in my bud dryer.



See detail here.

Cutting a batch of clones takes only about an hour. Packing a set of pots with media takes about the same. Pots have to be washed with a 10% bleach plus a few drops of dish soap solution before re-use, but if you have about a tray's worth of spare pots, the pot-washing task can be deferred until time is less precious. However, clearing space for the new batch of clones is a bit of a challenge.

I often have to put some plants from tray 4 on the floor in the flowering room to clear space to bring in the new batch. After that, it's go-go-go on manicuring to get them into the dryer quickly before mould has a chance to get at them. It's important to keep plants pending harvest in the controlled conditions in the flowering room, where there's a dehumidifier & plenty of ventilation available to keep the outbound plants in good shape until they can be manicured.

I've long considered using some sort of manicuring/trimming machine to speed up the tedious & much hated manicuring task, which I should be doing right now as a matter of fact... but I don't like leaving any leaf at all on my buds, which is always the result from any of these machines.
Al great info, what should I use to periodically clean my cool tubes, I find that windex leaves a residue, so I just use a microfiber cloth. Also, what about cleaning the adjust-a-wing itself? Thanks sir!
Al great info, what should I use to periodically clean my cool tubes, I find that windex leaves a residue, so I just use a microfiber cloth. Also, what about cleaning the adjust-a-wing itself? Thanks sir!

I do OK cleaning mine with Windex & paper towels. A microfibre cloth (as for eyeglasses) will do ok, I spoze, works for eyeglasses!

The reflective surfaces of the AAW are on the underside, so they won't pick up appreciable amounts of dust etc. but windex & paper towels will do should you feel the urge to clean them.
Hi Al, I know its mostly strain dependent, but I was wondering if you might have any ideas on how to keep my plants at a finished height of 2ft. I thought maybe by keeping air temps cooler ,but no big swings in temps between lights on and off, or maybe reducing N in the nute mix until they finish stretching. I dont want to just start with smaller clones as I worry that would reduce yield. My start height for clones now is 8''. But would like to start with even larger ones.
O.K. for real last question(for now)lol. I have no heat issues at all with my a/c 1000w light, so is 1ft. from canopy to close?
On a separate issue, I was the guy with the duckfoot, I looked all over for info on growing indoors with the stuff and came up empty,just wondering if you might have come across anything?
Thanks again for your help Al. As always thanks in advance and looking forward to your response.

sorry AL , I just wanted to repost this, in hopes you might see it.
sorry AL , I just wanted to repost this, in hopes you might see it.

oops! Sorry, this week has been pretty heavily booked, somehow I missed your queries!

Hi Al, I know its mostly strain dependent, but I was wondering if you might have any ideas on how to keep my plants at a finished height of 2ft. I thought maybe by keeping air temps cooler ,but no big swings in temps between lights on and off, or maybe reducing N in the nute mix until they finish stretching. I dont want to just start with smaller clones as I worry that would reduce yield. My start height for clones now is 8''. But would like to start with even larger ones.

Cooler air temps should theoretically keep them shorter, but if you have more advanced flowering plants in the same airmass, you could be reducing yield for them. How tall are they finishing up at now?

O.K. for real last question(for now)lol. I have no heat issues at all with my a/c 1000w light, so is 1ft. from canopy to close?

With cooltubes, 12" is OK.

On a separate issue, I was the guy with the duckfoot, I looked all over for info on growing indoors with the stuff and came up empty,just wondering if you might have come across anything?

Nope, haven't come across anything r/ duckfoot. I have not even seen any pix of the strain in full flowering, just a few of the shape of the leaf in veg habit.