I live in Florida, and the Gun Laws here are the most liberal in the country. The shooter was on neighborhood watch, and he carried his legally owned and registered firearm with him. He also had a permit to carry that firearm concealed, as per Florida Law. He was a wannabe cop, and had called 911 over 50 times in the last year. He called to report a "Suspicious Black Male" in his gated community. He was asked by the 911 dispatcher if he was following the "suspect", and when Zimmerman told them "Yes", they told him NOT to do that. He is guilty of being an asshole with a gun, and should do jail time for manslaughter at the very least. A local resident saw the two men struggling on the ground, which does bolster Zimmerman's story a bit, but this is a case of an over-zealous gun owner trying to be a big guy. The CCL permit is for self defense, nothing else. If you follow a guy around, and he confronts you, he is in the right by doing so, because he is the one being followed. If he tells you to stop, and you are in a public area, you can follow him all day long, legally, as two people can walk the same direction, as long as one is not bothering the other. But if he attacks you for following him, you are allowed to defend yourself. You DO NOT HAVE TO FLEE from your aggressor in the state of Florida.
So, the shooter was an asshole who shot a young man who had confronted the shooter with violence for following him. The LE officials are digging into this scenario to see if they can get a conviction. If they ask for too much, like First Degree murder, then under Florida Law they would have to acquit. Second degree murder, not very likely. Manslaughter would be the best chance of getting a conviction to stick. We don't want to see another Casey Anthony miscarriage of justice in Florida....