trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
When the DA says, "I can't do this, COI.", you know something is off.
that's what i'm saying.

especially after he left his house late on a sunday evening to meet with the police chief in person.

what COI would that be, is what i want to ask wolfinger.


Well-Known Member
even more incidents displaying zimmerman's vigilantism and hair trigger temper are coming to light.

In September 2003, Zimmerman called police and reported that another motorist spat on him, according to reports, Zimmerman followed the man in his car until the police arrived. Daniel Osmun, the other driver, told police that Zimmerman was tailgating and that he spit his gum out the window "out of frustration."
Osum said that Zimmerman then pulled alongside of him, and the two argued. In a police report of the incident, Osum said “at one point, he thought Mr. Zimmerman was going to attack him."

Some of Zimmerman’s neighbors said he had a history of being overly aggressive and followed people whom he thought appeared suspicious back to their homes.
At an emergency homeowner’s association meeting on March 1, days after the killing, “one man was escorted out because he openly expressed his frustration because he had previously contacted the Sanford Police Department about Zimmerman approaching him and even coming to his home,” a resident who spoke on the condition of anonymity told HuffPost. “It was also made known that there had been several complaints about George Zimmerman and his tactics" in his neighborhood watch role.
zimmerman had a restraining order placed on him after he assaulting his girlfriend and claiming that she hit him first (ring any bells?).

zimmerman was arrested for assaulting a police officer after snapping and telling him "fuck you, i don't care who you are".

zimmerman was also hit up for resisting arrest on a previous occassion.

zimmerman was fired from a private security job after he snapped and threw a woman, twisting her ankle.

zimmerman had to take anger management classes.

zimmerman was a drunk driver and had to take alcohol management classes.

zimmerman has a long history of snapping, losing his temper, and acting violently and aggressively.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
even more incidents displaying zimmerman's vigilantism and hair trigger temper are coming to light.

Zimmernman was an asshole. Zimmerman was meddlesome, nosy, unlikeable and ugly, and he was an idiot to follow young Mr. Martin down the path that dark, rainy night. You have no argument from me. But you need more than anecdotes from people who don't like him to convict of him of murder given the other evidence.

Asshole 1 meets asshole 2. Asshole 2 dies as a combined result of his own and asshole 1's actions. Asshole 1 walks away to continue his assholishness. Welcome to America!


Well-Known Member
But you need more than anecdotes from people who don't like him to convict of him of murder given the other evidence.
people who don't like him? it was his friend who said that when he snaps, he *snaps*.

but you're right, we need a trial so we can subpoena key evidence that we wouldn't otherwise be able to.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Nobody is saying anything about getting a conviction. They are saying let it at least go to trial. There is enough probable cause to arrest him and charge him. Then let the courts decide.


Well-Known Member
Nobody is saying anything about getting a conviction. They are saying let it at least go to trial. There is enough probable cause to arrest him and charge him. Then let the courts decide.
i'm saying something about getting a conviction.

if this thing goes to trial, he will be convicted.

thus, it needs to go to trial.

but wait. there's more!

a trial would be great for figuring out exactly what the fuck is up with pappa zimmerman and wolfinger and the sanford police force, all of which desperately need to be looked into.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
i'm saying something about getting a conviction.

if this thing goes to trial, he will be convicted.

thus, it needs to go to trial.

but wait. there's more!

a trial would be great for figuring out exactly what the fuck is up with pappa zimmerman and wolfinger and the sanford police force, all of which desperately need to be looked into.
I don't see how pappa and wolfinger figure into this. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that they conspired somehow to illegally help Jorge. How are you going to prove that?

Conviction seems impossible given the facts at hand.


Well-Known Member
I really hope zimmerman gets life without parole but he'll likely end up doing like 5 on a bullshit manslaughter charge.I cant stand nosey snitching ass people like him.Even if the kid was robbing houses zimmerman should of sat back in the safety of his home and called the police.He provoked the situation and ended up getting his ass beat so he shot a kid.


Well-Known Member
about 07:00 pm.
7:00PM give or take 10 minutes right? The actual EXACT time the call came in was 7:09 and was in a holding queue until 7:11 and ended at 7:14.

According to some, Zimmerman stalked poor little Treyvon for 15 minutes between the time of 7:14 and 7:17.

How far away is the nearest convenience store?


Well-Known Member
7:00PM give or take 10 minutes right? The actual EXACT time the call came in was 7:09 and was in a holding queue until 7:11 and ended at 7:14.

According to some, Zimmerman stalked poor little Treyvon for 15 minutes between the time of 7:14 and 7:17.

How far away is the nearest convenience store?
i knew 7pm didn't sound right, i thought it had to be later. guess it was.


Well-Known Member
I really hope zimmerman gets life without parole but he'll likely end up doing like 5 on a bullshit manslaughter charge.I cant stand nosey snitching ass people like him.Even if the kid was robbing houses zimmerman should of sat back in the safety of his home and called the police.He provoked the situation and ended up getting his ass beat so he shot a kid.
that's sadly true, but we can always hold out hope that the officers in ad seg or protective custody get a little sloppy and another prisoner, well, ya know....


Well-Known Member
that's sadly true, but we can always hold out hope that the officers in ad seg or protective custody get a little sloppy and another prisoner, well, ya know....
Which just goes to prove that you want vengance, not justice...

Did you have to go through over 300 pages just to admit it?


Well-Known Member
Which just goes to prove that you want vengance, not justice...

Did you have to go through over 300 pages just to admit it?

why, because i want to guards to be sloppy and another prisoner to provide zimmerman with a pretty bouquet of flowers?


Well-Known Member
Which just goes to prove that you want vengance, not justice...

Did you have to go through over 300 pages just to admit it?
just shut up. This post has as much merit as the one im quoting above. If you consider your post above a serious post, just shut up.

How many innocent people have to be strung up or shot or burned alive or beaten for people to feel they deserve vengeance. I think when justice gets trampled so many time vengeance is the only thing that will satisfy.

You sure are funny. The oppressed are supposed to keep turning the other cheek because you think they should get over the way they are treated. Then people riot and "we never saw it coming".

He's got a right to a fair trial, as for jail well maybe a non violent drug offender will learn how to shank someone that day.