

New Member
i want to lst her but you dont want leaves touching the soil i thought so im a little confused on the lsting. plus shes so bushy is there even a point to lst lol
who said has to touch dirt in lst
that is not good
and why u doing lst
u got a grow thread


Well-Known Member
you have 50"? I wouldnt lst I would just grow it short. but if you want transplant it to its final resting place. what i do is tie a lose loop of yarn near the top of the plant but where its still strong and every 2 days bend it over just a bit more. then you can tie it in spot and let it grow a bit more then just do the same concept as the plant grows. any leafs touching soil just cut them off. and just keep it going


Well-Known Member
i think we lost budist 2 lol he died on us, oh ok. i think its in its final resting pots should be enought room there for it to grow another 3 weeks i think. ill slowly bend it like you said but seeing how its so bushing is lsting it gonne do much?


Well-Known Member
i thought same then i came back and he is still kicking
im sure i will be first to get lost
oh I"m far from lost my fingers are busy on this computer! your plant is growing nice and bushy I would maybe give it a quick topping and let it veg til you want to flower. just remember some plants can double size in flower so adjust your veg time accordingly