What's For Dinner Tonight?

They were.. heavenly. I put them on a platter and rolled around in them like a cat with cat nip. And then the funny men with white coats and the butterfly net came over. We had a nice chat and then they gave me some pills. :p

I had a license plate for my bike that had a phoneticism on it for "psych escapee". I so wanted a plate frame that read

Corn on the cob, roasted potatoes, and more mixed veggies :) mmmmm butter, parm cheese and more butter :) lol Fuck i luv Canada
I made carne adobada using pork chops as the protein. I served it with pintos and a light salad. I made tortillas and was heating them in the oven two at a time. While I was putting the tortillas in the oven, the door closed on my arm. Burned the shit out of my forearm. Then I jerked my arm up automatically and hit the heating coil with my left hand. I lost skin. I have first and second degree burns.

From now on I heat up the tortillas in a skillet. No more using the oven.
I made carne adobada using pork chops as the protein. I served it with pintos and a light salad. I made tortillas and was heating them in the oven two at a time. While I was putting the tortillas in the oven, the door closed on my arm. Burned the shit out of my forearm. Then I jerked my arm up automatically and hit the heating coil with my left hand. I lost skin. I have first and second degree burns.

From now on I heat up the tortillas in a skillet. No more using the oven.

Put baking soda on your burn
I made carne adobada using pork chops as the protein. I served it with pintos and a light salad. I made tortillas and was heating them in the oven two at a time. While I was putting the tortillas in the oven, the door closed on my arm. Burned the shit out of my forearm. Then I jerked my arm up automatically and hit the heating coil with my left hand. I lost skin. I have first and second degree burns.

From now on I heat up the tortillas in a skillet. No more using the oven.

See why u need a women ;) Carne the stove is suppose to feed u , don't feed ur over precious carne flesh, it will want more, kinda like my ........ ;)
I hurted! :(

My mother, Ay dios mio! Mi hijo! Put egg white on it!!! put egg white on it!!!!

I did. It works. My mother is amazing.
I made carne adobada using pork chops as the protein. I served it with pintos and a light salad. I made tortillas and was heating them in the oven two at a time. While I was putting the tortillas in the oven, the door closed on my arm. Burned the shit out of my forearm. Then I jerked my arm up automatically and hit the heating coil with my left hand. I lost skin. I have first and second degree burns.

From now on I heat up the tortillas in a skillet. No more using the oven.

sounds like grilled Carne for dinner...