West Coast Chronic Vs East Coast Chronic???

just visited 2 dispenseries today in cali decide on 'true og kush' 'super og kush' 'sage and sour' 'purple bubba kush' 'third eye' and 'la confidential' those were just my picks for today out of 60 or 70 options from 2 dispeseries out of 400 that are local in my area. didnt feel like any clones/hash or other extracts today. ive been to amsterdam twice and cali is far superior in its strains and variety. most of the current best cannabis genetics start in cali. none of this is pride it is common knowledge. we have better weather and better laws you cant argue with that.
since ini was a wee lad i smoked the best ganjah(cali) in the hemisphere...lol cali has the best if ure a reg. joe on the street looking for sum collie but like was said theyre are people like us smoking one of a kind ganjah soooo who knows ini have the best collie in the wooooooorllllldd!!!!!
we are the best cali!!!!!burn babylon and ini will grow on the sea bed...the sea bed has the best collie!!!!!!!!!!!
yah like i said before the weed on the west coast is better and easier to find and cheaper than say the good shit on the east coast... thats all there is to it

I vouch for this, it is true 100%. I'm not from states but I am from vancouver and I moved to montreal. the east has good shit but incredibly hard to find and not consistent. in eastern canada there is this strain called M39 I personally don't like it but that is the street stuff and anything that is not M39 is considered EXO (exotic) and they charge an arm and leg literally, he is right. Even if it was just normal skunk as long as it is not M39 they can jack the price, I think there is only 2 kinds of weed other than sativa and indica and that is good weed and bad weed. there is more abundance of good shit and cheaper to get in the west and yes the west naturally has better growing conditions and the westcoast is not only limited to CALI sorry guys.

And yes genetics play a huge ass role in quality no matter how much sun or the best ferts you give it, its still gonna be shitty if the genes are shit.

the east does have good hash though
P.S. indoors anywhere in the world is the same as long as you have good seeds but out door wise then yes the westcoast hands down
ya, this argument is sort of bullshit considering the amount of indoor grows from mail-order seed that goes on, plus just because you buy a quad in LA or NYC doesn't mean it's FROM there. I'm from near Vancouver, and I always see BC Bud show up in Los Angeles.
plus, east coast herb is WAAAAY more expensive than west coast, and usually inferior or comparable at best. I have to say, West Coast is where it's at, especially BC and Cali
all the cannabis i see in cali is grown in socal or norcal i dont go to people who have anything else. the cannabis in amsterdam does not compare to socal's best strains and i have been there a few times there are strains in clone form here that are not available in amsterdam as of now and they are better. in cali cannabi is semi legal in cali our options for making new and better strains are endless it is big business here hundreds of growers share info and genetics you can walk in and trade with people get specific cuttings easily. i have lived out of cali and the organization and framework beetween growers is just not there the best strains have been coming from cali since the 70s the majority of amsterdam strains have cali genetics in there somwhere just not the newest best stuff. this is not pride about where your from it is simply common knowledge when i lived outside of cali all i could think of was getting back you can find good weed anywhere but the best of the best is not everywhere:peace:
. we have better weather and better laws you cant argue with that.

CA beats the Netherlands on weather (unless you don't like sun) but "better laws"? What the hell are you smoking? I don't see federal drug enforcement officers raiding coffeeshops in Amsterdam in hash busts.
i was reffering to the laws of the united states not the laws of europe. it is de-crimmed in spain and germany also. still rather be in the cali sun smoking og than in rainy cold holland any day . besides they raid 3 and 10 open the next day they have there work cut out for them. there are as many dispenseries in socal as there are coffee shops in amsterdam:peace:
Dont hate on the east coast. I Dunoo about Chronic, Kush, and all that shit, but i do know that up here in maine, we got some primo bud, Keeps me high as hell anyways,
I went in to the next room and didnt come out for 18 hours,,,,,, ( a little ww and bb and ak-47 and hashberry, and I was toast for that long...... Gonna do it again this weekend.............:peace:...............
I went to North Carolina.

It took me like 7 joints to even feel shit.

Worst family reunion ever.
i've smoked almost everywhere from boston,tampa florida,hawaii,alaska,cali,arizona,chicago, oregon and even oaklahoma. best plants are from these islands. only other place that comes close is in Alaska. we dont even speak fuckin english out here cuz we on the Pakalolo. O YEAH AND OUR WAVES WILL DESTROY CALI ANY DAY OF THE WEEK where else u gonna grow 808 every day! MUCH LOVE
