Someone please tell me what this is! ..!.!.!.!..

Thats a birds eye view of a 3 week old Cannabis plant!!

If you are wondering why the lower leaf is discoloured i would say its likely to be nutrient burn i.e. over feeding of nutrients. Its no big thing just dial back on the nutes for a bit. During the the flowering stage it is common for leafs to turn this colour and its nothing to worry about, during the veg stage leafs shouldnt be turning this colour so its important to give the plant no more than the recommended dose of ferts.

By the way everything i know ive learnt through the art of reading :) there is more than enough info available online for you to successfully grow a plant from seed to harvest i suggest you read up as much as you physically can as yu are likely to run into much bigger problems than this during your grow.

Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
they appear to have a yellow leaf, pinch it off and go about your business, if the matter worsens contact us.

alot of my plants get a yellow leaf or 2 in early stages of growth, i generally dont make a big deal over it and the plant usually straightens out. any number of things could have happened to that leaf so to try and fix problems that arent there is only going to make it worse, again if it starts to spread make another thread.


Well-Known Member
Thats a birds eye view of a 3 week old Cannabis plant!!

If you are wondering why the lower leaf is discoloured i would say its likely to be nutrient burn i.e. over feeding of nutrients. Its no big thing just dial back on the nutes for a bit. During the the flowering stage it is common for leafs to turn this colour and its nothing to worry about, during the veg stage leafs shouldnt be turning this colour so its important to give the plant no more than the recommended dose of ferts.

yeah what he said too ^^^ shouldnt even really be giving nutes at this stage (depending on soil but most mixes have planty in them to support growth for at least 4 weeks maybe longer, that plant looks 2-3 weeks old)

plain water till the plant demands more food.
I dont understand why someone would go to the effort of uploading pics of their plant when all they had to do was Google yellowing leaves during veg.. oh there is only 20 million pages of relevant info..

Seriously good luck tho :)


I dont understand why someone would go to the effort of uploading pics of their plant when all they had to do was Google yellowing leaves during veg.. oh there is only 20 million pages of relevant info..

Seriously good luck tho :)
trust me ive read the grow bible i purchased read multiple websites theres simply so many reasons a leaf could be yellow my leaves turn yellow at the tips, then the whole leaf is yellow then they curl down a bit and start to slowly decay at the ends of the leafs..... i found it could be a defficiency or could be nute burn maybe nitrogen or magnesium... thank you all for your input i appreciate it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Root system is stressed it needs repotting, to correct the problem you added more nutes(common newbie panic) and now you also got nute burn. Flush then repot.


Well-Known Member
By the way everything i know ive learnt through the art of reading :) there is more than enough info available online for you to successfully grow a plant from seed to harvest i suggest you read up as much as you physically can as yu are likely to run into much bigger problems than this during your grow.

Good luck :)
LOL!! You should be a Diplomat!