Stealth Speakerbox/Closet PERPETUAL, Cfl-Lst-Reveg Gardens

Ive been running combinations of veg and flower cabs between my closet and the good ole' hidden speakerbox for awhile. Novice grower, just need a place for suggestions.

History of the boxxxx:

Started out 4 tiny 13watt lights and a pc fan.
^ that turned into this:
almost there.jpg
Gotta love LST :)

the last harvest, 12/12 from seed

started working on some reflection. also lowered the ceiling in there for ventilation above. changed the lights to two 42W Cfl's. After seeing what lst did to the other plant i decided to reveg these guys and start up.
wow nice to see its come further. the only thing i can come up with it maybe more lights? could increase your yield and maybe get the light a bit closer? i know theres only so much you can put in a speaker haha
Ive been keepin em a little closer now. Right now im just trying to reveg all the stalks.
unfortunatly this is the only one that came back, my purrple still might come backtoo i just didnt leave very many leaves for it. got six or so tops comin up ready to be tied.
Here you can see the top area, pretty good sized exhaust fan for the space, and a passive intake hole on the bottom back wall along with that pc fan in the 2nd pic moving air through holes in the tarp. all i need is more reflective ductape and some velcro strips and ill have a legit cab.
lately i havent had luck germinating in the classic papertowel in plastic bag , so im trying some cocoa starters.
Im putting a bag over the tupperware. im wondering if i should bag the small stem i have with just two tiny sets of leaves left, would that give it a better chance of surviving? im not 100% on transpiration stuff.
what hapenned man? you drop something on the stem? Check out my grow. I have the exact same issue it seems..
No i already harvested them im just bringing the plants back. but get your lighting secured! seems like were kinda doing the same thing just using whats available, its been working too, just gotta have some workmanship in what you create holmes
I have two 42W in my speaker, 2700k. the only 5k lights i have are 27W. which would be more productive, more light of the wrong spectrum or alot less light of the right spectrum? mind you i only have two sockets in there
Go to Lowes nigga! CFL's are pretty damn cheap there. I got a pack of four 6500k 23w for seven bucks I believe. They also sell sockets that you have to wire up, y-adapters, and plug to socket adapters - which work great if you have a powerstrip laying around. I'd say you deff need 6500k for veg, but that's just me haha. Good luck sir
Hell yeah dude. May I ask what you got off your last crop? I'm doing my.babies under 4 23 watters. 2700. Looks good.though dude.
i got about 20g's of my largest, but i did move it around a bit, it was in the closet which has a 80 watt cfl hood and four sockets that i had 42W in. im hoping to show you that too if i put some plants in it. dudee icant find any 5k or 6500 of the 42 watts and i dont wanna rewire more sockets maahhh. ill figure something out eventually. am gonna need more bulbs cus im working on a,, wait for it.
Pc case. yay.
also gonna try a micro DWC to start, ihavealotofquestions knows about thatt
although that weight from the lst was after i sat around plucking nugs off smoking and working on more projects/plants. it just had so much bud on it i had never done anything like that before then.
Lol. Home depot maybe? They have some 85 watters I think for like 15.bucks on amazon. It I rather have 4 23 watters for more coverage. Hurry up amd post pics! Lol
Wellokaythen! :clap: first thread ive ever made with interest. basically its a closet inside a room behind my room, with the only door being through my room, needless to say this is where i started experimenting as a youngin. that random piece of wood inbetween the tubs that hold it at a comfortable level so idont have to bend over too bad is just random, laid it there and forgot just fyi lol. looks ugly.

two cords with double sockets coming down on either side of some improvised storage shelfs. there great you can stack em for when the plants bigger! then you got a white aluminum hood i found in my house that fits.
on the left side theres an aquarium cfl hood, it has a range of colors you can see from the light shot. also when its in use i have some supplement sidelighting i put in and an oscillating fan so its kinds bare right now.
This is the deal. tupperware screw on lid container. mcdonalds cup bottom for the netpot.
i used to be into aquariums, and i can see thats a trend among DIYers. I already had the tube pump and airstone.
Hell yeah. Good ingenuity. I'm hoping to do something like that when I get more cfls. Dont have the room.or money for hid. I did make a clone machine though with my dads old sleep apnea machine. Got a tupper ware container, taped the sides, took 6 small pots, put styrofoam and the clones in there. It worked lol. Get your seeds going yet?
How big is that airstone?! It's so cute hahaha. The smallest ones I can find that look like that are 5" >.>

Use some aquarium rocks as your medium nig, and I highly high advise making something to check to water level. After you put your medium in there and your plant starts growing, you're not gonna want to fuck with taking the pot out to check the level, trust me lol. What type of light is that? Looks like 6500K & 4 lamps sir. I started my seedlings under a 48" 6500K two lamp flourescent shop light, worked great for a while haha. Someone I know grew an entire crop of six plants 5-6 ft. tall under two 48" lights like I use to use

Good luck sir, like the updates also. +rep (if I haven't given it yet, haha)