trayvan martin


Ursus marijanus
Wait wait I know this one! :dunce:

Coagulation: the aggregation of numerous family farms into a much smaller number of industrialized, corporately-held commodity plantations.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Wait wait I know this one! :dunce:

Coagulation: the aggregation of numerous family farms into a much smaller number of industrialized, corporately-held commodity plantations.
Fail! It's lady ga-ga worship. Coagulation! :D

I don't know... leave me alone... I have issues.


Active Member
well, let's keep it going with a new witness.

this witness says there wasn't much movement going on at the time of the gunshot(s?), and that zimmerman appeared unharmed.

Thats caller number 7 on the 911 calls list.not very good at disguising her LOL.Note the dog walking reference in the rain.

She's lying.


Well-Known Member
Must be someone from the midwest
upon further listening, she did later describe it as a pop, as well as a bang earlier in the call.

but she said "a bang", not multiple pops, like the person on anderson cooper did.

and in any case, this happened in the grass, not the sidewalk.

zimmerman's story is an obvious lie.


Active Member
upon further listening, she did later describe it as a pop, as well as a bang earlier in the call.

but she said "a bang", not multiple pops, like the person on anderson cooper did.

and in any case, this happened in the grass, not the sidewalk.

zimmerman's story is an obvious lie.
multiple pops hmmmmm that must mean he shot him in his leg to wound him so he couldn't flee with those delicious skittles and then walked up while this kid screams for his life.Shoots him in the chest to finish him off.Is that right buck?


Well-Known Member
multiple pops hmmmmm that must mean he shot him in his leg to wound him so he couldn't flee with those delicious skittles and then walked up while this kid screams for his life.Shoots him in the chest to finish him off.Is that right buck?
or it could be an echo, as the new eyewitness believes. it would make sense since they were in a corridor between rows of attached houses.


Well-Known Member
upon further listening, she did later describe it as a pop, as well as a bang earlier in the call.

but she said "a bang", not multiple pops, like the person on anderson cooper did.

and in any case, this happened in the grass, not the sidewalk.

zimmerman's story is an obvious lie.
Zimmerman is a murderer, I wouldn't doubt he's also a liar


Well-Known Member
nothing to say about them fighting in the grass, cliffey?

how about zimmerman getting up, uninjured, and putting his hand on his forehead looking worried?

sounds to me like zimmerman had an "oh shit" moment right there. better call daddy to get me out of trouble now.


Active Member
nothing to say about them fighting in the grass, cliffey?

how about zimmerman getting up, uninjured, and putting his hand on his forehead looking worried?

sounds to me like zimmerman had an "oh shit" moment right there. better call daddy to get me out of trouble now.
What about them fighting in the grass? she says she sees the man get off him and a boy is lying underneath.then immediately after she says she didnt see him get off.Listen to the video from 3:45 on.

Maybe his hands were on his head because he thought holy shit i just took a mans life.Or what the fuck just happened? by all account this happens in a couple minutes.