New toy I made


Well-Known Member
thanks man , but to all i need info right now I went in there tonite to find tyellowing to dead leaves, its really fucked up, could it be the ph? could it still bew that white dusty shit I had on my nets, i dunno but here are a few pics and any input wiould be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Those are your fan leaves doing that right? And have you switched to just water yet? and quit feeding them? Usually when they get this close to the ends they suck all the extra nutes and everything out of the fan leaves, and they start to look like shit and die. So I wouldn't worry, it is actually a good sign if that is what is going on. But let us know if you switched to just water or if still feeding. Also have you checked out the pics on my journal? Not sure if I will keep updating it, unless people start to show interest, but so far I am the only one that post anything. LOL. But if you want to see my pics they are there. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah I am to just water now flushing them out till end of flowering, but somethin tells me its not a usual nute sucking near harvest thing, its like somethin affected them in a flash

I did check out your post today , you ladies look good my friend !!! you should get some good smoke there!



Well-Known Member
yeah I am to just water now flushing them out till end of flowering, but somethin tells me its not a usual nute sucking near harvest thing, its like somethin affected them in a flash

I did check out your post today , you ladies look good my friend !!! you should get some good smoke there!

It sounds to me like its normal, but you are there with them and would know better then I would, but I would not worry too much they are almost done! Thanks for checking my journal out, feel free to leave some comments there too if you like! We are almost done my friend! I can't wait


Well-Known Member
yeah know man, its amazing this last stretch feeling huh? after a lot of work i mean a lot!! of f%&$/$$%ing work but so fun to do. can't wait to pull them out , clean it all up and start the next one!!!lloll


New Member
Harvesting is the most fun :D
Nice tattoo:mrgreen:
yeah know man, its amazing this last stretch feeling huh? after a lot of work i mean a lot!! of f%&$/$$%ing work but so fun to do. can't wait to pull them out , clean it all up and start the next one!!!lloll


Well-Known Member
thanks i,ll pass on the message :mrgreen:so you a fellow grower lacy? and yeah harvest must be the coolest thing, it will be my first harvest and i,m but a few days away, its nerve racking to wait like this,loll mostly its the not knowing how much you actually have in harvest ya know? cuz not having ever really harvested before you can't really tell howmuch it holds..loll but like i said a few days to go...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
trial and error led you to create a bad ass lighting system, I'm sure that you are resourceful enough to get your grow back on line. good luck to you.


New Member
Oh yes. I have had three grow journal here but I just closed them down.

I've been growing off and on now for 16 years. (about 8 years of growing and hundreds of plants)

This is my first time in a long time when i grew inside and was the first time I ever bought myself a MH light system.
I have a 1000 watt and a 100 watt.

I now have a thread about my harvest as I am attempting to make some hash for the very first time.

I am a virgin hash maker.:mrgreen:
thanks i,ll pass on the message :mrgreen:so you a fellow grower lacy? and yeah harvest must be the coolest thing, it will be my first harvest and i,m but a few days away, its nerve racking to wait like this,loll mostly its the not knowing how much you actually have in harvest ya know? cuz not having ever really harvested before you can't really tell howmuch it holds..loll but like i said a few days to go...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
wowwowowowowoowowowowowowowowowowow malachi...i cant even be a dick to you no more.

those little buds look cool as hell!!!!

FUCKING REP 4 you!!!! omg. im hooked. your work has payed off. thanks for sharing with us!!!

now if i could only figure a way to stuff a few of those vertical trays in a cab having sog capabilities!!!


Well-Known Member
Lace: cool stuff i,ll check it out its the next thing i want to try I,m getting those bubblebags to make some bubble hash this summer. i,m saving all the leaves in the freezer for the next 3 grows and tryin that out as soon as i move.

thanks loud yyeah i,m anxious to harvest and weigh my dry babies in the box the thought keeps me up at nite. loll,sorry i was a dick too the other day about the CO2 thing loll, didn't get the CO2 finally ,was desperate for a yes answer i think in my mind cuz I wanted a better harvest. .lol anyway sorry again. well if you check up on the grow after this one, my box will have a hell of a lot more trays in it i,ll be up to ten so it,ll look more like an actual sog. It was design to take a total of eighteen trays but i ran out of cash so i,m filling it slowly. Once this one is full i will build a second one and try to grow 864 of these little babies at once i want to see how impossible it is..loll it was meant to be SOG , even thought of SCROG in the beginning, but my main mistake was not waiting a little longer before flowering, but I,m time constraint.

anyway peace man.


Well-Known Member
1st harvest is the best, sucks when you have problems close to harvest time, i am sturggling with that now... Good Luck cant wait to see harvest.... Your smoking your own S#!*!!!



Well-Known Member
lol yeah its a nice site I have to admit..loll and yeah man I am finally smokin my own shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!


Well-Known Member
I,ll put a new pic of the tray tonite the buds got bigger. Oh and I had started another 42 babies 12 of wich had rooted and I had 30 on the way, well this morning after a record 9 days! all my babies are rooted with success
(personal record 9 days in simple rockwool with a rooting hormone). I,m gonna take another 10 at least tonite cuz i think mommy has about that many to sparemaybe 15 , i,m going for everything I can,already chose my next mommies gonna keep 3.