is this a hermie or am i trippin


Well-Known Member
explain this male plant that has matured and opened into a bunch of little flowers then, where are the seeds? oh wait female plants produce seeds...DUH!!!! seriously man GTFO and stop trying to sound like you have even the slightest fucking clue what your talking about.

i can find countless articles to backup my claims, find me one article that says male canabis plants produce seeds. then find me one article that says female buds "open" up

Mack Buchanan

Well-Known Member
man, i had the same thing a while back.....i had 20 have to ask yourself is it worth the gamble.........NO!


Well-Known Member
lol ok man

Ok. Look, I come on here to help people out as best I can just like you do. I have my opinion in this particular case and I believe I am right. I have just as much of a right to post here as anyone. I'm not looking to piss you or anyone off. I think we are all a community here that should be good to one another.

That being said, could you explain to me your comment that male plants don't produce seeds. If I am going to take you seriously as an authority on growing I need a little more explanation on that one.
u guys r funny... u need both male and female plants to produce seeds just like a fucking humen male plants produce the pollen and so on

Gum B

I thought males produce the pollen sacks then pollinate the female and the female makes the seeds?


Active Member
Those look like male pollen sacs, you could just pull them off. Then scour the plant if you see more then 10 pull the sucker. But if it's just a few you could just isolate it for a few days, to see which way it goes.

If it was stressed in some way into herming you could wait another day or two and pull the pollen sacs to allow them to open away from the other females and pollinate a few lower buds on your others, you'll likely get some fem seeds from the venture.

Edit: just read the other post, if they are opening, you need to seperate that plant from the others if you haven't. A good way to tell how close they are too opening is the discoloration on the pod, it will be striped light/dark. Also when they are really close the little legs on the tips will uncross, they tend to open in less then a day at that point.

Here's some pics for examples.


Well-Known Member
explain this male plant that has matured and opened into a bunch of little flowers then, where are the seeds? oh wait female plants produce seeds...DUH!!!! seriously man GTFO and stop trying to sound like you have even the slightest fucking clue what your talking about.

i can find countless articles to backup my claims, find me one article that says male canabis plants produce seeds. then find me one article that says female buds "open" up
You are absolutely correct. I am sorry about that last post. I can definitely admit when I am wrong, stupid and out of line. My Apologies. I still dont think thats a pollen sack though.


Well-Known Member
Just take a look at your buds, you will find the new buds forming underneath and they look exactly like what he has.


Active Member
I honestly think thats a Female.... I mean Male pollen sacks look like bananas and female calyx's is some what like a football but the end swurls kinda and than opens up with 2 pistols that come out but idk yall could be right


Well-Known Member
But another clue might be that this is happening on only one plant out of six. If this is the same strain as the rest and it is the only one he notices it happening on maybe it is hermie....


Well-Known Member
OK, all i said was dont give wrong advice which is what you were doing. when i said something you came at me telling me i am wrong. I have been around for a little while and know what the difference between a male plant and a female plant, what they do and what they look like.

that being said.

a male plant will produce small pods or "nuts" as people like to call them. these pods are filled with pollen and when they open the pollen is released into the air on its journey to find a female plant. when the pods open they are pretty much a tiny flower, yes i realize people call female buds flowers and they are as well. to a beginner grower the formation of the "nuts" can sometimes resemble what they think is a bud (i did it on my first grow myself)

a female plant produces calyx's which are the "pocket" the plant creates to store the seed, the pistol or "white hair" that protrudes from the calyx is there to catch the pollen released from the male plant. when it catches the pollen on the pistol the FEMALE plant begins to produce a seed inside the calyx.

the pictures you posted are not that great. if you could post some better pictures that would be great. the easiest thing to do is look for pistols (white hairs) if there are no pistols i really doubt a calyx has swelled to that size without producing any pistols as the pistol comes out of the calyx when it is really small.

no white hairs, you probally have a male, if you have white hairs, better pics please and we can tell you if its a hermie. if there is not a white hair coming out of the "pod" that was in the first pictures my money is on hermie (if white hairs are present)
I have one plant out of 6 that I have been watching for week. I notice a few pods pop up but no hairs are coming out. Is this one a late bloomer? There are no clusters developing just these little pods about 1 or 2 on each side of the node. Should I just pick these off or continue to wait and see if hairs come out.

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looks like a hermi honestly... u should move it away from female plants though just for safe keep


Well-Known Member
OK, all i said was dont give wrong advice which is what you were doing. when i said something you came at me telling me i am wrong. I have been around for a little while and know what the difference between a male plant and a female plant, what they do and what they look like.

that being said.

a male plant will produce small pods or "nuts" as people like to call them. these pods are filled with pollen and when they open the pollen is released into the air on its journey to find a female plant. when the pods open they are pretty much a tiny flower, yes i realize people call female buds flowers and they are as well. to a beginner grower the formation of the "nuts" can sometimes resemble what they think is a bud (i did it on my first grow myself)

a female plant produces calyx's which are the "pocket" the plant creates to store the seed, the pistol or "white hair" that protrudes from the calyx is there to catch the pollen released from the male plant. when it catches the pollen on the pistol the FEMALE plant begins to produce a seed inside the calyx.

the pictures you posted are not that great. if you could post some better pictures that would be great. the easiest thing to do is look for pistols (white hairs) if there are no pistols i really doubt a calyx has swelled to that size without producing any pistols as the pistol comes out of the calyx when it is really small.

no white hairs, you probally have a male, if you have white hairs, better pics please and we can tell you if its a hermie. if there is not a white hair coming out of the "pod" that was in the first pictures my money is on hermie (if white hairs are present)
O.K., Thanks man, I wasn't trying to step on your toes, just trying to give my honest opinion with the picture we had available. Maybe I am a little on edge today. Apologies to all.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't trying to step on your toes
not stepping on my toes, my apologies as well maybe i should have explained before ridculing you for giving wrong info. either way, its over. do yourself a favor and grow out a crop before trying to help others. i dont say this to be a dick just that experience is the best teacher and once you have a full grow under your belt you will be that much ahead of the game.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
for the love of jesus, people.

the pics in the first post are 100% shim. there are clearly both pistils and nutsacks, although i can only see the pistils in the second pic. if it's showing shim this early in flower i think you'll have a very hard time attempting to just pull the nutsacks off throughout bloom. if it were me i'd kill it and start over. even if you get smokable bud off it the pollen will seed your future crops for a while.

i really do wish that people who don't know the answer would refrain from chiming in. there's almost 40 posts of clutter and bullshit to wade through for the poor guy to get a consensus.


Active Member
My mistake, I forgot to add, If they are opening put a garbage bag over the plant then pull it out carefully. You can lightly mist down the grow with plain water to kill any stray pollen.


Well-Known Member
I have many successful grows under my belt and also run a 24 plant perpetual. I apologized and you still have to be condescending?


Active Member
Male Plants dont produce seeds? They open up into a flower? Sounds like you don't know what your talking about.

male flowers produce pollen.. males Do NOT produce seed.. Thats what the female is for.. All of this turned into a pissing contest. do some reading on google into the life cycles of both the male and female cannabis plant..