I have a stupid problem.


Active Member
So- I have a really nice AK-48 mother plant in a DWC bucket. She's big, beautiful, and bushy... which has become the problem. Does anyone know if AK48 can be topped? Or should I tie her down a little? As of right now she is 41" tall and I intend to flower her relatively soon- how can I keep her from getting too tall when she flowers? Like I said, stupid problem to have right? A little too much smoking when planning I guess :-?


Well-Known Member
Your plant will gain some height during the flower stage. Could double in size most likely get about a third bigger than it is now.

They have a product that is called bushmaster that will stop your plant from vertical growth. Use at your own risk.

With that said I used it at half strength for half of the recommended time so I didnt do any harm to my plants. It worked.

Sean Tom

Well-Known Member
I dont think the plant will get any taller when it starts to flower.
you are as wrong as anyone can be. the plant will grow about three times its size in the first two to three weeks of flower then stop growing and focus more on budding. I am relatively new to growing, just finished second grow, but you can bend the plant over or cut clones from the top. keep in mind the best clones come from the lower branches because the hormone concentration. you are going to have a beast of a plant. I just thought of it you can give it a tough pinch and bend down of the branches. it will cause stress but will also cause a knuckle at the bend and send hormones to lower branches.


Well-Known Member
you can abuse any plant pretty hard before it will die, but stressing a plant always carries the small risk of inducing hermaphroditism. usually topping vegetating plants is not a problem but plants only get as tall as the soil they are in allows them to


Active Member
thanks peeps I ended up cutting a bunch of clones and the in to flower. To keep her height under control i used some soft string to pull and tie the top down about ten inches. I have been watching and it hasn't seemed to bother her at all. I checked out bushmaster, but couldnt justify the purchase for just one plant.


Well-Known Member
As Bernie420 and Sean Tom both pointed out, when the plant goes into flowering, you will absolutely gain 25-50% more size than it was in it's vegetative stage... It's called stretch... It WILL happen... I'd recommend tying the longer tops down a bit and fill in your canopy to a fuller horizontal formation, rather than a taller less full canopy. You will increase your yield and your efforts if u do this... I'd look into some topping methods for my next grow if I were u, which will help your plants grow more like u want them to, rather than how they will want to grow with no human interferance... With indoor growing, and to some degree outdoor growing, itz all about making the plants fit your particular space, not the other way around...


Well-Known Member
Everyone of my plants are the size of three "norml" sized, un-topped plants, so why not maximize your yield and at the same time, utilize every square inch of available growing space u have at your disposal?