Feds raid Oaksterdam University - cannabis persecution Obama's highest priority


Well-Known Member
There shouldn't be enough money involved to *need* books. If you're making a profit from cannabis, you're doing it wrong. You're helping sustain prohibition by making yourself a target. Whatever they are doing, they made enough money doing it to afford some prime California real estate. My sympathies lie with the individual grower, who never took a dime from anyone.
So you're saying it's wrong for people to make a living in the Cannabis industry? And it's a non profit business that gave back much to the community. I'm sure he was paid a decent salary for his work too (justifiably).

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
It's nearly identical. The playbooks are very much the same. Many of the players behind the scenes are too (big money, much of which never got in trouble for financing the Nazi's back in the day despite it being in some cases blatant treason, see: Bush family).

Divide and conquer. Trayvan Martin no doubt was something to be exploited and made divisive. Just like many other issues. Keep people fighting amongst each other while you seize control (been going on for a long time now).
You would think it's too soon after Obama's son was killed. He doesn't give a fuck. All he does is exploit hot button issues and then uses slight of hand on another issue. Like Weinergate and taking away your right to own land if it's too rural.


Well-Known Member
right now, it's all about keeping romney out. he would be an outright disaster, he doesn't even bill himself as a compassionate conservative like shrub did.
Like it actually matters what a politician claims about himself. I figured, in all your supposed wisdom, that you might have realized this by now.

one good way to make sure romney has a better chance at ordering around the feds is to appear soft on crime. a great way to appear soft on crime would be to make whatever wet dream announcement you guys are expecting him to make.
Really? Because polls suggest over 70% of the nation supports MMJ and 50% outright legalization.

would it be good if obama came out and made that wet dream announcement tomorrow? sure, maybe until next november (or january, actually).
And absolutely nothing they have done suggests this announcement will ever happen.

but there is a long game as well, and some people fail to see this. hell, some people can't even look far enough back (you don't have to even look far) to see how we've made most of our progress so far: voter initiatives.
What you fail to see is there is no significant difference between all the candidates and they are all ignoring American popular opinion on many subjects - forget about being moral and just in their beliefs and actions.

as far as things being OK when compliant with state law, yes. hell, we're not even allowed dispensaries in oregon and they have only shut down the big ones, leaving the little ones to be. lol wut?
So because they don't have the resources to go after all the little ones that means they're somehow ok now? They go after big ones because they have more assets to seize and it's a better use of resources. They will go after the little ones too in due time, unless more big ones spring up to replace the old ones (and they do tend to pop up).


Well-Known Member
For UncleBuck (I expect no reply as there is no defending this, rather I expect to be ignored completely and I suspect he will ignore this completely and then vote for a power hungry fanatic of a President):

[video=youtube;NZ68KY96zKQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ68KY96zKQ&feature=plcp&context=C47b3b49V DvjVQa1PpcFPa90Qx73V4N8D_YxfuohaYPhwjOC9I5iY=[/video]

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
that's not how i was playing the game, but i'll bite.

i'm losing no sleep over al-awlaki or anyone else of that nature.
He needs a trial first? What happened to your love of trials? Trials, not investigations, make reality? Why are you losing sleep over Trayvon? According to statements by -Zimmerman, he was trying to help out brother, cause he figured he was lost. Just like the government made statements, that must be true because all statements are true, against Al-awlaki.


Well-Known Member
Like it actually matters what a politician claims about himself. I figured, in all your supposed wisdom, that you might have realized this by now.
it doesn't, but he's not even making the effort.

Really? Because polls suggest over 70% of the nation supports MMJ and 50% outright legalization.
then i'm sure congress will be passing a bill soon.

what? not a chance in hell you say? heck, us stoners must be easy political targets or something.

And absolutely nothing they have done suggests this announcement will ever happen.
and i'm saying that's probably a good thing in the long run. unless you think romney is going to be much better on the issue.

What you fail to see is there is no significant difference between all the candidates and they are all ignoring American popular opinion on many subjects - forget about being moral and just in their beliefs and actions.
ummm, duh?

So because they don't have the resources to go after all the little ones that means they're somehow ok now? They go after big ones because they have more assets to seize and it's a better use of resources. They will go after the little ones too in due time, unless more big ones spring up to replace the old ones (and they do tend to pop up).
two local cops on patrol could go out tomorrow and shut down every dispensary in the greater portland area, it's not a matter of resources.


Well-Known Member
He needs a trial first? What happened to your love of trials? Trials, not investigations, make reality? Why are you losing sleep over Trayvon? According to statements by -Zimmerman, he was trying to help out brother, cause he figured he was lost. Just like the government made statements, that must be true because all statements are true, against Al-awlaki.
a kangaroo court would have lead to the exact same outcome. didn't he have a chance to come back and stand trial and defied it anyway?


Well-Known Member
We're talking about the Feds. Not your locals who have different political priorities.
so, you call off the feds and the state/county/local LEOs take their place.

i see no difference until we the people assert ourselves. that's how we even got to a position to be talking about raids on pot shops, it wasn't because we elected the right politico to draft up a bill.


Well-Known Member
The federal government can suck my felatio sausage and swallow. Don't care. Nobody prays to Jesus Christ, they always think McGuyver will rise out of the grave but nooooooooooo

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
a kangaroo court would have lead to the exact same outcome. didn't he have a chance to come back and stand trial and defied it anyway?
So if you were him, you'd turn yourself in after the Defender of Freedom, US, already marked you? Or would you run and take your chances? Maybe just the bully Bush does that sort of thing?

Judge Allows American to Sue Rumsfeld Over Torture


Obama would never do such a thing. He's so trustworthy and closed Guantanamo Bay.

Why are you so willing to accept our terrorism witch hunt? If we stayed out, we wouldn't be "victims" of terrorism anymore. Terrorist activity went to nearly zero in Iraq after we left because Iraq threatened us with war crime accusations if we didn't. We aren't attacked by militant Islam because they're jealous of our freedom and resent our women having rights. It's because we occupy and treat others like animals.

The US right now is no better than Hitler with how we treat the "enemy." Hitler's command raped, tortured, occupied, and humiliated his,enemies. All in the name of it's either them or us. We're nothing but the same. Our Hegemony will soon come to an end if we can't get it together. The USD continues to drop. Many other countries no longer use us as the reserve currency. And we have no one to blame but ourselves because others like you continue to make excuses for Obama, since the alternative is worse. The solution isn't either or, that's what they want. It's not what I want.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
It's worth remembering that on something as big as Obamacare, he would need Congress on his side.
However, for something like "setting the tone" at agencies like DEA and ATFe and IRS ... he has that capability. Obama is in on this; count on it. It could be as lame as O simply wanting to deny the opposition the "soft on crime" allegation that the campaign won't be able to avoid, but i don't believe that. I think that something else is in motion here, with the perceived gains in MMJ civil liberties as the likely casualty. cn
Yes it is the arrival of SATIVEX from GW Pharmaceuticals at the FDA with approval about to be granted...Big Corporation Big Dollars BUY the Politicians...can't sell the $100 a piece pills if people can just grow/buy their own....THAT is the reason


Well-Known Member
The President cannot issue an order that contravenes any part of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the keystone of marijuana prohibition in almost every country where it is prohibited. An EO decriminalizing cannabis would constitute a crime, and would be grounds for impeachment.
Apparently you didn't read my post where I said he can't legalize through executive order. He can issue directives about HOW the drug laws are to be enforced and where resources are to be directed.

The Constitution itself places treaties as equal to itself.

Article 6.
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Extra bolding added. The words of the constitution say that that treaty can not override the medical marijuana laws of California - just like the 10th amendment precludes the feds from taking away states rights but you don't ever see Obama saying that. He uses the constitution as justification for what he wants (obamacare). You don't hear him using it to lift a finger for MMJ.

more like a whiny little baby.

suppose obama steps out tomorrow and makes the announcement of desert douche's wet dreams. what next? is everyone going to be free to grow?

Maybe people in medical legal states will be able to without fear of federal repression.

What seems like an easy and obvious thing to us one-issue activists, probably doesn't actually occur to anyone in his shoes. He might have puffed some decent Hawaiian schwag enough times to count on both hands back in the day, but to think the legalization issue even gets a passing thought for anybody as busy as he is, I just can't see it. You know all the people who were big stoners in high school, who now have school-age kids and high pressure jobs, and how they think about the whole "drug" thing today? The ones who you really don't mention that you're still smoking weed? I think that pretty much describes Obama's situation. It's too bad he doesn't have a close family member or something who is both seriously ill and genuinely helped by MMJ. That has made the difference for a lot of my older, deep conservative acquaintances. What seems to really change the equation for them is the realization that the MMJ users they know tend to be _at least_ in their late 50s.
SO sick of EVERY politician (including Gingrich) who admit to smoking MJ at some point in their lives but still want to throw people in jail. By their standards their own career should be over and they should've been arrested. No one EVER calls them out on that hypocracy. It's still no excuse he completely flip flopped after the election before he was pro MMJ and now after he is against.

His attorney general argued he could kill any American citizen he wanted at any time without any kind of due process (OK, he used a semantical argument there and suggested the executive making a unilateral decision was the same thing as due process and that due process and judicial process are not at all the same thing). That's far worse than anything Bush ever argued, and the shit his legal team was arguing for was offensive to anyone who prefers to live in a free society based on the rule of law.

If you vote for Obama, you are voting for this.

Even Romney hasn't argued as much although I'm sure he agrees (or Santorum).
He can't kill any citizen at any time. I don't like him and won't even accuse him of that. That was a citizen on foreign soil used as the justification. I don't agree with it at all, but no one's saying he has that right. He HAS authorized the military to arrest citizens in secret they deem as threats to the state. Last I checked Guantanamo is still open too (somehow I remember him promising to close that down in his first year).


Well-Known Member
He can't kill any citizen at any time. I don't like him and won't even accuse him of that. That was a citizen on foreign soil used as the justification. I don't agree with it at all, but no one's saying he has that right. He HAS authorized the military to arrest citizens in secret they deem as threats to the state. Last I checked Guantanamo is still open too (somehow I remember him promising to close that down in his first year).
His attorney general explicitly stated he can kill any American citizen anywhere at any time for any reason if deemed a threat by the executive. That is exactly what he stated.