is this a hermie or am i trippin

Gum B

I have one plant out of 6 that I have been watching for week. I notice a few pods pop up but no hairs are coming out. Is this one a late bloomer? There are no clusters developing just these little pods about 1 or 2 on each side of the node. Should I just pick these off or continue to wait and see if hairs come out.

IMAG0365.jpg IMAG0368.jpg

Gum B

From seed 4wks veg...2wks flower and It's pretty hairy up top and so are the others. But this particular one has pods that will not open up and its been over week. I posted a thread about this issue few days ago and could not get a straight answer. I almost killed it but decided to get more opions.


Well-Known Member
Did you notice the pics of the seeds? They were clusters. Did you have any clusters? If it is just one, it is a female bud that hasnt opened yet.


Well-Known Member
Ive seen the same thing your seeing when I first started and it freaked the shit out of me too. Wait till it is a little more mature and these buds waiting to open will be all over your plants.

Gum B

Ok I guess I'm still stuck clueless. I'll try to take some more pics when there not sleepin. I think I remember seeing one of the pods was sorta cracked open does that mean a hair might come out? I know its not a full blown male it came from a fem seed. I just want to know when is it consider to be classified as a hermie.


Active Member
the little 'football' looks like a male sexual part. the new growth on a male might look like white hairs when its just a bunch of light green leaves. it isn't really guaranteed they all will turn out all female but watch out for those parts that come out under the stems, the females (when you clone them) all come out the same. you gotta learn what to look out for (male plant parts) , and if you clone females you see more of what you want to see


Well-Known Member
Ok I guess I'm still stuck clueless. I'll try to take some more pics when there not sleepin. I think I remember seeing one of the pods was sorta cracked open does that mean a hair might come out? I know its not a full blown male it came from a fem seed. I just want to know when is it consider to be classified as a hermie.
Hey dude, if you still think its a male, I will take the plant off your hands. I will bet you 100 USD that those are not seeds that you have. Once again, Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Nice chart. Do you have an opinion on his plant? Are you an experienced grower?
sound slike you have no clue what your talking about man, stop giving bad advice!!
first off female buds dont "open"
second male plants do not produce seeds, male plants do in fact "open" though into a pretty little flower.

when you first start growing identifying males can be confusing as they form clusters and to inexperienced growers they can look like the formation of buds, until they all open up into little pollen filled flowers.

that plant has got male parts, if you see pistols then its a hermie, if there are no pistols then its just a plane jane male.


Well-Known Member
sound slike you have no clue what your talking about man, stop giving bad advice!!
first off female buds dont "open"
second male plants do not produce seeds, male plants do in fact "open" though into a pretty little flower.

when you first start growing identifying males can be confusing as they form clusters and to inexperienced growers they can look like the formation of buds, until they all open up into little pollen filled flowers
that plant has got male parts, if you see pistols then its a hermie, if there are no pistols then its just a plane jane male.

Male Plants dont produce seeds? They open up into a flower? Sounds like you don't know what your talking about.