Perfect part-time job for professional grower/any kind of grower??


Active Member
What would be a really straight part-time job to have while also having the 'grow' as a second job. Or really the main job. It would have to be something that would not require a lot of involvement but yet is still a reputable job that anyone could make a normal living off of. Some people are electricians on the side, or hell even work in a dispensary. But for others who don't have the dispensary option, thats no good. I am currently studying computer science and a programming job def pays well and would suffice, however, I am sure there are some easier alternatives to work that do not require as much attention. I would need to be able to have the grow as my main 'job' and also have a legitimate job to be able to pay for house,taxs, and other bullshit..

Any ideas would be awesome.

I already have some ideas but am drawing a blank and need help thinkin outside of the box. Growing is my real passion, I could give shit about any other job:joint:
Thanks again
That is what I shot out of the womb to do man!!!!! I'm almost crying at the missed opportunity. Unfortunately I live in Georgia. We are really fucked over here even though cops are kinda cool sometimes with small amounts, most of the time we're just really fucked. I really plan on moving out to Cali or somewhere close for medicinal freedom after college! I was thinking the only way to financially fly out and settle down in the west would be to stick with my computer science path to make enough money for everything. The house in California and all the equipment to go in it!
Oh wait do you mean a regular plant nursery? Actually that sounds pretty awesome. Wal-mart sounds pretty good, even lowe's or Home Depot. Thanks a lot for the ideas!!!!
I have a sweet job I smoke my meds all day watch tv if I want.
Go fishing when I want, sex when ever I want.
How do I do it you ask??????
My answer is honest, I earned it.
Think about what is going to support you when you hit 60 and you have to earn it.
Get a job writing code go learn a little and put your self out there.
Take the easy road and most the time you end up at the bottom of the road.
any job that doesn't require taking trips... plants are in the dark 12 hours a day, all they need is some water and a feeding every so often.

plants pretty much grow themselves.
Very well put. Thank you for the wise words. That was my initial thinking. I wanted to have a respectable job after school and in a way my grow would reflect that. If I just ended up shitting through college and don't really do anything challenging, I feel that is what kind of a grow I will have. Feeling a lot better about the code idea.
Yea but before they grow there is a lot of work involved and while they are growing there is still continuous work that needs to be attended to. Actually, theres just a lot of work to it, I don't know if you were implying that it was as simple task.
grow for personal use... that's it. I love that you are college bound, it'll be the best thing you do. Growing for profit is really a farce. If you can make money on it, you are nefarious. Even a good person like FDD... a family man with a modest home and lifestyle.... look where he is. Fuck these dreams of grandeur about growing for profit... it's just not there. If you like to grow, then grow for YOU. Enjoy the fruits.
College and great jobs may be fine for earning, but not everyone will be happy doing that kind of thing. Maybe agriculture is in your blood. Myself, I believe life is about finding a purpose, something that YOU feel gives you meaning. Everything else is inconsequential background noise.
Since you're computer science.... any desktop or network support job in a hospital environment will usually have around the clock shifts, and sometimes even part time shifts. I worked at a help desk part time for a bit. The work was easy, pay was meh, but I had health insurance, which was invaluable. And working part time meant I had the free time to attend to my other activities.
any job that doesn't require taking trips... plants are in the dark 12 hours a day, all they need is some water and a feeding every so often.

plants pretty much grow themselves.
I've worked at tree nurseries and in greenhouses(non cannabis) and let me tell you that it is hard work and you very rarely get a break. Lots of dirt and sweat.
Porn Shop clerk. Just make sure they don't make you the midnight jizz mopper.
For real though, any clerk job.

Ah ha,the jizz mopper,when I was a young man I knew a cat who worked at the local freak shop cleaning jerk off booths,these booths were complete with a glory hole on each wall.

Anyhow this dude uses to take the doors off the hinges & dress out in a pair of fishing waders & a welders smock,big yellow rubber gloves too .

We used to tease him & warn everybody not to take any quarters from him,he used to keep the change he found laying on the floors in the booths !

He used to brag about making $15 an hour which was super good money in 1979 but I still told him he was a nasty fuk .
A job that you're a sub-contractor that gets a 1099 instead of a w2 is perfect, since you can include the profits from your garden, making fake recipts, and pay taxes on it. This will make your business look like its making good money, and you'll have a credit score that is nice when you're ready to take on all the loans we have.