Need help with grinder


Well-Known Member
I have this shitty plastic one (does the job) and it's getting dirty, how would you go about cleaning one?
Careful with the iso alcohol. I tried cleaning my acrylic grinder with it and the whole thing ended up getting cracks all through it.

I now use a nice 4 piece grinder with kiff collection... it's awesome. I'll never use one of those little grinders again.
Careful with the iso alcohol. I tried cleaning my acrylic grinder with it and the whole thing ended up getting cracks all through it.

I now use a nice 4 piece grinder with kiff collection... it's awesome. I'll never use one of those little grinders again.

Could you psot a pic of that? I bought one recently and my crew is thinking I got shorted a container. VV:blsmoke:
The one I have is similar to this ... a four piece, and with a magnetic top, it's really nice.
Mini Space Case Quality 4 Piece Herp Pollen Grinder Mag - eBay (item 140223365003 end time Apr-12-08 19:56:27 PDT)


But they do make a 3 piece (or 2 piece) ones which are laid out similar to this. Is your's a 3 piece?

I have a 3 piece grinder, i'm gonna get a 4 piece, i don't really like the 3 piece because some of the weed gets caught between the little screen and underneath of the metal...anyone wit one of these will know what i'm talkin about
i got a one piece 8ball grinder lol... lost my 4 piece about a month ago and now my friend was just like here use this till u get one.. so it works but im to lazy to go out and buy another one lol
I recommend getting the 3" ones. The 2.5" is a tad small and the 4" is huge!
Yes its must be a 3 piece, and I'm not talking about 2 bandaids and a cork. He wasn't sure why it didn't have a kief screen so he gave me one, I didn't get a fourth section to put it over. No sweat, they are good folks, I'll get it taken care off. In the meantime the grinder I posted in the blues thread does a hell of a job, and every once in a while you get to lick the bowl. Thanx for the info. + rep VV