Firefox and RIU


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, for the longest time i have been running IE (whatever most current version is) and this site had alot of issue, i recently started using mozilla firefox browser and everything shows up great. Firefox also includes a spell check program that checks spelling while your typing your replies and threads.

most probably knew this already but for those of you who dont you should try it out see if you like it.
i ditched ie because it wouldn't let me upload pics here, not even ie9. this site changed some stuff around a while back and now ie doesn't get it done anymore. now i use chrome and i agree everything looks a lot better, but for some reason the chrome browser doesn't let me copy and paste google images. it works maybe once out of 10 times so if i want to copy and paste a google image i have to want to copy and paste it bad enough to launch a different browser and do the search over again.

while we're on the subject of browsers, i declare that the google chrome browser has the ABSOLUTE WORST spell checker i have come across in my adult life. it's borderline absurd. it misses the most obvious mispellings on the most common words and suggests replacement words that are so far off from the word i'm trying to spell that i have to use more than half the time i'm trying to spell a word. but yeah, it makes things pretty.
yeah like i said im sure alot of people knew already but i was just throwing it out there for anyone having issues with how the site shows up to try using firefox

i have always used IE and never really thought about it. i started using firefox and after about 20 min of browsing i replaced my IE shortcut with firefox and deleted the IE shortcuts
Sea Monkey for the win :)

Seriously if you use a Mozilla product add NoScript to it. You will be safer out there. You can read about it
I use firefox also - I always wondered why there so many misspellings on this forum. Thanks for pointing out the spell checking difference.
Google Chrome. Total Head, my Copy/Paste is fine usually but you're just as good copying the URL and pasting it into an IMG tag or clicking and dragging the picture directly across. You can also try not using the shortcuts but from the top menu if you highlighted something to copy and it didn't work the first time.
i declare that the google chrome browser has the ABSOLUTE WORST spell checker i have come across in my adult life. it's borderline absurd.

ahaha so fucking true. if i misspell something now i just open up a tab and type the word in on google for the correct spelling.

which makes no sense since it's googles browser lol, the search engine spell correct is great... but the spell checker needs work.
I love the ending ... "zymurgy". cn


i googled that shit

zy·mur·gy (z
)n. The branch of chemistry that deals with fermentation processes, as in brewing.

making beer amirite?
Yes! Some dictionaries have "zyther" as a final entry, but I dismiss that as a corrupted spelling of "zither". cn
Go get CCCleaner it's free and run it, reboot and most of your issues will be over, no matter what your running. By the way there are more viruses for Firefox than EI and has been for a number of years. I use Chrome
CCCleaner is for nubs, no offense. i can clean my registry and shit just fine and run a solid antivirus software. it is the display of the page that works better with FireFox then it does IE