Drooping Plant!


Active Member
following the advice of another, i poured a couple of cap fulls of apple cider vinegar into my bubbleponic res to lower the ph. the ph was lowered successfully to the right lvl, but when i checked ten mins later, all my plants were drooping really bad. are they going to die!? they still look very green and somewhat healthy, they just look like they didnt like the sudden change. please, i need some advice!


Active Member
mk well im not a pro with bubbleponics but if you wanna lower ph and have no chance of hurting your plant add grinded up egg shell it will control ph and add calcium to plant.


Active Member

the first is before, second is after. i did notice that the rockwool was completely dry, so i poored some water over them...could i have cut off the oxygen supply to them and this is why they are drooping?


Active Member
View attachment 2104025View attachment 2104026

the first is before, second is after. i did notice that the rockwool was completely dry, so i poored some water over them...could i have cut off the oxygen supply to them and this is why they are drooping?
well your leaves look a little deficient might want to address that. If you are worried you cut oxygen might wanna check that too. id highly suggest egg shell for ph control hope this helps


Active Member
well your leaves look a little deficient might want to address that. If you are worried you cut oxygen might wanna check that too. id highly suggest egg shell for ph control hope this helps
i have added nutes, lowered the water lvl, now all i can do is hope for the best. is there any sign that itll pull thru, or does it look like itll die? and regarding the eggshells, what kind of amount do i use? how does this help my def if it causes the ph to rise?


Active Member
okay, so heres an update. the plant looks much better and has stopped drooping, but now one of the bottom fan leaves is curling up and turning brown...it looks like its going to die. i added half str gh maxigro nutes, and this is just starting their third week from sprouting.

these pics are both from the same plant, one is the droopy leaf i was talking about, the other is an above shot at the yellowing thats going on. i got scared that i over nuted them when i noticed this happening a few days ago, so i put them back in distilled water, then last night added the half Tsp of gh maxigrow...i dont know whats wrong. i feel like every time i go in my closet, things get worse. any help would be greatly appreciated.

also, im out of gh maxigro so if u plan on telling me to add more nutes, please keep in mind that i live in a small town, so all thats readily available to me is a farm supply store, and walmart.



Active Member
i have 0 experience with hydroponics but seem to me you are doing to many nutes bro.. vinegar and shit u wild lol.


Active Member
i have 0 experience with hydroponics but seem to me you are doing to many nutes bro.. vinegar and shit u wild lol.
dude, this made me lol. Im not trying to be crazy, just a newbie trying to take advice from anyone whos willing to give it lol. Lesson learned...dont be so quick to take advice.


Active Member
its str8 dude.. just read a lot in this forum you will learn.. ask questions dont be afraid... there are some sarcastic assholes in here but fuggit that wht the forum is for.. GL on ur grow...


Active Member
Flush flush flush flush nig
this may also be a stupid question, but how EXACTLY do i flush with a bubble system? I know how to with soil, stuff like thats everywhere. Seeing how im at work, i dont have time to do the proper research and u seem to be a DWC guru, so i figured nows as good as time. As any while i have u in my corner helping out :)


Active Member
Flush flush flush flush nig
not to insult ur intelligence by any means, but im curious what makes u think its nute burn and not nute def? Bc with all the yellowing leaves and brown spots, everything ive read points to def, and a lot of ppl in the forums have the same opinion about it being def instead of burn. So what makes u think that it needs to be flushed?