Spike lee is an idiot. He could put an elder couple in jeopardy

and not to piss in your corn flakes, but lee retweeted this, someone else was the original person who tweeted it.

someone with lee's status and reach, especially with racial issues, ought to be aware of the power his words or actions could potentially have. for him to retweet something that he has not confirmed to be true that could potentially instigate violence is outrageously irresponsible. he's not some kid in his parent's basement, he has over a quarter million followers on twitter. the guy has some serious juice in the black community and the entertainment industry, and the fact that he did not feel a responsibility to fact-check before spreading such a dangerous rumor really concerns me. we all know what the intent was here. it was to put zimmerman in physical danger. not something to be taken lightly.

even if the address had really been zimmerman's, i want to know what the benefit is in spreading around someone's address who hasn't had their day in court or even been charged. everyone loves to use the court of public opinion but likes to bitch about how the actual court system is corrupt. even if there were to be a trial here, it will be a joke. the jury pool is tainted from here to tokyo and everyone has already formed an opinion.

the old couple is living in a hotel and lee hasn't so much as issued an apology, let alone a statement to his followers to set the record straight. he is, however retweeting a bunch of the racial bickering he stirred up. is he after justice or does he want publicity? i can't tell.
someone with lee's status and reach, especially with racial issues, ought to be aware of the power his words or actions could potentially have. for him to retweet something that he has not confirmed to be true that could potentially instigate violence is outrageously irresponsible. he's not some kid in his parent's basement, he has over a quarter million followers on twitter. the guy has some serious juice in the black community and the entertainment industry, and the fact that he did not feel a responsibility to fact-check before spreading such a dangerous rumor really concerns me. we all know what the intent was here. it was to put zimmerman in physical danger. not something to be taken lightly.

even if the address had really been zimmerman's, i want to know what the benefit is in spreading around someone's address who hasn't had their day in court or even been charged. everyone loves to use the court of public opinion but likes to bitch about how the actual court system is corrupt. even if there were to be a trial here, it will be a joke. the jury pool is tainted from here to tokyo and everyone has already formed an opinion.

the old couple is living in a hotel and lee hasn't so much as issued an apology, let alone a statement to his followers to set the record straight. he is, however retweeting a bunch of the racial bickering he stirred up. is he after justice or does he want publicity? i can't tell.

I think everyone in the thread can agree that Spike Lee should be arrested for doing this.
if that's the standard you're holding here, then the elderly couple should have no worries because everyone knows to verify what's on twitter, right?

double standard?

Actually, right now if I was them I'd be terrified. You expect an elderly couple to even know what twitter is? All they know is the idiots fan club is threatening them. Verified or not.

You'd be frightened too. Or are you to biased to admit it?
blah blah blah.
we all know spike lee is a douche for this, and honestly, he's doing it for attention, and should get in some kind of trouble for this. What about our implied right to privacy? He's just violated that. Spike Lee is an arrogant douche bag who makes his money off of being controversial.
Same as glenn beck used to. it doesnt matter what race you are, when you stir up hate towards another human being, that makes you a self righteous prick. Period the end.
blah blah blah.
we all know spike lee is a douche for this, and honestly, he's doing it for attention, and should get in some kind of trouble for this. What about our implied right to privacy? He's just violated that. Spike Lee is an arrogant douche bag who makes his money off of being controversial.
Same as glenn beck used to. it doesnt matter what race you are, when you stir up hate towards another human being, that makes you a self righteous prick. Period the end.

Wow, Urca, well said.
i blame childrens cartoons.



paragraphs are the most basic part of writing, and even if they are the same thought, one big block of words is more difficult to read than two or three paragraphs
This same thing happened with dana white... "hacktivists" put the wrong address on twitter and it turned out to be some poor old womans. Now she's paranoid and doesn't leave her house and has people calling her house all day asking to be on UFC. Just for some stupidity like jokes on the internet or whatever.
You can't judge a whole race based on the actions of one individual. His actions were stupid yes, I can agree on that. But what I'm saying is no one made him the ambasitor of the African American race. Hate him because he's ignorant not because he's black......

Who was hating him because he was black?
Lol you don't even know me , so how are you sick of people like me?
And it was ignorant to say he should be "Hung" in this day in age.
Go smoke,
You mad bro ?

You perpetuate just as much with useless complaints at a juncture which nobody even made a racist statemen. The statement could have detailed myriad other methods of death.

And don't give me the " this day and age" , because " he oughta be hung" is a very basic collouqialism in out country/society and has been so since folks WERE geting hung , which is NOT as far back in many locales as folks think.

The last hanging round here being in 1928.

So hows a bout , drawn and quartered , scalped , boiled in oil , horsewhipped , keelhauled , gassed , electrocuted etc etc.

Ya might wish to wait until racism actually does rear it's head prior to jumping.
You perpetuate just as much with useless complaints at a juncture which nobody even made a racist statemen. The statement could have detailed myriad other methods of death.

And don't give me the " this day and age" , because " he oughta be hung" is a very basic collouqialism in out country/society and has been so since folks WERE geting hung , which is NOT as far back in many locales as folks think.

The last hanging round here being in 1928.

So hows a bout , drawn and quartered , scalped , boiled in oil , horsewhipped , keelhauled , gassed , electrocuted etc etc.

Ya might wish to wait until racism actually does rear it's head prior to jumping.

Dude i just woke up from a fantastic nap. I honestly don't care about this anymore lol