smoking pot on a meatless diet.


Well-Known Member
i had just had this thought in my head and i was wondering if anyone knows anything. so i was wondering if you smoke pot and are on a meatless diet(vegetarian,vegan,raw) would you get high just the same as if you were on a meat diet?
I'd imagine the only thing is you would be even more vulnerable to sickness. Without meat you cannot produce adequate stomach acid to fight off viruses.

So much misinformation on diet out there it's pretty disturbing.


I went raw vegan for a few stretches and the high is incredible from the diet alone. Combined with weed I was usually floating on the sky.

Meat moves slowly through the digestive system and can kind of weigh you down and slow down metabolism... as a result the body craves stimulants to find a balance to some degree... all that kind of goes away when you cut it out for a while. To summarize it I would say it's a lot like simply having a lower tolerance from smoking less often.

But yeah, it can be kind of harsh on the munchies. Get lots of fruit to snack on, heh.
I'm a converted meat eater. Not by choice. Getting old and just don't digest meat that well anymore.
I can report it didn't make a difference when I ate meat and now on a veg diet.

Urban Legend

I do cheat once in a while....:clap:
But, gives me gas and stuck shit.
i don't eat red meat, shit's bad for you... but i don't get any higher than i did when i used to eat red meat.

as far as the stomach acid comment goes, take a shot of raw apple cider vinegar every morning and every night after dinner...
i don't eat red meat, shit's bad for you... but i don't get any higher than i did when i used to eat red meat.

as far as the stomach acid comment goes, take a shot of raw apple cider vinegar every morning and every night after dinner...

Blech... I couldn't even stand the smell of that stuff when my girlfriend was using it to wash her dreads...

And I really don't buy into that comment about the stomach acid at all.. but to each their own...
Blech... I couldn't even stand the smell of that stuff when my girlfriend was using it to wash her dreads...

And I really don't buy into that comment about the stomach acid at all.. but to each their own...

ahahahahaha that shit does work good for hair, breaks down all the gunk.
Smoke weed and listen to your digestion and heart rate, breathing depth and frequency... when you start playing around with your diet to see how you feel, you will end up cutting out all animal products and by products because the weightless ness is amazing. So much more energy.

Red meat is so dense and pork is the worst... they all take so long to digest. We wear our bodies out digesting them which is why carnivores have short digestive tracts.

We ate more fish than we did red meat back in the day. Livestock were helpers with moving things more so than a food source.

Vegan diet + fasting + marijuana = next step to a higher consiousness.

Peace ✌
Smoke weed and listen to your digestion and heart rate, breathing depth and frequency... when you start playing around with your diet to see how you feel, you will end up cutting out all animal products and by products because the weightless ness is amazing. So much more energy.

Red meat is so dense and pork is the worst... they all take so long to digest. We wear our bodies out digesting them which is why carnivores have short digestive tracts.

We ate more fish than we did red meat back in the day. Livestock were helpers with moving things more so than a food source.

Vegan diet + fasting + marijuana = next step to a higher consiousness.

Peace ✌

How do you feel about drinking excessively and damaging your liver???
