Oaksterdam raided by DEA and IRS.


Well-Known Member
If I was a governor in a MMJ state, my dispensaries would be secured by state guard troops, and not a single damn federal agent would be allowed to persecute and harass my citizens.

Civil war you say?

Damn right.

I support the rights of citizens to determine their own damn laws in their own damn states.


Well-Known Member
Why don't they put all the man hours and money it took for that operation and put it towards busting meth labs or catching child molesters or stopping old ladies from getting mugged and kids getting kidnapped from their way to school

This federal government continues to sicken me more and more every day


Well-Known Member
what a crock of chit , i say all of us here at rollitup invest in as much styrofoam as we can and build our own self sufficient floating hippy habitat , we could sail where ever the warm winds blow , grow our own everything , get homebrewer along for some home brew and we could all live happily ever after , i mean seriously why not , we cant let them keep us connfined in a land where we can not be free , fark the powers that be , going to sea is our only chance to be free , the rope is tightening quickly now , IF THEY SHUT DOWN OAKSTERDAM THEN CHIT IS ABOUT TO CRACK , i wonder how much money todays raids cost in man hours and fuel costs , not to mention the cost on the enviroment added daily by marijuana raids.


Well-Known Member
It's about time this happened. I hate pot shops with a deep passion
and I pray to God daily the rest will fall quickly in Cali. Fuck mainstream!
I am the counter culture!
lol what a silly statement , you are the mainstream trying so hard to be different ,its only weed you jackarse , mabye you should try crack.


Well-Known Member
just for the record though i get my weed from a buddy or my dad when i'm out , i dont exactly enjoy despensaries either , but i do stand up for the right to put what i want in my body and that includes medical marijuana for which i have genuine need.


Well-Known Member
...and people wonder why I'm buying up cultivation *gasp* books? They (Oaksterdam U.) were teaching others how it's done and they don't want that. It's the same reason the U.S. Government and Monsanto don't want farmers collecting thier own seeds...they want 100% control of everything. Soon, you won't be able to buy books related to cannabis... mark my words. Obama get re-elected? Hah! AT least we in Colorado and WA have legalization on the Nov. ballot this year and myself and others are doing everything we can to make sure THAT VOTE gets out. Face it people...we are at WAR here and we all stand to lose everything very soon.


Education is a very high priority for them i am sure, the more people who are taught properly to grow cannabis the more difficult it will be to control.
I have always thought this was a brilliant idea and have always been amazed at the lack of such a place here in Colorado, but looks like now it will be longer.


Well-Known Member
all of them , if you live on earth and you don't live in the woods or a cave then the man can shut you down.
That has never been a worry or concern so I really never consider it a right.

Btw, I retract the statement I made earlier (It's about time this happened and Richard Lee is wearing his clown shoes. I hate pot shops with a very deep passion
and I pray to God daily the rest will fall quickly in Cali.)

I just took my first bong hit and realized that was a stupid comment. I didn't need to bring personal issues to the board.

I do enjoy your posts axionjaxson at RLOL though. There are
some rightous people here.


Active Member
They also raided 2 other dispensaries in Oakland this morning from what I understand.

F***the FEDS.

Meanwhile down the street some guy just smoked 6 people at a Christian School in East Oakland, and the gunman is on the loose. Way to use the cities resources!


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are trying to send a message by going
after the prolific amongst others.
They do this to scare the hell out of people in and out of the school and
they might go after the school records/computers and question students at
home or work. This is the fear they are putting out.