trayvan martin

speaking of rent-a-cops...

George Zimmerman lost job as party security guard for being too aggressive, ex-co-worker says

George Zimmerman was fired from his job as an under-the-table security guard for “being too aggressive,” a former co-worker told the Daily News.

“Usually he was just a cool guy. He liked to drink and hang with the women like the rest of us,” he said. “But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped.”
The source said Zimmerman, who made between $50 and $100 a night, was let go in 2005.
“He had a temper and he became a liability,” the man said. “One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted,” he said. “It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.”
The year 2005 was a bad one for Zimmerman: he was arrested for fighting with a cop trying to arrest his friend for underage drinking, and he and his ex-fiancée took out protective orders against each other.

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Thats probably why he doesn't drink anymore.I quite drinking for the same reasons.
dude, you are embarrassing yourself.

he is a retired supreme court magistrate judge.

i really don't like you, but i don't see why you are going out of the way to embarrass yourself.

Your so dumb it hurts.
I blame the sub par school systems you attended.

Kristi Wright with the Department of Legislative and Public Relations wrote us this email in response:

“Robert J. Zimmerman served as a full-time magistrate from 2000-2006. Please be advised that in Virginia magistrates are judicial officers, but they are not considered "judges" and do not possess trial jurisdiction. More detailed information on the role of the magistrate in Virginia is available on
Virginia's Judicial System
Your so dumb it hurts.


he was a supreme court magistrate judge. connections within law enforcement go deep, anyone familiar knows this.

do i need to copy and paste the description of what supreme court magistrate judges do once again? just because they "are not considered" judges does not mean that they do not have deep connection within the system and a strong working knowledge of exactly how to excuse their sons of crimes they committed.

how many people do you know have assaulted a police officer and not been convicted, on top of all the other incidents like beating up women, driving drunk, and resisting arrest?
Thats probably why he doesn't drink anymore.I quite drinking for the same reasons.

from the same article you posted LOL

The former co-worker, who is no longer in touch with Zimmerman, said he was shocked to hear what happened Feb. 26 in a gated community in Sanford, Fla.“He definitely loved being in charge. He loved the power. Still, I could never see him killing someone. Never,” he said.

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That terrible horrible tattoo of praying hands holding a rosary with the word Nana confirms that Trayvon was drug dealing, thieving, white girl raping, gangster thug with ties to the Taliban. Did I miss anything?
So zim's dad is a retired judge. Zim has not yet been charged with anything......cover-up, anyone?

And why does it matter if Trayvon got suspended or had weed or wrote things on Twitter. What did YOU do back when you were his age? Shit, me and my friends used to bring lots of weed to school, smoked some of it, sold some of it. We used to cut class and go to the beach. Hey, we even consumed alcohol, and we were *UNDERAGE* *GASP*

I don't think juvenile delinquents should be killed, a lot of us wouldn't be here right now. RIP Trayvon

he was a supreme court magistrate judge. connections within law enforcement go deep, anyone familiar knows this.

do i need to copy and paste the description of what supreme court magistrate judges do once again? just because they "are not considered" judges does not mean that they do not have deep connection within the system and a strong working knowledge of exactly how to excuse their sons of crimes they committed.

how many people do you know have assaulted a police officer and not been convicted, on top of all the other incidents like beating up women, driving drunk, and resisting arrest?

He was never convicted of assaulting a police officer because he took a deal available to first time offenders.
That terrible horrible tattoo of praying hands holding a rosary with the word Nana confirms that Trayvon was drug dealing, thieving, white girl raping, gangster thug with ties to the Taliban. Did I miss anything?

what a gangster.

how dare he honor his nana.
So zim's dad is a retired judge. Zim has not yet been charged with anything......cover-up, anyone?

And why does it matter if Trayvon got suspended or had weed or wrote things on Twitter. What did YOU do back when you were his age? Shit, me and my friends used to bring lots of weed to school, smoked some of it, sold some of it. We used to cut class and go to the beach. Hey, we even consumed alcohol, and we were *UNDERAGE* *GASP*

I don't think juvenile delinquents should be killed, a lot of us wouldn't be here right now. RIP Trayvon

i was way worse than trayvon at his age.

i got kicked out of school for skipping class too often even though i had straight A's in AP classes. got them to admit that the only reason they even cared was because they lose future funding every time i don't show up for school.

sure, i may not have had any tattoos honoring my nana, so i was clearly not a gangster. but i showed up to school with actual full baggies of weed at the time. i would even smoke pot before going to school.

why did i never meet my zimmerman?
Truly making this random event better for everyone.

you never answered me, tryingtogrow89.

since this random event truly made things better for everyone, why shouldn't trayvon martin's parents be thanking their lucky stars that their teenage son was killed?

i demand an answer!

you never answered me, tryingtogrow89.

since this random even truly made things better for everyone, why shouldn't trayvon martin's parents be thanking their lucky stars that their teenage son was killed?

i demand an answer!


Trayvon Martin INC. If they can turn this into a race thing its big business.
from the same article you posted LOL

The former co-worker, who is no longer in touch with Zimmerman, said he was shocked to hear what happened Feb. 26 in a gated community in Sanford, Fla.“He definitely loved being in charge. He loved the power. Still, I could never see him killing someone. Never,” he said.

Read more:

what about snapping a tossing a drunk woman around?

Refer to my previous post.
Trayvon Martin INC. If they can turn this into a race thing its big business.

you go ahead and chase your deflection bunnies. i happen to be of the mindset that trayvon martin did not purposely get himself offed so that some random stranger would have a merchandising opportunity.

it is a free country though, so you are free to believe whatever retarded things you would like to believe.
i was way worse than trayvon at his age.

i got kicked out of school for skipping class too often even though i had straight A's in AP classes. got them to admit that the only reason they even cared was because they lose future funding every time i don't show up for school.

sure, i may not have had any tattoos honoring my nana, so i was clearly not a gangster. but i showed up to school with actual full baggies of weed at the time. i would even smoke pot before going to school.

why did i never meet my zimmerman?

Lol you sound like some of my friends, the straight A guys who like to party. I was more of a C,D,F type student myself. Lucky I graduated lol!

Zim probably wouldn't have even talked to you. How could you be confused for a gangster, you carry a bag of skittles everywhere? Only real ni**as carry around skittles. Oh yeah, iced tea, too!
Zim probably wouldn't have even talked to you.

i was tall and skinny like trayvon though, 6'1'' and 155 pounds at 17. i would even wear a hoodie if it were raining.

i would probably be a little baked, too. after all, there is a break in the broadcast of my favorite sporting event and i have the munchies. i would walk to the nearest place and get a munchie.

if some creepy guy who is not a cop in a cop car started following me in their vehicle, i would probably freak out a bit.

where i lived at that age, there was a long sidewalk in the middle of some grass away from the road where he could not follow me in his vehicle. just like trayvon, that patch of grass with the sidewalk was away from the road so that i could escape this creep and walk home with my munchies.

now, if that creep in his truck on the phone and following me then got out of his truck and followed me on foot to this dark location away from the road, i would freak the fuck out. what the fuck is this 5'9'', 200+ pound man doing following me on a cell phone in the dark, first by vehicle and then on foot?

i would fear for my life quite likely.

i might say something like "why are you following me?"

if a scuffle that he provoked by stalking me so aggressively me ensued, i would have every right to beat him to death if need be. but i would just want to get away.

but suppose i try to fight him off so that i can get away. suppose the guy that's following me has a bit of temper problem, a history of assaulting officers, assaulting women, losing his cool, taking anger management classes...suppose i try to fight this guy, and despite the fact that i am a string bean i manage to land one or two on him during the fight. you better believe this psycho vigilante is pissed.

as i try to get away after socking him a good punch, he takes out his weapon. now i truly freak the fuck out and i scream like my life depends on it. and a shot rings out. and i fall to the ground, dead. because i gave one or two good punches to some creep with an anger problem and a cop wannabe mentality who was stalking me.

that could have been any one of us.
i was tall and skinny like trayvon though, 6'1'' and 155 pounds at 17. i would even wear a hoodie if it were raining.

i would probably be a little baked, too. after all, there is a break in the broadcast of my favorite sporting event and i have the munchies. i would walk to the nearest place and get a munchie.

if some creepy guy who is not a cop in a cop car started following me in their vehicle, i would probably freak out a bit.

where i lived at that age, there was a long sidewalk in the middle of some grass away from the road where he could not follow me on is vehicle. just like trayvon, that patch of grass with the sidewalk was away from the road so that i could escape this creep and walk home with my munchies.

now, if that creep in his truck on the phone and following me then got out of his truck and followed me on foot to this dark location away from the road, i would freak the fuck out. what the fuck is this 5'9'', 200+ pound man doing following me on a cell phone in the dark, first by vehicle and then on foot?

i would fear for my life quite likely.

i might say something like "why are you following me?"

if a scuffle that he provoked by stalking me so aggressively me ensued, i would have every right to beat him to death if need be. but i would just want to get away.

but suppose i try to fight him off so that i can get away. suppose the guy that's following me has a bit of temper problem, a history of assaulting officers, assaulting women, losing his cool, taking anger management classes...suppose i try to fight this guy, and despite the fact that i am a string bean i manage to land one or two on him during the fight. you better believe this psycho vigilante is pissed.

as i try to get away after socking him a good punch, he takes out his weapon. now i truly freak the fuck out and i scream like my life depends on it. and a shot rings out. and i fall to the ground, dead. because i gave one or two good punches to some creep with an anger problem and a cop wannabe mentality who was stalking me.

that could have been any one of us.

You would fear for your life and then turn around and talk to the guy? seems legit.