Weird shots.

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Well-Known Member
My posts always irratate you. Funny ur in illinois, Ive always had this feeling you were 6afraidof7, (who got banned) ur acct was created right after his was deleted and you have always been mean to me! Just thought I would throw that out there. Not like you would admit it, so its cool. You shouldnt get so irratated at what people post.
He was talking about me. I asked why he was chasing shots. So now were going to have a friendly drinking competition sometime and then smoke a few blunts afterwards. :)


Well-Known Member
I didn't know my posts were so popular and rememberable.. kind of worrisome on a site like this actually...
No, I just have people that post in the same threads as me... and when you post bitchy comments to me (more than once or twice) it started getting noticed... Dont worry no one is stalkin ur ass, or really cares either way if ur 6afraidof7. It was something I noticed a while back, and now since you got "irritated" at my response to you, I thought to myself "suprising... I honestly thought I was wrong about this dude, but maybe not..." Oh well Im not even gonna worry about it anymore....I just wont post around you anymore. Take care and enjoy ur shots.

And whats funny, just to get this clear.... If that was you-67, I never did anything to offend you. It was the repercussions that followed after you tried to put me down, and that was out of my hands.


Well-Known Member
No, I just have people that post in the same threads as me... and when you post bitchy comments to me (more than once or twice) it started getting noticed... Dont worry no one is stalkin ur ass, or really cares either way if ur 6afraidof7. It was something I noticed a while back, and now since you got "irritated" at my response to you, I thought to myself "suprising... I honestly thought I was wrong about this dude, but maybe not..." Oh well Im not even gonna worry about it anymore....I just wont post around you anymore. Take care and enjoy ur shots.

And whats funny, just to get this clear.... If that was you-67, I never did anything to offend you. It was the repercussions that followed after you tried to put me down, and that was out of my hands.
Im not trying to choose sides or anything but Jamie he said MY post irritated him. So dont worry he wasnt even talking about you.


Well-Known Member
damn drama on the internet. They should make a reality tv show about this site. Sorry if I speak my mind I run across a lot of foolish advice on this site and it's sometimes irritating.


Well-Known Member
you chase a shot of whiskey?
Who gives an eff. That sounds like crap but once its down who cares....

wait... did you just take a shot of whisky this early?! I didnt check the time. Either way enjoy!
with a liver like mine after 5 years of serious partying I kind of have too.. yeah it's like 11:30 am and im about to drink a magnum 40. They just started selling them at the 7-11 in my trendy ass town like 2 weeks ago. It's so bomb.
Plus it's early times which is probably in my top 10 least favorite liquors, kind of makes me shiver when I smell it.. I just happened to have a handle of it at my house.
Your post kind of irritated me, I'm in IL too.. Let me know if you ever want to go to the bar.. see if you can back up that comment lol... if you even have a job, or are even 21 younging.
Im not trying to choose sides or anything but Jamie he said MY post irritated him. So dont worry he wasnt even talking about you.
Where at KMFG? And what did you say to irratate him... and why did he follow up with saying he thought I was calling him a pussy? I dont care if you chose sides...lmao... we are not in grade school.


Well-Known Member
you chase a shot of whiskey?

right here dude.. You don't have balls or testosterone jamie, girls are different obviously lol, i'm sure they get mad about other shit.. If some dude came up to me at a party and said that I would be like WTF that dude just say haha, or maybe thats just the guys I know.


Well-Known Member
Where at KMFG? And what did you say to irratate him... and why did he follow up with saying he thought I was calling him a pussy? I dont care if you chose sides...lmao... we are not in grade school.
I know were not in grade school and i dont know if your on your period and just angry at everyone or dont know how to read post's and is just stupid. He thought i was calling him a pussy for saying he chases shots. Hence why me and him got into a whole conversation about having a competition. None of the posts were directed to you.


Well-Known Member
right here dude.. You don't have balls or testosterone jamie, girls are different obviously lol, i'm sure they get mad about other shit.. If some dude came up to me at a party and said that I would be like WTF that dude just say haha, or maybe thats just the guys I know.

i have balls and i have no clue what you are talking about.

good luck with the drunk driving. it's only a matter of time. :blsmoke::peace:

i can't believe someone would brag about that. do you have children by chance? :-|


Well-Known Member
i have balls and i have no clue what you are talking about.

good luck with the drunk driving. it's only a matter of time. :blsmoke::peace:

i can't believe someone would brag about that. do you have children by chance? :-|
Like I said in the thread i'm 22, young, in college, and yeah pretty crazy... No I definitely do not have children, and I wasn't bragging at all. If you knew me in real life you'd know I don't brag, ever. I'm just straight forward. People like me exist. Sorry.
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