trayvan martin

dude I could not see. fuck walking ...shit ..i laid on the ground until I was taken to the hospital..believe me broken nose you not moving like that.

nope, I duck well.

well, good reflexes then.

london and i can attest to the fact that no one with a broken nose would move like zimmerman did just hours later without being in clearly visible pain. despite the low quality of the footage, you can see his facial expressions, never once does he wince in pain when leaning forward or walking normally along.

edit: for the record, i have never had my nose broken in a fight. first time i fell off a large rock face first and the second time my brother hit me with a snow shovel by accident when tossing some snow to the side.
Yes actually they do.For instance,If another witness wants to come forward and make a statement, that would be added to the police report.

so they can just add in, alter, change whatever they want to the report after the fact to correspond with a scenario they find most favorable?

not damning at all.
so they can just add in, alter, change whatever they want to the report after the fact to correspond with a scenario they find most favorable?

not damning at all.

So once the police leave the scene of a crime its case closed? no more taking evidence? come on now buck think man.They can't alter statements.Do you even understand what a police report is?
boy, you sure are dumb, even for a canuck.

if they can alter the report after the fact, there is no reason they can't alter whatever the hell they damn well please.

Witness statements and police reports are totally different things.
Witness statements are provided by witnesses to the police which are in turn filled into the police report.Police reports contain all evidence associated with that particular case.
boy, you sure are dumb, even for a canuck.

if they can alter the report after the fact, there is no reason they can't alter whatever the hell they damn well please.

Taking additional statements is not altering the report but rather continuing the investigation.
Witness statements and police reports are totally different things.
Witness statements are provided by witnesses to the police which are in turn filled into the police report.Police reports contain all evidence associated with that particular case.

what would stop the police from altering or changing their own statements?
Witnesses have to sign a statement.And if it were altered after it was signed then yes that would be a problem.

it is clear that your canadian educational system has hindered your reading abilities. i asked...

  • what would stop the police from altering or changing their own statements?

I am suprized what a buzz I have with 2 tramadol and 2 shots of bourbon. It made me think in a differnt perspective. If the perp is a white hispanic, does that mean obama is a white african-american?
it is clear that your canadian educational system has hindered your reading abilities. i asked...

  • what would stop the police from altering or changing their own statements?

They don't make statements.Witnesses do.They record evidence.Go ahead keep telling me how dumb I am while looking like an idiot.
I am suprized what a buzz I have with 2 tramadol and 2 shots of bourbon. It made me think in a differnt perspective. If the perp is a white hispanic, does that mean obama is a white african-american?

what the hell does race have to do with any of this?
I am suprized what a buzz I have with 2 tramadol and 2 shots of bourbon. It made me think in a differnt perspective. If the perp is a white hispanic, does that mean obama is a white african-american?

He is a White African American, but his skin color is darker than pasty white cracker so he is considered black.
They don't make statements.Witnesses do.They record evidence.Go ahead keep telling me how dumb I am while looking like an idiot.

nonsense, i see plenty of statements in police reports that could be altered.

for example "while in the car, i heard zimmerman state that he called for help while on the ground".

that's a statement. what prevents them from altering something like that?
I am suprized what a buzz I have with 2 tramadol and 2 shots of bourbon. It made me think in a differnt perspective. If the perp is a white hispanic, does that mean obama is a white african-american?

nope because he was born in Kenya not America