LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

I know pr0f was working on a fixture prototype. He seems to be MIA. I will PM him and see if I get a response. Quantum BB has vent slots in the reflectors.

I am in S FL, my room does not have ac, and don't have any extreme heat issues that a strong floor fan can't solve, but I am not growing in a close quarter tent. The space above my diy frame is open + high ceiling. Banquet tents (with pyramid ceiling) are available under $200. Lowes sells 4 x 8 @ 2" insulated panels: one side is reflector material. Super easy to make a 3-4 sided 4 X 4 X 8 tent (or double wide) with open ceiling to vent hot air.

BTW, just curious, do you do odor control at all? The whole room instead of the tent, or what? I know Florida is not exactly a 'friendly' place for these sorts of things so I figured you must have the whole room filtered...?
Ok here we go. I have some UVL 48" 660nm engineering samples available from the factory who wants in? The only requirement are detailed journals and feedback.
Ok here we go. I have some UVL 48" 660nm engineering samples available from the factory who wants in?

Hmmm... PF was saying the same thing. What kind of availability are we talking about? This is a website dedicated to cultivation of a legally-questionable plant so I'm not really keen on passing shipping addresses out... do you have a storefront or something we can work through?

Sorry, a little paranoid, just trying to figure out the safest way to handle this...
I was thinking the same thing. No I don't have a store front yet. I could but this just happened I wasn't ready. I just called the factory to locate a local dealer and the lead scientist happened to pick up the phone. In this case you are testing a new tube for a product line that will be available everywhere. These are hand made and not in production yet so they are it. I am talking in the mail Monday or Tuesday. I can speak to him on Monday re drop shipping. How can I PM on this site? I can't find the button. I agree I would prefer to not put everything that needs to be discussed up here.
I was thinking the same thing. No I don't have a store front yet. I could but this just happened I wasn't ready. I just called the factory to locate a local dealer and the lead scientist happened to pick up the phone. In this case you are testing a new tube for a product line that will be available everywhere. I can speak to him on Monday re drop shipping. How can I PM on this site? I can't find the button. I agree I would prefer to not put everything that needs to be discussed up here.

Click on the user name next to the post, a little drop down comes down, select private message.

Feel free to contact me, I'd definitely take a couple of them for testing. We were asking PF but did not get an answer: is this a straight 660nm spike like in a Red Sun or is it a tri-band like a flora sun? And if it's a straight spike, can he get us a graph or something so we can see how big and where the spike falls exactly?
Ive been doing some side by side stuff and I gotta tell you guys now that im at day 20 of Flower, the fixture with Flora Suns and Agrogrows is about neck and neck with the full Par light. Will be interesting to see what happens going into weeks 4-5.
Ive been doing some side by side stuff and I gotta tell you guys now that im at day 20 of Flower, the fixture with Flora Suns and Agrogrows is about neck and neck with the full Par light. Will be interesting to see what happens going into weeks 4-5.

Lucius, sorry if you already posted this, but can you summarize the precise bulb line up for each unit?
Lucius, sorry if you already posted this, but can you summarize the precise bulb line up for each unit?

El Cheapo setp:

Agrogrow BLOOM bulbs mixed with Flora Suns 8 bulb Bad Boy...ag/flora/ag/flora/ag/flora/ag/flora


Red Sun, Flora Sun, 454nm, Actinic, red sun, fiji purp, 454, flora

Something like that. Im not there right now so I don't know for sure but can write it down next time im at my grow.
El Cheapo setp:

Agrogrow BLOOM bulbs mixed with Flora Suns 8 bulb Bad Boy...ag/flora/ag/flora/ag/flora/ag/flora


Red Sun, Flora Sun, 454nm, Actinic, red sun, fiji purp, 454, flora

Something like that. Im not there right now so I don't know for sure but can write it down next time im at my grow.

Cool man... I like the flora suns a lot and I wouldn't be surprised if you could almost get away with a straight flora sun grow, so I am not surprised to hear you're doing well with that half and half setup :)
Ok this round is going to take a week longer than I originally thought. Last time they were done in 8 weeks. Now it looks like its going to.be 9 weeks. Weird.
Ok this round is going to take a week longer than I originally thought. Last time they were done in 8 weeks. Now it looks like its going to.be 9 weeks. Weird.

Conditions the same? Same seeds/clones or what have you? Maybe a difference in temperature due to the winter months?
What would be the best bulb for veg and flower combined? I've done quite a bit of skimming through this thread and have yet to find an answer. All I really want is one bulb type that can be purchased at a reasonable price. No mixing blues and reds ect. The only thing (I've yet to find anyways) was fiji purple or something. Haven't had enough time to properly research the subject or read all 300 sum odd pages of this thread. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Keep an eye on Lucius's grow with the combo of standard bulbs with florasuns. This is the simplest setup I've seen so far. I feel like you could get away with strait flora suns even, in theory.

Honestly, you can just use strandard grow and bloom bulbs... one switch out, pretty easy... and they usually come with the fixtures.

I mean, to be fair, this thread really isn't about what you're after at all. You could easily attain what you want by just alternating grow and bloom bulbs across a fixture. But I'm not so sure you're going to get anywhere near the quality possible to attain with more advanced arrangements.
I was thinking the same thing. No I don't have a store front yet. I could but this just happened I wasn't ready. I just called the factory to locate a local dealer and the lead scientist happened to pick up the phone. In this case you are testing a new tube for a product line that will be available everywhere. These are hand made and not in production yet so they are it. I am talking in the mail Monday or Tuesday. I can speak to him on Monday re drop shipping. How can I PM on this site? I can't find the button. I agree I would prefer to not put everything that needs to be discussed up here.

Word, you've got PM's bro :)
What would be the best bulb for veg and flower combined? I've done quite a bit of skimming through this thread and have yet to find an answer. All I really want is one bulb type that can be purchased at a reasonable price. No mixing blues and reds ect. The only thing (I've yet to find anyways) was fiji purple or something. Haven't had enough time to properly research the subject or read all 300 sum odd pages of this thread. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

click the little blue square arrows >> for the links to each post
Anyway, T5 and PAR growing for beginners... (was in response to others questions so they're adressing them)

Originally Posted by Undercover Cop
post #1

Originally Posted by Undercover Cop
post #2

Originally Posted by Undercover Cop
post #3
Conditions the same? Same seeds/clones or what have you? Maybe a difference in temperature due to the winter months?

The conditions and strains are the same. The only thing I did different was adding more perlite to soil making it 50/50 mix. The buds are bigger than last batch too. I attribute that to more oxygen to the roots from more perlite.
The conditions and strains are the same. The only thing I did different was adding more perlite to soil making it 50/50 mix. The buds are bigger than last batch too. I attribute that to more oxygen to the roots from more perlite.

Cool... well I dunno what's up with the extra time but if the buds are getting bigger I say that's a fair compromise ;)
I cant stop ... 2 more 2ftx4bulb Hydrofarm panels and 12 more tubes coming... AquaticLife makes a 460/620nm purple tube I got a few of just to try, no spd published but I figured 620 is pretty close to 630... Ill take one for the team and try em, will be for nursery/vegging only, 2 purples and 2 florasuns
Has anyone seen reasonable priced end-caps or ballasts for T5 lighting? I want to wire up my own under-lighting, but I'm fairly poor.