Sorry bro. heres a tip now that you got your interwebs tube hooked up again. go to download and instal the driver detective program, but dont register it or pay for anything. execute the program (it's different for every pc, so you must use it on the computer in question) it will give you a shitton of useful info for free, including: What devices are installed, who made them, their model names and numbers, are their drivers up to date, are they working properly, and other such shit.
now grab a pencil and a paper. write down the manufacturer, model nam and model number of each of the following:
mother board
video adapter
ethernet adapter
wireless adapter
sound card
web cam
after that is done, go to the googles, and visit the website for each device. download, and save the driver installation file for each one into a directory created specifically for the purpose (i use c:\restore) some of them have funky names, so sub directories with the device name can be helpful.
then go to microsoft's website and search for "Windows Xp Service Pack 2 Redistributable" save that file in your directory as well. (they will try to get you to take service pack 3, dont do it! more on that later)
once you got all that, burn it to a dvd. put that dvd in with your windows xp installation disc, and keep it. next time you have to wipe your HDD youlll have service pack 2 and all your drivers ready to install.
a few notes on Service Pack 3 for XP:
if your computer is old, dont use it. it was never tested for older computers, and generally causes them to either slow down terribly, or crashes them out to the blue-screen core memory dump-reboot-blue screen-core memory dump-reboot.... cycle.
in a few days or a few weeks, your shit will most likely fall down again, dont panic, thats gonna be service pack 3 failing on you. after wiping your drive clean again, install Windows XP. then install service pack 2. after it reboots it will ask you to configure automatic updates. automatic updates should be configured to OFF. then install your drivers. never re-enable automatic updates, never download or install service pack 3, and your shit will keep running, like mine does. (motherboard configured in 1999 and still rocking)
service pack 3 doesn't always fuck your shit up, but it happens often enough to make me sad.