I thought we were cool, relaxed pot smokers! Its not like I planed it. "Shit Happens". She is ok. She was fucked up and she thought it was because of her meds. So in her mind, she did know why she was fucked up. "Bad Karma"? Wtf man. If anything I helped. If you actually think about it I did absoulutly nothing wrong. I'm "immature" ? How.
This is a crime in the US. It depends on where you live but this is usually charged as a form of assault. From slipping Rohypnol (flunitrazipam), into unsuspecting people's drinks, to the historic Mickey Finn (chloral hydrate drink spiking), food tampering behavior has long been illegal.
I believe you said previously this was you, and 'your girls', foster mother. You need to tell her the truth and hope she doesn't have you arrested for this. You do not leave medication out for unsuspecting victims in attractive forms. That is an assault and you are guilty of that. YES you did something wrong. Thank god she didn't have a serious anaphylactic reaction or you would easily be charged with second degree murder.
Doing the kiddie thing of blaming your girlfriend just broadcasts your immaturity. But after reading this and your others posts I believe, and sincerely hope, you are just another troll.
Welcome to my ignore list.