Don't work hard, work smart!


Well-Known Member
I have heard this line way too many times in my life.

So my question is, does anyone here know of anyways to work smart and not hard for cash?

I was thinking of using my licence to sell to dispensaries, but I dont know if it would be worth it. If anyone could shed light on this that would be great.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Get a job digging ditches for $20 an hour, then hire some kid for $10 an hour to do all the digging.


Active Member
Growing weed commercially is hard fucking work. That said hard work can be oddly satisfying, and it makes you appreciate having weed to come home to.


Well-Known Member
I'd try things like youtube, make killer videos and get a bunch of subscribers, you can make BANK on youtube doing shit you'd already normally be doing, except now you're recording it.

Though you probably have to already have an interesting life to begin with.. But some of the most popular channels on youtube are filled with FUCKING IDIOTS!! ex. Fred, Smosh, annoyingorange, etc.

So either be really really cool and smart and interesting, or be incredibly retarded, annoying and mind numbing. Or just have BIG TITS and point the camera right at em when you talk about whatever bullshit you decide to talk about.. (there are tons of chicks who do this and make BANK doing it, and they don't talk about SHIT! everyone tunes in for the tits, boggles my mind because most of them are butterfaces with average racks when THEY'RE USING THE SAME INTERNET that has access to billions of better tits, totally naked..) I'm guessing it's all 13-17 year old guys who still have the parental control lock on or something.. idk.

Build shit you can sell online. Turn a hobby into monetary profit, if you draw, go digital and get on DeviantArt,,, etc. You can sell prints and make tons of scratch like that.

My best advice would be to utilize the internet, think of something other people haven't thought of. Outside the box.


Well-Known Member
I'd try things like youtube, make killer videos and get a bunch of subscribers, you can make BANK on youtube doing shit you'd already normally be doing, except now you're recording it.

Though you probably have to already have an interesting life to begin with.. But some of the most popular channels on youtube are filled with FUCKING IDIOTS!! ex. Fred, Smosh, annoyingorange, etc.

So either be really really cool and smart and interesting, or be incredibly retarded, annoying and mind numbing. Or just have BIG TITS and point the camera right at em when you talk about whatever bullshit you decide to talk about.. (there are tons of chicks who do this and make BANK doing it, and they don't talk about SHIT! everyone tunes in for the tits, boggles my mind because most of them are butterfaces with average racks when THEY'RE USING THE SAME INTERNET that has access to billions of better tits, totally naked..) I'm guessing it's all 13-17 year old guys who still have the parental control lock on or something.. idk.

Build shit you can sell online. Turn a hobby into monetary profit, if you draw, go digital and get on DeviantArt,,, etc. You can sell prints and make tons of scratch like that.

My best advice would be to utilize the internet, think of something other people haven't thought of. Outside the box.
Have you tried making money from youtube yet? If so, how did you make out?


Well-Known Member
No I haven't made any money from youtube, I'm subscribed to a few channels that make their living solely from youtube. Top grossers are banking 2+ million/year..


Well-Known Member
when you find this out, let me fucking know! i hear if your good at something you should get paid to do it and that seems to be the best bet i guess. i like the idea about digging ditches which is pretty smart.


Active Member
when you find this out, let me fucking know! i hear if your good at something you should get paid to do it and that seems to be the best bet i guess. i like the idea about digging ditches which is pretty smart.
.....if only ditch digging werent a MINIMUM WAGE JOB.


Honestly making money from youtube is HARD WORK it's kind of like saying "the NFL is easy" there are thousands if not millions who want to become youtube millionaires, but only a few make it. Not to be said it can't be done, and once it is setup, it's smooth rolling.


Active Member
Define easy work, im a millwright and I feel it's fairly easy, but I worked construction and cement work before I started in my trade.
I own my own adult website! Its fairly easy I just do promotion of the site every week and I pay the website design company 10% of what I make,besides the porn content on my site there are alot of other ways my site is making money! If you want to own your own adult website for cheap then send me a message and I will tell you alot of info and where you can get started yourself! The design company even has financing so your site will pay for itself,couldnt be easier!