Thoughts? could be you next perhaps.


Well-Known Member
came in tonight.


Could be you next perhaps.

oakland county divorce.
I have 2 kids, 5,2.
I have been growing since before the divorce, it was my ex wife's idea.
I have joint legal/physical custody of the kids(she signed them over to me, she sees them 1 day/week)

To either mess with my life or in a desperate attempt to regain custody, she called child protective services on me in january. They showed up, with 3 police cars and a narcotics car, and demanded to see my grow and see my children(ex said I am beating my kids and forcing my daughter to aid in the manufacture and distribution of marijuana)
As they had no warrant I refused them access to my home, I presented my children to the door to show them they are well cared for.
After talking to them for 20 minutes, I finally agreed to let one officer in the house to look at my grow, along with the social worker.
They took pictures of my LOCKED grow, the quantity of plants, and the rest of my house.
They asked me to take a drug test, which I did. I passed.
after a month the case was dismissed by CPS as being unfounded.

We went to court last week(on a motion I submitted to keep my ex wifes drug abusing, domestic violence, felony assault, robbery convcited boyfriend from having contact with my kids, which I won)
Of course my ex started making a big stink about the marijuana. The judge and family couselor told me to quit growing, they don't care if it's legal, they don't like it. They say it makes me likely to have my house robbed.
The error in this, is that having jewelery, a nice car, a big tv, or any number of things would make it more likely for me to get robbed.

Are they violating my rights here? What if I don't stop growing? I need the money it brings in, seeing how my ex is 3 months behind in child support. Its completley rediculous.


ofcourse i ll give you bob harris' reply now to save wasted bandwidth.

hes a criminal, his ex is too, they should of been euthanized or prohibited from having children the dirty pot smoking child molesting criminals...

This has been an RIU announcment from bob harris' anus.
While I agree that it is ludicrous and a violation of your state medical rights...the kids come first. If I were in the same situation, my daughter would win hands down. I would not even have to think about it.
I agree, but what if it is beer or wine next? how about those dangerous guns huh? when/where do you draw the line? just past people being shot and killed, Or just prior to them dying in prison for a false conviction?
I see your point and it is valid. However, like it or not Cannabis has an undeserved bad reputation, we are still feeling the effects of the Harry Anslinger era. While the person in the post MAY have a chance of beating it based on State law and privacy rights, I would still not be willing to risk my child's happiness or safety to fight the issue.
but should someone be put into that position. that is the main question.

What if it was Sugar? or a School meal you dont want your child to eat, so you pack a lunch, but the school makes the child eat the school provided lunch, throwing out the lunch the PARENT made for the child?

and yes, this IS a Real Case believe it or not?
Well, if that is the main qustion, no he should not be put in that position. If he is not a smoker and is growing in a legal state, he is obviously either a care giver or a supplier for the medical cannabis industry. There are patients that will suffer as a result of the ignorance of a government agency. Did you see American Weed last night? A leukemia patient was busted and faces a jail (or life) sentence. His oncologist approves his use but he benefits most from oil. It takes a pound of raw product to make the amount he needs to sustain him for a month. By law he is allowed only 2 ounces. His grow was busted and if incarcerated will die in prison. Should he be put in that position? Should ANYONE be penalized to a point that it damages their entire life for a plant? No, but we have been fighting this war for years.
yes, these obnoxious limits only enforce the building of the Corporamerican Industrial Prison Slave labor complex.
Your obsession with Bob Harris is ruining this board. Just saying. Get over it man. Forget about the guy. Everyone sees you guys for what you really are. No need to run a smear campaign against him for us to realize, if he acts like a douche, hes a douche. If you act like a douche, you're a douche. Just move on man. People are getting sick of seeing the two of you bickering like little school children flirting on the playground.
he was referring to me olias... which is ok. I understand the contention. I just have a need to correct idiots when they run off at the keyboard/mouth like bob does so much of.

The larger point, my post are very valid and applicable to the Michigan Medical Mariahuana Act of 2008. Bob is a member i just found of of CPU. CPU has been lobbying with Lansing to bring in Colorado style grows, and completely eradicate the ability of any Michigan Patient or Caregiver to have the ability to grow their own low cost meds, for the high cost dispensary prices of the inexpensively purchased low quality cali/colorado meds.

not the good stuff, but the low quality schwag they cant sell there. They think they can bring it to Mi and dump it on the Mi markets they will take full control of.

But point taken.
but should someone be put into that position. that is the main question.

What if it was Sugar? or a School meal you dont want your child to eat, so you pack a lunch, but the school makes the child eat the school provided lunch, throwing out the lunch the PARENT made for the child?

and yes, this IS a Real Case believe it or not?

Well..I see you are posting answers for me well as offering no advice whatsover to the parent in trouble....

well, here is my take, just to correct the record.

The guy is in a bad position.

He has done nothing wrong, yet may lose his kids. Tragic.
now, asses the info:

Leo and CPS have inspected the grow and home. They found everything in compliance, and and denied the mothers request. Grow is are fine at this charges pressed. All good so far. The law is working as planned.

Here is the problem. The custody court will view the med mj case and custody case separately. The issue will become the welfare of the children. The court has the ability to decide that though you are a perfectly legal grower, and a fine parent in most regards, the children at the ages of 2 and 5 are too young to be exposed to cannabis cultivation, even legal cultivation..without denying them the right to choose their own view on the topic. And therefor, custody goes to mom....or even a foster home if mom is found unfit. Yup, sounds like bull, doesn't it? But that's how it will go, and your rights are not being violated. Kids are not property. they have rights too, and in the courts opinion, you would be violating the children's rights, if you were to expose them to cannabis cultivation, legal or not, at this young age.

They can, and may, force you to choose between growing and your kids. Sucks..I don't like it, but it is perfectly within their power.

Yup you may win years down the road on appeals..but the kids are still gone. And it's a pretty hollow win.

Whatever you do, Don't tell the court you will quit growing, then start growing again after you get the kids. If you tell them you'll quit growing, and they award you custody, CPS will be showing up all the time. And if they find you growing again, you will lose the kids..and they will find something to arrest you for. Like retaining the custody of a child under false pretenses. Nothing to do with cannabis it's about lying to the court.

I feel for this guy. He's done nothing wrong and is in a tough spot.

Unfortunately, he has to make some tough decisions.

I'm not a lawyer..that's just my opinion. But sucks as it may..that's pretty close to how this will play out.
I have kids, and I would not choose marijuana over them. And I too believe that marijuana has a bad reputation because of assholes in history. however that does not negate the fact that people forget that they can move to a marijuana tolerant area. let's face it. the government is forever waving around its dick in our faces , always threatening to punish in horrible ways because of a fucking plant they are so jealous of LOL ! :D
Well..I see you are posting answers for me well as offering no advice whatsover to the parent in trouble....

well, here is my take, just to correct the record.

The guy is in a bad position.

He has done nothing wrong, yet may lose his kids. Tragic.
now, asses the info:

Leo and CPS have inspected the grow and home. They found everything in compliance, and and denied the mothers request. Grow is are fine at this charges pressed. All good so far. The law is working as planned.

Here is the problem. The custody court will view the med mj case and custody case separately. The issue will become the welfare of the children. The court has the ability to decide that though you are a perfectly legal grower, and a fine parent in most regards, the children at the ages of 2 and 5 are too young to be exposed to cannabis cultivation, even legal cultivation..without denying them the right to choose their own view on the topic. And therefor, custody goes to mom....or even a foster home if mom is found unfit. Yup, sounds like bull, doesn't it? But that's how it will go, and your rights are not being violated. Kids are not property. they have rights too, and in the courts opinion, you would be violating the children's rights, if you were to expose them to cannabis cultivation, legal or not, at this young age.

They can, and may, force you to choose between growing and your kids. Sucks..I don't like it, but it is perfectly within their power.

Yup you may win years down the road on appeals..but the kids are still gone. And it's a pretty hollow win.

Whatever you do, Don't tell the court you will quit growing, then start growing again after you get the kids. If you tell them you'll quit growing, and they award you custody, CPS will be showing up all the time. And if they find you growing again, you will lose the kids..and they will find something to arrest you for. Like retaining the custody of a child under false pretenses. Nothing to do with cannabis it's about lying to the court.

I feel for this guy. He's done nothing wrong and is in a tough spot.

Unfortunately, he has to make some tough decisions.

I'm not a lawyer..that's just my opinion. But sucks as it may..that's pretty close to how this will play out.

Well, I don't know what you guys have done to piss off RIU members and frankly I don't care, I won't get involved. As to this thread Bob's point is absolutely correct and goes to my original point...Kids or Plants? Kids win every time.
he was referring to me olias... which is ok. I understand the contention. I just have a need to correct idiots when they run off at the keyboard/mouth like bob does so much of.

The larger point, my post are very valid and applicable to the Michigan Medical Mariahuana Act of 2008. Bob is a member i just found of of CPU. CPU has been lobbying with Lansing to bring in Colorado style grows, and completely eradicate the ability of any Michigan Patient or Caregiver to have the ability to grow their own low cost meds, for the high cost dispensary prices of the inexpensively purchased low quality cali/colorado meds.

not the good stuff, but the low quality schwag they cant sell there. They think they can bring it to Mi and dump it on the Mi markets they will take full control of.

But point taken. you have made me a member of some group? I just found this? really? because unfortunately I'm not associated with CPU. But thanks for you slanderous input. Could I see the proof that you found?

I've posted how I think this will play out. and tried to offer the guy some condolences, but sounds like he's between a rock and a hard spot.
I used American Weed as a comparrison above, I will again here. There was a fire in a house where a grow was happening. The grow was not in legal compliance but even if it were...these parents are IMHO unfit. I am 100% pro-cannabis and will grow as long as I am able. Unless I get custody of my child. If that happens and I hope it will at some point, all cultivation and usage will stop in my home until she is 18. If she chooses to try at that age, i will spark her 1st doobie with her. But then she will be an adult and will have made her own informed decision.
Well, I don't know what you guys have done to piss off RIU members and frankly I don't care, I won't get involved. As to this thread Bob's point is absolutely correct and goes to my original point...Kids or Plants? Kids win every time.

but it is not that sinple. seriously, this guy should just secede right now and fly his pirate flag just like peter griffen did that one time
but it is not that sinple. seriously, this guy should just secede right now and fly his pirate flag just like peter griffen did that one time

Either you are not a parent or you just don't get it. It IS that simple to anyone who has and loves their children. No debate, no argument, no hesitation...plants have to go period. Legal state or not.
Your obsession with Bob Harris is ruining this board. Just saying. Get over it man. Forget about the guy. Everyone sees you guys for what you really are. No need to run a smear campaign against him for us to realize, if he acts like a douche, hes a douche. If you act like a douche, you're a douche. Just move on man. People are getting sick of seeing the two of you bickering like little school children flirting on the playground.


a couple more characters.
Either you are not a parent or you just don't get it. It IS that simple to anyone who has and loves their children. No debate, no argument, no hesitation...plants have to go period. Legal state or not.

I agree. Timmahh will never actually give his opinion on what this poor guy could do.....but he'd like to see him get in trouble somehow so he could use the example as an abuse of rights. The system is working spot on for this guy...sometimes adult decisions' part of life.