Religion/Theology Orinate From Ignorance

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I think the ultimate result of this is religion/theology, comes from ignorance... from not knowing. If Fear springs from perception, and that perception may be from either ignorance or understanding, couldn't we agree that what we fear most, is what we do not know? None of us knows if there is a god, among many many other unanswerable questions pertaining to existence and the origin of it. Since these are questions we will never know, and it appears as if we will never know these things... that is a fucking scary thing to think about, perhaps the scariest of all.

This is why i think so many cling to spiritual fantasies, because of fear... and its so very hard to explain, because false hopes, false dreams and faith... hide the fear, push it aside so one may forget about it. Except that the fear doesn't go away, because the truth of the matter is that you do not know... and as much as you try to push it away, its staring right at your face every moment, of every day.

The fact is, that you don't know, and it is scary... but that does not mean you have to be paralyzed by the fear, you can look it straight in the face and say hey man, just because i don't know what the fuck is going on right now... doesn't mean i have to lie to myself and tell myself that i do, that would just bring me further away from the truth that i so value, cherish and have been searching for this whole time.

Just because there is no inherent or universal meaning or purpose in existence and life, does not mean that we cant give ourselves our own purpose, our own meaning. To love, to play, to be happy... to share our fears and our joys. we have the ability to give our own lives our own meaning...

Don't ever take any others meaning for your own.

"science can tell us what we can know, but what we can know is little, and if we forget how much we cannot know we become insensitive to many things of very great importance in the universe.
Theology and metaphysics on the other hand, induces the dogmatic belief that we have knowledge, where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe."
-Bertrand Russell

This is all just my idea, take or leave whatever you want.


Well-Known Member
I was speaking with some christian family members over the last couple of years about the existence of god, and if christianity = Reality. They asked me, 'what if you're wrong and god, jesus and christianity are true?' I stated that would be fine with me, and I'd adjust my beliefs accordingly (although I'd still be really confused about why god went about showing us in the most backward, inefficient way). Conversely, I asked them what they would do if these things were shown not to be true. They answered that they would not want to live any longer, they wouldn't want to exist in that world. This degree of dependence on any belief system is clearly unhealthy and irrational. I just don't understand their desperation...


Well-Known Member
I think the urination happens when some guy judges The Shepard for what his sheep had done. Tsk Tsk... so, just because some followers of the faith make you angry you begin dictating in public (RIU) that Jesus Christ and salvation for your eternal spirit is b.s.? LoL, you make the devil proud, you little stinker, you.


Ursus marijanus
orinate = pee into someone's mouth

Shepard was the USA's first astronaut.
Shepherd is the sheep guy. cn


Active Member
I dont understand why when the word "religion" is mentioned the thoughts of most folks seem to go directly to christianity. I think that there is by far, more religiosity in other faiths. Bhuddism and Islam, to name a couple. Im gonna go way out on a limb here and say that no christian pastor, let alone follower is going to douse him/herself in gasoline and then ignite him/herself to protest anything. Nor do I see any falling on their face in prayer 5 times a day. To address the fear in christianity, there is a quote from the bible (OT) that says "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of righteousness". Everytime I ever mentioned it in church I recieved responses of "hallelujiah" and "amen". Then I would ask "Why do we seem to be stuck at the beginning?" response at all then, let me tell ya. It was as if they were afraid of not being afraid. I couldnt live in fear anymore. If I was gonna "get sent to hell" for believing the wrong thing when I was given a mind to think and reason and question with, then THAT God wasnt the one I wanted anything to do with.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I dont understand why when the word "religion" is mentioned the thoughts of most folks seem to go directly to christianity. I think that there is by far, more religiosity in other faiths. Bhuddism and Islam, to name a couple. Im gonna go way out on a limb here and say that no christian pastor, let alone follower is going to douse him/herself in gasoline and then ignite him/herself to protest anything. Nor do I see any falling on their face in prayer 5 times a day. To address the fear in christianity, there is a quote from the bible (OT) that says "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of righteousness". Everytime I ever mentioned it in church I recieved responses of "hallelujiah" and "amen". Then I would ask "Why do we seem to be stuck at the beginning?" response at all then, let me tell ya. It was as if they were afraid of not being afraid. I couldnt live in fear anymore. If I was gonna "get sent to hell" for believing the wrong thing when I was given a mind to think and reason and question with, then THAT God wasnt the one I wanted anything to do with.
i think its only recently that christians have mellowed not many years ago christianity was bloody and brutal , and many many men give up there lives in the name of christianity .

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
when i learned about science and history in like 4th grade i knew that god wasnt real. probly 9 at the time. but it was pretty easy to figure out.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I think the urination happens when some guy judges The Shepard for what his sheep had done. Tsk Tsk... so, just because some followers of the faith make you angry you begin dictating in public (RIU) that Jesus Christ and salvation for your eternal spirit is b.s.? LoL, you make the devil proud, you little stinker, you.
Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astounding universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy.


Well-Known Member
Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonder of this astounding universe, and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy.
Thanks again for confirming that a lot of work has to be done. Meanwhile you believe Spider Man is saving the earth, life goes on buddy. I've got my ammo, and I've got God. You have a prayer and a slim chance :) Don't buy a lotto ticket.