TGA Subcool Agent Orange & G13 Purple Haze


Well-Known Member
72 hour darkness began this morning, Flowering Day 84, a full 12 weeks!

The waterfarm rez was topped off with pH 6.0 Brita-filtered tap water reading 80 ppm... the runoff I tested was also reading only 70 ppm, thanks to flushing several times this week with pH 6.0 bottled drinking water

So I'm looking to have some final pictures before the chop/chop pictures in an update sometime next Monday Feb 20th (which is Presidents Day in the US... so I will be dedicating this chop to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln... a couple of original gangstas for sure ;) )
OK now you're just showing off ;-).

Amazing job, that's gonna be some real connoisseur smoke. +Rep and here's to a strong finish :joint::clap:!


Active Member
Great grow man, read most of thread, those blackstars really give you the most out of growing, Using a 240blackstar for veg and mother room, and they loving it over my old t5's lols.

Keep up the great work man, Love the cola's monsta's they are, please post up dry weight if possible

Peace to all, and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Follow up post after RIU hacked / loss of month's worth of site data


some of the harvest pics re-upped:


roots and more pr0n:

I'll pop back in here in another month or so with a smoke report
Nice Job!

I did beat you with total weight... I had a little over 9oz lol. However, I had so many sites that were not ready it was retarded. I could have gone much longer... or done my harvest in stages.


Active Member
Thanks! I have completed 2 single-plant grows under 1 240w blackstar, and harvested over 3oz dry each time (AK48, Kandy Kush). They draw minimal power, and produce minimal heat. They are also some of the cheapest LED panels you can get. Based on my results, I decided to purchase a 2nd panel and go for 2 plants in my space this time... So far, so good!2 x 240w blackstar led panels2 x 68w tcp 2700K cfls2 x 4 x 5.5 tent
how noisey are the fans in the blackstars? i see you have 2,i wanna get 1 for my spot


Well-Known Member
Nice Job!

I did beat you with total weight... I had a little over 9oz lol. However, I had so many sites that were not ready it was retarded. I could have gone much longer... or done my harvest in stages.
very cool! That is a nice pull for 1 HTG 240 panel and a few CFLs over 6 plants, good show man!

how noisey are the fans in the blackstars? i see you have 2,i wanna get 1 for my spot
hey yosun, they are cheap fans... do the trick, but far from silent. They're pretty loud. I do not know what LED panel to recommend in this regard, but I'm pretty sure Blackstars would not rank among the quietest panels available...

Nice man, I'm growing G13 PH also. It's good to see how mines should look in the end, but does Purple Haze turn purple?
Thanks Stratosphere, good luck with yours man! post some pics! PH could use some more love on RIU =D Depending on the phenotype you have, it might not turn purple, but if you want to give it the best chance, lower your temperatures down into the 50s during the dark period during the final weeks of flowering... I was not able to do that in my setup, or I *might* have been able to coax out some more purple (there was some, not much)...


Well-Known Member
I don't understand LEDs...I can spend $200 on one light that will do numerous plants in a space...or $200 and something for a light that only serves one plant...doesn't make sense to me...but your plants look really nice.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand LEDs...I can spend $200 on one light that will do numerous plants in a space...or $200 and something for a light that only serves one plant...doesn't make sense to me...but your plants look really nice.
Thanks missnu! I think that your confusion has less to do with LED and more to do with how you grow your plants... In a given space, you can chose to grow many small plants, a few medium plants, or maybe one big plant! In my past 3 grows, I have worked with 1 big plant... However! I could have done many small plants in the same plants with the same lights... regardless of the lights being HPS/LED/MH/Induction/CFL/T5/Plasma or whatever! Obviously things like pot/reservoir size and whether or not you LST your plants come into play as well. Good luck and Happy Growing my friend! =D