Morning Glory Seeds?..

I have done LSA many times in the forms of Morning Glory Seeds and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. I love them both, but it takes far fewer Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds to get the job done. When I took Morning Glory seeds, I used 190 proof alcohol to extract the LSA in them, as it is alcohol soluble, while the other chemicals involved that can make you nauseous are not. NEVER, EVER follow the recipes online that call for a two part extraction, first the fats and then the LSA. They will make you awful sick and might even kill you. If you want a good recipe for extraction PM me, or ill start a thread or something
is it worth it to grow them? i buy it for 4 ounces (~3000) seeds for 12$ start a thread on this if you go through with the grow!
ummm yea i just signed up and yess i ordered some morning glory seeds last night from Legal Highs, Glass Bongs, Pipes Head Shop, I feel that it is a reliable source. Now i just need to wait hahaha. While i wait I do have some uncovered questions. Well i do plan to ground up these morning glory seeds and consume them with liquid, however my question is what is the preferred method, a.)letting the grounded seeds sit in cold water for 1-2 hrs and then drink down everything, or b.) just eating the powder and washing it down with liquid (I do belive someone said orange juice).
OR i was thinking about letting it lay in some green tea, reading somewhere online that it helps ease the nauseated feeling. So i was just thinking about soaking it in green tea and letting it lay in the fridge for 1-2hrs.
I just want some feed back from the experienced ones on which method they would prefer.
I am excited. I need to discover the inner mind. One Love.
Can't say I've ever even heard of them can someone tell me more in-depth what they are and what it is in them that makes you trip, and what sort of high you get from these things. Are they illegal?
Funny you bring this up, my whole day has been about this shit :hump:
Yup I crushed up some seeds and put it in water. I think I could tell a little bit. But then i toked up in my shower:joint::hump: And I'm kinda trippin right now, like a weirder high hahaha, soo uhh anyways.....fuck i forgot what i was talking about dudes hahaaha..peace padres hahaha:hump:

Jesus Christ!! This shit is still fuckin up here thats hellafunny!! This is like at least a few fuckin months old haha. Well anyways yea man I got some seeds a while back but havnt been able to plant them due to the cold. Im actually planting some today and already have some going. Two different types so I'll have some variety in experience. Ill try one type then the other then a mix. Its gonna be sweet.:hump:
Can't say I've ever even heard of them can someone tell me more in-depth what they are and what it is in them that makes you trip, and what sort of high you get from these things. Are they illegal?

The most avtice ingredient in it is LSA which is less dramatic than LSD. IT also has different alkaloids in it which gives the different effects according to different types of morning glory, from intense visual or hearing things. The plants themselves of course, arent illegal, but if you ever have an extract of LSA it is illegal. Im guessing its schedule III drug as most shit is in america, because the federal drug burea are peices of shit. But anyways yea you have to have at least prolly like 150 seeds to feel the slightest effect.

Theres only one warning, and its that they are a constrictant, like tobacco, but way more extreme. It's advised that you only take LSA once every two weeks, so like twice a month but I've heard people getting lucky and doing it 3x a month.

Thats pretty much all I know hope i cleared it up for you:hump:
ummm yea i just signed up and yess i ordered some morning glory seeds last night from Legal Highs, Glass Bongs, Pipes Head Shop, I feel that it is a reliable source. Now i just need to wait hahaha. While i wait I do have some uncovered questions. Well i do plan to ground up these morning glory seeds and consume them with liquid, however my question is what is the preferred method, a.)letting the grounded seeds sit in cold water for 1-2 hrs and then drink down everything, or b.) just eating the powder and washing it down with liquid (I do belive someone said orange juice).
OR i was thinking about letting it lay in some green tea, reading somewhere online that it helps ease the nauseated feeling. So i was just thinking about soaking it in green tea and letting it lay in the fridge for 1-2hrs.
I just want some feed back from the experienced ones on which method they would prefer.
I am excited. I need to discover the inner mind. One Love.

Well when my plants start producing seeds, I plan on getting some juice, grinding the fuckers up, puttting all of it in the juice, shake every 2 hours, keeping in a dark place for about a day or two, maybe less. Then....bottoms up!
You could however extract the LSA to its pure form, its not that hard. But it can be dangerous and you might blow up lol. Plus if you do it wrong, there goes hella seeds.
If you want to save the stomach pain(I only heard of people getting stomach aches because of the chemicals, not the natural shit) instead of green tea you could use peppermint tea as it numbs pain in the stomach and anything else.
You can use 1) Methanol(which is flamable and produces flamable gas)
2) Ethanol(also flamable)
3)Dichloromethane(guess what?....flamable)

Lol thts How. Just dont do it in a kitchen, fireplace, or garage and you should be good though.
You can use 1) Methanol(which is flamable and produces flamable gas)
2) Ethanol(also flamable)
3)Dichloromethane(guess what?....flamable)

Lol thts How. Just dont do it in a kitchen, fireplace, or garage and you should be good though.

You're a dumb ass! You don't heat the NP solvent, you titrate it with acid and extract the LSA salts with distilled water. Then you evaporate, so unless water explodes you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.:peace:
lol thanks. umm i dont want to intoxicate myself more by trying to extract, plus im a lazy guy. I think 2hrs in water then mixing with cold tea is right way to go. Hopefully the seeds will come tomorrow and i will let u guys know how the trip went :shock::arrow: :dunce:, and if not ill hit you guyz up next week.
You're a dumb ass! You don't heat the NP solvent, you titrate it with acid and extract the LSA salts with distilled water. Then you evaporate, so unless water explodes you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.:peace:

Wow what a dick. Mind pointing out where I said that you heat the non-polar solvent? All I said was that the vapors are a fire hazard.
lol thanks. umm i dont want to intoxicate myself more by trying to extract, plus im a lazy guy. I think 2hrs in water then mixing with cold tea is right way to go. Hopefully the seeds will come tomorrow and i will let u guys know how the trip went :shock::arrow: :dunce:, and if not ill hit you guyz up next week.

Yea I'd only do the extraction if I already had the ingredients. I'm lazy too.
Jesus Christ!! This shit is still fuckin up here thats hellafunny!! This is like at least a few fuckin months old haha.

LOL I started this and I came on here thinkin the same thing, like, "Why is this at the top of New Subscribed Threads again?.."
Anyways, growing them sounds fun. Think they'd grow well over the summer in the Central Ontario climate?
Wow what a dick. Mind pointing out where I said that you heat the non-polar solvent? All I said was that the vapors are a fire hazard.

Yeah he's right man... Take a chilly pill and relax, even if he had said some dumb shit people make mistakes.
Sometimes it's interesting how finnicky potheads can get.