Active Member
What would be a really straight part-time job to have while also having the 'grow' as a second job. Or really the main job. It would have to be something that would not require a lot of involvement but yet is still a reputable job that anyone could make a normal living off of. Some people are electricians on the side, or hell even work in a dispensary. But for others who don't have the dispensary option, thats no good. I am currently studying computer science and a programming job def pays well and would suffice, however, I am sure there are some easier alternatives to work that do not require as much attention. I would need to be able to have the grow as my main 'job' and also have a legitimate job to be able to pay for house,taxs, and other bullshit..
Any ideas would be awesome.
I already have some ideas but am drawing a blank and need help thinkin outside of the box. Growing is my real passion, I could give shit about any other job
Thanks again
Any ideas would be awesome.
I already have some ideas but am drawing a blank and need help thinkin outside of the box. Growing is my real passion, I could give shit about any other job

Thanks again