Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Spike Lee decided he wanted to tweet Zimmerman's location. He got it wrong.

Now a old retired couple are afraid for their lives.

We here have all believed that some innocent people would get hurt in this, but an old couple.

I hope they sue the jerk and win.
But he gave their adress out so people could deliver cookies, baked goods and warm meals!!

Charges should be brought up against him if you ask me.... Where are the great men of our time?
Kush, I don't agree with being hung. But, I do agree that he and others like him have tendency to perpetuate racism on the black side of the equation.

yeah i dont like it either when people pull the race card. as an asian american i have never used that as an excuse, its a cop-out for many races against other races
You can't judge a whole race based on the actions of one individual. His actions were stupid yes, I can agree on that. But what I'm saying is no one made him the ambasitor of the African American race. Hate him because he's ignorant not because he's black......
Spike Lee decided he wanted to twit Zimmerman's location. He got it wrong.

Now a old retired couple are afraid for their lives.

We here have all believed that some innocent people would get hurt in this, but an old couple.

I hope they sue the jerk and win.

Stupid is as stupid does. I hope they sue the fucking pants off him. What a dumb ass. Is this illegal?

yep , spike lee should be hung , it's people like him that keep racism alive.

Seriously? Fuck you , and you're ignorant ass comments
What is ignorant about not wanting an Ass like Spunk Lee perpetuating racism?

"You can't judge a whole race based on the actions of one individual. His actions were stupid yes, I can agree on that. But what I'm saying is no one made him the ambasitor of the African American race. Hate him because he's ignorant not because he's black......"
I saw no posts comparing all Blacks to him, or judging all Blacks by his actions. I am so sick of people like you making everything racial - get a life.

yep , spike lee should be hung , it's people like him that keep racism alive.

Seriously? Fuck you , and you're ignorant ass comments
What is ignorant about not wanting an Ass like Spunk Lee perpetuating racism?

"You can't judge a whole race based on the actions of one individual. His actions were stupid yes, I can agree on that. But what I'm saying is no one made him the ambasitor of the African American race. Hate him because he's ignorant not because he's black......"
I saw no posts comparing all Blacks to him, or judging all Blacks by his actions. I am so sick of people like you making everything racial - get a life.

Lol you don't even know me , so how are you sick of people like me?
And it was ignorant to say he should be "Hung" in this day in age.
Go smoke,
You mad bro ?
"I saw no posts comparing all Blacks to him, or judging all Blacks by his actions. "
Did you miss the first post in the thread?

"spike lee should be hung , it's people like him that keep racism alive."

"spike lee should be hung , it's people like him that keep racism alive."

Your ignorance or racism is showing again:

To you "people like him" means Blacks, while a right minded person would assume "people like him" would mean
racists, and race-baiters - you know the ones keeping racism alive as was originally posted.
"I saw no posts comparing all Blacks to him, or judging all Blacks by his actions. "
Did you miss the first post in the thread?

"spike lee should be hung , it's people like him that keep racism alive."

"PEOPLE LIKE HIM" meaning people that perpetuate the racial divide such as Spike Lee. There was no statement that said "all black people." Not too bright with the reading comprehension thing, are you?

"spike lee should be hung , it's people like him that keep racism alive."

Your ignorance or racism is showing again:

To you "people like him" means Blacks, while a right minded person would assume "people like him" would mean
racists, and race-baiters - you know the ones keeping racism alive as was originally posted.

Fact of the matter is the guy is an ass for evening saying that he should be hung. Do you have any clue the negative imagery that is associated with hangings in the black community? Maybe he wasn't taling about Spike Lee being the spokesperson for ALL black people but the hanging comment basically sealed his fate. It was ignorant and racist in itself. As a black person; and a human; any response after that is warranted. That guy went racial in a disgusting way; how that affects me as a black person and my response to it are really not open to judgement or interpretation from someone who doesn't understand.

"spike lee should be hung , it's people like him that keep racism alive."

Your ignorance or racism is showing again:

To you "people like him" means Blacks, while a right minded person would assume "people like him" would mean
racists, and race-baiters - you know the ones keeping racism alive as was originally posted.

Bingo, Ladies and Gentlemen we have a winner!
"PEOPLE LIKE HIM" meaning people that perpetuate the racial divide such as Spike Lee. There was no statement that said "all black people." Not too bright with the reading comprehension thing, are you?

It's pathetic that you guys are jumping on Kush's back when it is so obvious that statement was ignorant and racist. Who says a black person should be hung in 2012? In my opinion it just goes to show how ignorant Mcrandle and Angelsbandit really are and that you both may not be openly racist but you sure as hell don't see any problem with that statement which means to me you're both exactly what is wrong with this world today. Disgusting if you ask me.
why does it matter if they are black? it would be racist to treat blacks different than others by not hanging them. sadam was hung. and the war was brought upon him with allegations that were false. he wasnt making weapons of mass destruction it was all fabricated.

Because of the connotation that goes with hanging and black people; especially in America. Do we need to have a history lesson in regards to 460 years of slavery and 100 years of lynching? You need to be sensitive to a persons race when suggesting things like that. I wouldn't tell a Muslim I was going to bury him in a ditch because that is against their beliefs.